Black Chicago Residents are FED UP! Illegals TAKING OVER Black Middle Class Neighborhoods!


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor

Barnes: Black Americans take a hit as immigration climbs​

A landslide is described as a massive movement of material that can happen suddenly or over a period of time. Black Americans have been surviving the landslide of immigrant labor over the last 200 years.

“It is evident, painfully evident to every reflecting mind that the means of living, for colored men, are becoming more and more precarious and limited. Employments and callings, formerly monopolized by us, are so no longer,” said Frederick Douglass in 1853.

Now, due to the policies of the current administration, cities across the nation are feeling the pain points of mass immigration that were once only felt by border towns.

The surge in illegal immigration has added millions of less-educated workers to the U.S. labor market. Most illegal immigrants are economic migrants seeking work, legally or illegally. Most of them are hard workers. The United States doesn’t need them.

Two out of every five Black Americans with a high school degree only do not have a job.

Three out of every five Black Americans with less than a high school degree are jobless. That’s a nonemployment rate twice the level of the Great Depression.

Political leaders calling for more immigration are carrying on the unseemly American tradition of indifference to foundational Americans descended from slaves.

Black Americans need sensible immigration policy. Unemployment requests have skyrocketed as we have seen illegal immigrants come from over 95 countries. State and local budgets have dried up since they have overspent to house, feed, and educate illegal immigrants. Black Americans watch these efforts as the homeless and jobless in their own communities continue to struggle. Elected officials who support sanctuary city policies and open borders must be ousted from office. These policies do not meet the interests of Black Americans as profits from mass immigration for developers, corporations, and NGOs are placed above the needs of citizens.

One month after joining NumbersUSA, I went to Chicago to meet with Brian Mullins from the Black American Voters Project. South Shore residents devastated by poverty and perennial failed policies were fighting for resources. A closed school, promised to them to become a water treatment plant, additional housing, or a recreation center, was in the process of being turned into a shelter for illegal immigrants. Mullins stated: “We are not inhumane to people’s plight. But we are looking at the reality we live in and we think it is irresponsible to take a people whose community is already in disarray and place additional people without resources.” Similar scenarios were happening across the country. Here in Boston, the state took over the Melnea Cass Recreational Complex to house migrants.

President Calvin Coolidge signed the Immigration Act of 1924. This act significantly reduced mass immigration to America from 700,000 in 1924 to 294,000 in 1925. After the slowing of the flow of immigrant labor, companies were forced to hire American workers. Many Americans, especially Black Americans were able to move into the middle class. The Immigration Act of 1965 restarted mass immigration (now over one million per year) and ever since we have seen Black economic progress stagnate and decline. We have a prescription for unemployment, sprawl and inflation. We had a 45-year trial period to see that it worked – tight labor laws and decreased immigration have time and time again shown to lead to economic empowerment for Americans.

My maxim to students and community members is all you know is what you have learned, but all you have learned is not all there is to know. I want to ensure that people have all the facts and that they know where to get primary source information about immigration policy. Whether in the 2024 election or at another time in their lives they will have to make decisions about immigration. These policies will affect their communities, their businesses, and their children. Being exposed to different viewpoints about immigration will help them navigate what sensible immigration means to them.

Andre Barnes is the Engagement Director for Historically Black Colleges and Universities for NumbersUSA.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Alternate thread tittle:
"Nigha get off your ass because the government ain't coming to save you"


Transnational Member

I have been complaining for years on BGOL, many of you are on Fantasy Island with your indigenous white women. You got what is coming to you.

As a person looking to immigrate, I am mindful not to do any cancerous activity in their country. Not to be a nuisance or think I should be at the top of some delusional hierarchy.

It felt like I was talking to myself. Many of them are blowing up the Caitlin Clark thread now. Attacking me nonstop trying to get me banned.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member

I have been complaining for years on BGOL, many of you are on Fantasy Island with your indigenous white women. You got what is coming to you.

It felt like I was talking to myself. Many of them are blowing up the Caitlin Clark thread now. Attacking me nonstop trying to get me banned.
Ban you? I'd never let that happen. I, and many others realize that you are the brains of this operation and without you, there would be no BGOL.


Transnational Member
1. It depends on the group that is immigrating. If you see them show up and refuse menial labor, that is bad sign

2. Hoarding low skill jobs with trade policy back in their country while flooding into high skilled jobs here choking you off.

3. Forming work gangs, using language as a pretext. If they are second generation doing this they need to be let go.

4. This gay YouTuber try to put out filth that black construction workers are scammers.

Database Error

You're right dawg
OG Investor
them mexican had damm near took over pontiac mi...shit is unreal,,to over this one park playing they version of football and playing
that circus tuba narco music...
"circus tuba narco music."


Transnational Member
The ones showing up on planes with tech visas or going to colleges that overstay when they graduate are 10x worse than any clown from Mexico or South America. They leverage their advanced degrees to get citizenship.

