Bitch Ass Charlotte Cop Caught Stealing Money From Brotha In Custody.....Fellas Here We Go Again.....


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
15 years on the force and you get fired over just a $1000 :smh: :lol:

Who is snow bunny Hannah? She was looking kind of thicc... Lol

This PoliceActivity YouTube channel is a trip. Out of shape cac cop shoots and kills white dude running away.. :eek2:

This is why I fucking hate police. Simple traffic stop for rolling through a stop sign and he wants to arrest a guy, slam them on the ground and then shoot for no goddamn reason because He was hurting the guys arm twisting it slamming him to the ground and that shit hurt

And then he has the nerve to say dude, you okay? Fuck these cops. Every time I hear of one of them getting shot and killed it's for one of the ones who deserved it

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Threw away 15 yrs over what........ $1000?!!!

He resigned so he could get a job somewhere else but even pleading to misdemeanor theft..... our can't be a cop with a theft charge can you?

The post office has (former) murders on payroll but has zero tolerance for thieves
He will be a cop in a new town before the end of the year.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He will be a cop in a new town before the end of the year.
Oh, he's probably got a few different applications out there. And he will probably get another Jon within a few weeks.....

but he is being charged with something along the lines of theft.... Once he's convicted all of that is over....even if he doesn't have real jail time ( 1 year/ 18 month suspended sentence pending parole.....he'll lose the new job too.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Oh, he's probably got a few different applications out there. And he will probably get another Jon within a few weeks.....

but he is being charged with something along the lines of theft.... Once he's convicted all of that is over....even if he doesn't have real jail time ( 1 year/ 18 month suspended sentence pending parole.....he'll lose the new job too.
I wouldn't be so sure he'll be convicted.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wouldn't be so sure he'll be convicted.

He stated repeatedly that he handed over all the money....
Then he is seen fidgeting and moving around behind the cover of the door while being accused of taking the money and eventually the money was found in his drivers door and he clearly states "it's not my money."

Well if it's not your money, why did you place it there?

But you're right. Cops get held to a lower standard


Rising Star
Platinum Member
brother wouldn't stop talking!
I'm glad the Black cop told him to stop apologizing.

Hope dude can somehow sue the city and get a few more stacks.

Make an example out of that dirty ass cop.

Yeah I can't really criticize bruh too much
But just 2 things I wish he would've done differently

Stop being so nice to these pigs, stop apologizing
Ask for a lawyer fam, don't sit down for an interview with that Sergeant
(No matter how nice he tries to portray himself to be)


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
brother wouldn't stop talking!
He said he had OCD which makes him honest to a fault. His type of disorder causes him to overshare. He apologizes for minor or nonexistent faults in order to mitigate any fallout from being dishonest.

it takes years to learn how to manage that kind of behavior. It also puts you at a disadvantage. When arguing with folks YOU are compelled to be honest. You cant help it. But THEY can lie they asses off.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I was just about to post's the full vid.
i'll time stamp it.....

2:54 - Cop goes thru another pocket of his jacket and pulls out probably $7-8,000 and sits it on the trunk of the car, then puts it in the car on the passenger seat. (during this time, the money has rubber bands on it)

5:05 - The thieving cop gives the money to another cop and lets the guy know that he's giving the female cop all his money. (the money doesn't have the rubberband on it anymore)...and the guy notices it. He leans in the car to look because he notices the cop fidgeting and he also heard the rubberband pop.

5:18 - The thieving cop tries to distract him and pointing to his other partners while he tries to hide the money.

From there it seems like they are all trying to talk to him, one asking him how much money does he have, another one asking him to calm down.
All the while he keeps telling the officers to check the thieving cop cuz he's trying to hide the money between his legs.

7:29-7:40 - You can see the thieving cop moving his hands to place the money in the door of the car....looking guilty as fuck.

16:13 - Finally the black sargeant decides to check the cac cop car to show the dude that there isn't any money in there, but the dude notices that his money is in the door of the car and points it out.

Guilt was all over his fuckin face.............dude was on his shit tho, calling them out.

Fuck your sorry! Cuff him! Put a boot on his fucking neck!!!! You're sorry you got caught!!! If there's video evidence, why not arrest him right there!? Detained while at work :hmm: Fuck an investigation.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Threw away 6 figures for a thousand dollars. Good for him.
His pig ass almost made $900 dollars in 20 minutes. And this isn’t his first time either, this his first time getting caught. I know police officers before they became police. Maybe through basketball, night club or motorcycle. All them pigs struggling…They buy big house and live house broke. I remember we was at the gas station, ninja card got declined. I had to put some gas in this ninja motorcycle.

