Bitcoin just broke 8000... UPDATE $9100! over 10k!!! My nigga its about to break 20k!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I read about bitcoin on here around 2010, and forgot about it. Mainly because I didn't understand it and I also didn't know anything about. So, that was a huge opportunity missed, I didn't wanna miss out again. As result, I went all in after about 2 months of research on various coins. And if I lost, I knew that I would make that money again, so it wasn't that huge of risk in my mind.

Damn bruh


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I read about bitcoin on here around 2010, and forgot about it. Mainly because I didn't understand it and I also didn't know anything about. So, that was a huge opportunity missed, I didn't wanna miss out again. As result, I went all in after about 2 months of research on various coins. And if I lost, I knew that I would make that money again, so it wasn't that huge of risk in my mind.
Are you looking for a son? I desperately need guidance. I’m so lost.


Rising Star
OG Investor


Superstar *****
Platinum Member
It is NOT too late. Firstly you don't have to buy a whole bitcoin, you can buy a fraction of one, secondly you can make a lot more money trading the alt coins than you can with just bitcoin.
I heard a lot of scamming going on with alt coins


Rising Star
OG Investor
I heard a lot of scamming going on with alt coins

There are alt coins (probably 95%) that are garbage. However if you do proper research, you can find some that are cheap (under a dollar) but eventually increase by 1000% or more.

I'm not suggesting that you dump your life savings in it and see what happens. But at a minimum, I'd read the cryptocurrency thread and put in a small amount (like $20) just to get the hang of it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Its gonna crash soon. So is the dollar

yea there are a lot of wall street heads, lookin to short bitcoin.....

they predicting it to fall and they say when it falls its gonna fall big..

but right now it willl take some crazy news, for that to happen, like countries passing laws to make owning bitcoin illegal....

which they may try to do, and that will just push up many other crypto coins that are banking on that....

John Million

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What kind of invest would it take a brother to get in the game this late

I would say just invest anything you can afford to lose. Start small, learn the game and scale up. Lots of ways to make money. I just got started less than a month ago. I'm doing cryptocurrency lending, made about 260 in 3 weeks. Check out the crypto thread. I'm going to invest in an online course so I can get most of the info in one place instead of googling everything. I posted a link where you get $10 bitcoin when you buy $100 on coinbase. Just get in the game, today in the time to do it.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I think buying Bitcoin is still a safe bet. No idea how fast it will keep growing. I bought a couple at $2900 and immediately regretted going in that high since I had bought my first bitcoins under $1000, it seemed like too high and risky. Sure would like to buy it at $3k now!

But all that penny stock alt coin shit? That is a hustle. Buy that stuff at your own peril. It is a pump and dump world. By the time I heard about specific alt coins on the BGOL thread and bought in, they were peaked, and then crashed. Great way to lose $5k! Just bitcoin from here on out for me.

And what the fuck am I going to do with 35k Wagerr though?!?!?!?

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I heard a lot of scamming going on with alt coins
The altcoins and ICOs have a lot of scams. There are just too many coins that don't have working products, just promises. But guess what? They still go up. A lot of solid projects in the top 20. Some on BGOL have made some nice calls and they're documented in the official crypto thread.

It's always nice to invest in some of the top currencies and then look for coins with small marketcaps that have a chance to go up 10 or more times. That's how most of us made a lot of money. It wasn't just because of BTC. Game is BTC, flip to solid alts, price goes up, flip to BTC.

It's $200 billion plus marketcap and only a very small percentage of the population is in it. Still just the beginning. It's crazy we have posts about :( "it's too late for me' when the shit was $5000.

Just wait until some of these solid alts have more fiat pairings. :money:


Rising Star
OG Investor
yep it’s so “hot” that places like microsoft newegg expedia gamestop subway whole foods and many other places are now accepting it as backward scary negroes should just stay out of these threads @ this point...too ignorant to understand the market or @ least try to but want to spread FUD as if you’re informed

Man, I wish we had rep points so I could rep this.

I need in on this bitcoin shit.


Rising Star
So I set up a account on coinbase

Is it possible that their are other coins on the come up I can invest in besides



Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
So I set up a account on coinbase

Is it possible that their are other coins on the come up I can invest in besides


it’s not easy...someone said about 95% of altcoins are bullshit...I’d be a little more generous and say 85-90% of them are...earlier in the year it was “easier” to jump into the 10-15% of coins that had a legit future and watch them rise in value but a lot of those coins have really been pumped up...granted some of them can grow more but it’d require a lot more $$$ coming into the market...a lot of us have had success looking @ ICOs or other projects whose potential hasn’t been recognized by the masses yet...ICOs are projects that haven’t hit the market yet similar to an they’re cheaper...if you can get in on an ICO that hits the market and it makes its way into that 10-15% of coins then that’s tantamount to striking oil...same if you can discover a project that’s waddling among the 85-90% of “shitcoins” before folks recognize it for what it is and it is pumped up into that 10-15% group...these pumps are organic so the coins will eventually settle in price but they will hold their position in that group

that is just one works for some of us bcuz as a few of us were discussing yesterday...we believe in the industry so we sincerely believe in some of these find a good project...the $$$ will come...but the hard part comes into doing the research and staying vigilant...there’s a lot of rumors on a national level...political shit etc. that sometimes fuck w/ the market just like wall st. ...if you’re not up to doing research on your on and you just follow the crowd or chase the $$$ you can find yourself making pretty bad won’t lose all your $$$ but you can lose a lot of it being stuck in a project


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
So I set up a account on coinbase

Is it possible that their are other coins on the come up I can invest in besides


here’s a list of bitcoin and all altcoins...I look @ this shit @ least 3x a day...that’s not even taking into account looking @ websites...telegrams slacks bitcointalk forums twitter feeds etc...during the summer I could easily spend 6-8 hours some days doing research...I have OCD so that’s kind of overkill but it doesn’t hurt to spend an hour or two a day just familiarizing yourself w/ the market

the 10-15% of altcoins that are worth half a damn are in the top 200 (there are some coins in the top 200–I’d say about 50—that are pump and dump garbage also known as ‘shitcoins’)

my recent bread and butter has been ICOs...these are projects that haven’t been listed on coinmarketcap as yet...they will start off low on the list but once ppl realize/think they missed out on a gem it’ll rise and can even crack the top 100...if the project is the real deal it’ll stay there and climb even’s a site that lists current...upcoming and past ICOs

main things we look for in a project...what it does...the team behind it and the circulating/total supply of tokens for starters...please don’t just focus on how cool the logo looks and how nice the website is lol...I used to do that shit...fortunately I can laugh about it now that I’ve learned the ropes and a lot of the lingo so I’m a lot better @ being able to describe some of these projects and why I believe in the industry which is why I think there’s a lot more $$$ to be made and why it can’t be stopped
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Rising Star
here’s a list of bitcoin and all altcoins...I look @ this shit @ least 3x a day...that’s not even taking into account looking @ websites...telegrams slacks bitcointalk forums twitter feeds etc...during the summer I could easily spend 6-8 hours some days doing research...I have OCD so that’s kind of overkill but it doesn’t hurt to spend an hour or two a day just familiarizing yourself w/ the market

the 10-15% of altcoins that are worth half a damn are in the top 200 (there are some coins in the top 200–I’d say about 50—that are pump and dump garbage also known as ‘shitcoins’)

Great info man I'll have to dig deep on this one. I keep hearing about this and always wonder d if it was worth checking out
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