Later on I changed my number. They’ll do anything for that bread.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He said he had OCD which makes him honest to a fault. His type of disorder causes him to overshare. He apologizes for minor or nonexistent faults in order to mitigate any fallout from being dishonest.

it takes years to learn how to manage that kind of behavior. It also puts you at a disadvantage. When arguing with folks YOU are compelled to be honest. You cant help it. But THEY can lie they asses off.
Well said....


Rising Star
He said he had OCD which makes him honest to a fault. His type of disorder causes him to overshare. He apologizes for minor or nonexistent faults in order to mitigate any fallout from being dishonest.

it takes years to learn how to manage that kind of behavior. It also puts you at a disadvantage. When arguing with folks YOU are compelled to be honest. You cant help it. But THEY can lie they asses off.

Too many people think having an obsessive compulsive disorder just means they are a neat freak and repetitive rituals. The disease is MUCH more than just that.

He exhibited all the signs of really truly having that disease.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
He gets busted and what was his best defense? "That ain't my money!"

Fucking clown. :rolleyes:

The dirty cop actually fucked his own self over when he said that, LOL
Now when the trial starts, he can't use that excuse in court
The cop can't lie on the witness stand & say, the money was his all along

Since the pig already admitted the money isn't his
He would have to find another cop to lie for him & say the money was theirs
Like how Shyne took the wrap for Diddy & said the gun was his

So basically..... that dirty cop is FUCKED !!! :)
Dumb motha fucka better just take a plea bargin, & plead guilty to a lesser crime
He ain't beating this shit bruh, because its all on camera

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
He stated repeatedly that he handed over all the money....
Then he is seen fidgeting and moving around behind the cover of the door while being accused of taking the money and eventually the money was found in his drivers door and he clearly states "it's not my money."

Well if it's not your money, why did you place it there?

But you're right. Cops get held to a lower standard
All it takes is 1 juror for a mistrial.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
The dirty cop actually fucked his own self over when he said that, LOL
Now when the trial starts, he can't use that excuse in court
The cop can't lie on the witness stand & say, the money was his all along

Since the pig already admitted the money isn't his
He would have to find another cop to lie for him & say the money was theirs
Like how Shyne took the wrap for Diddy & said the gun was his

So basically..... that dirty cop is FUCKED !!! :)
Dumb motha fucka better just take a plea bargin, & plead guilty to a lesser crime
He ain't beating this shit bruh, because its all on camera
This was all on camera too.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
All it takes is 1 juror for a mistrial.
This was all on camera too.

Yeah good point :cool:
But they were about to go to trial again, for a second time though
Then he just pled guilty instead, & got 20 years in jail

But times have changed (somewhat) since that case back in 2016/2017
So hopefully, no stupid Karens are picked for this dirty cops trial


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
CDMP Chief Johnny Jennings said, "The actions of former ofc. Chapman are a contradiction of what we stand for"...Spidey senses/OCD on ultra...not only did i hear the rubber band snap..i could feel his thirsts

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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Props to the other cops for not siding with the thief.


Nah fam, don't give props to those piece of shit cops
None of them deserve props !!!
In the beginning it seemed like they were trying to gaslight him
Seemed like they were trying to play both sides of the fence at the same time

The female cop was like "look over here & watch me count out the rest of this cash"
The black sergeant was like "look at me, look at me, no one is trying to take your money"
And even after the pig was caught, the female cop was like "calm down, lets take it down a notch"
Like really bitch ??? Ya boy just committed a felony !!! :hmm:

And the black sergeant was saying all the politically correct talking points to bruh, during the sitdown interview
Like "we take this seriously, I want to curse right now, etc, etc"
But when the same black sergeant talked to the dirty cop in that office
Black sergeant was like "you good, you relaxed, you need something to eat or drink, want some Red Lobster & shit"

You would think the other cops would be pissed off at him, upset, outraged, etc, etc
But nah, those mofos were acting all nonchalant as hell
Cops standing around probably thinking.....
"We would've gotten away with it, if it wasn't for that pup named Scooby Doo" :rolleyes:
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Rising Star
Platinum Member

Its starting to get some more traction on other youtube channels
**** There's actually some new footage ****
No need to watch the whole vid, just skip to these parts:

From the 20:52 mark to the 26:45 mark, is new footage
The dirty cops walks up to the very last cop #4
Cop #4 basically says "My recording is still on just so you know, dont say anything else to incriminate yourself"
But yet these pigs try so hard to create the illusion that they are being fair & honest :rolleyes2:

And then from the 32:50 mark til the end, is new footage of the pig finally being arrested & in jail



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Okay one last video, LOL
This is the best breakdown commentary I've seen on youtube
This youtuber is a former law enforcement officer
But he broke that shit down so well
Shit..... I had to subscribe to his channel
It starts at the 15:55 mark, really good breakdown.....