I posted about how some of them went on CNN to attack us or they may file lawsuits.

They refuse menial labor and have some delusional hierarchy in their minds where they are above you.

One person like this is 20x worse than a migrant on a bus
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Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
Voting for Trump is not going to get these motherfuckers out of here.

In Louisiana, we have a governor who is a true Trump dick sucker and he was caught using illegal immigrants as labor

Agreed. Voting for the Democrats without demands, an agenda or any form of repercussions for failing to serve our interest got us here being victims to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Their policies did this!

They need to be held accountable. This is not an endorsement for racist ass republicans, but WE need to hold those who have betrayed and abused our vote, history, and contribution to this country accountable.

The pain expressed by the lady who lost her food truck pulls at my heartstrings.
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Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Voting for Trump is not going to get these motherfuckers out of here.

In Louisiana, we have a governor who is a true Trump dick sucker and he was caught using illegal immigrants as labor

Agreed. Voting for the Democrats without demands, an agenda or any form of repercussions for failing to serve our interest got us here being victims to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Their policies did this!

They need to be held accountable. This is not an endorsement for racist ass republicans, but WE need to hold those who have betrayed and abused our vote, history, and contribution to this country accountable.

The pain expressed by the lady who lost her food truck pulls at my heartstrings.

The reality is that both the Dems and the GOP are in on this! GOP was the cheap labor and depressed wages for big business while the Dems want the votes and demographic replacement. The only difference I'd argue is that at least the GOP his far less likely to legalize them.

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
You always vote for your demise. I don’t feel sorry for you. Nighaz always cape for immigrants. I’ve learned that nighaz only learn shit when it’s right in their faces. You can’t tell them anything in advance.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
What “reparations” are you getting?
Them tax free dollars I've been getting since I was 14...
Learnt about them tax free dollars. I've been getting them ever since. I'm a registered independent that votes mostly democrat not because I'm looking for them to give me something or do something for me or give me something but mainly not to take anything from me...


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Them tax free dollars I've been getting since I was 14...
Learnt about them tax free dollars. I've been getting them ever since. I'm a registered independent that votes mostly democrat not because I'm looking for them to give me something or do something for me or give me something but mainly not to take anything from me...

So how are you getting tax-free dollars?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Agreed. Voting for the Democrats without demands, an agenda or any form of repercussions for failing to serve our interest got us here being victims to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Their policies did this!

They need to be held accountable. This is not an endorsement for racist ass republicans, but WE need to hold those who have betrayed and abused our vote, history, and contribution to this country accountable.

The pain expressed by the lady who lost her food truck pulls at my heartstrings.

This post equates to supporting Trump according to BGOL logic.


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
This post equates to supporting Trump according to BGOL logic.

The collective intelligence of this board has degraded over the last 15 years. We had some brilliant and analytical minds on here once upon a time. The current membership seems easily swayed and influenced by emotionalism, misplaced loyalty, biased judgment, or anything that opposes and criticizes their political affiliations.

It's okay to hold folks accountable and call out their bullshit and still renounce the opposition.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Where is the outrage for the Republican Governors who illegally trafficked bus loads of illegal aliens across state lines to those cities? How many of you are going to vote for the devils who sent illegal devils to your cities?


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
The collective intelligence of this board has degraded over the last 15 years. We had some brilliant and analytical minds on here once upon a time. The current membership seems easily swayed and influenced by emotionalism, misplaced loyalty, biased judgment, or anything that opposes and criticizes their political affiliations.

It's okay to hold folks accountable and call out their bullshit and still renounce the opposition.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Where is the outrage for the Republican Governors who illegally trafficked bus loads of illegal aliens across state lines to those cities? How many of you are going to vote for the devils who sent illegal devils to your cities?
I dont fuck with republicans, but it was a smart thing they did.

People in those big blue cities were always quick to shit on the red states that actually had to deal with these people. Now that they sent them, and the reality about having to take care of these people is in their face, now its all about "but where is my reparations?!"

I dont feel sorry for either side. Republicans have made the homelands of many of these people hell with their shitty policy, and democrats in these big cities who have been sitting around voting for these "Immigrants welcome" politicians for decades, can now live with them.

The chickens have come home to roost, and its a 5'5 man named Manuel who'll do your lawn care for 20 bucks a day. Enjoy it.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
I dont fuck with republicans, but it was a smart thing they did.

People in those big blue cities were always quick to shit on the red states that actually had to deal with these people. Now that they sent them, and the reality about having to take care of these people is in their face, now its all about "but where is my reparations?!"

I dont feel sorry for either side. Republicans have made the homelands of many of these people hell with their shitty policy, and democrats in these big cities who have been sitting around voting for these "Immigrants welcome" politicians for decades, can now live with them.

The chickens have come home to roost, and its a 5'5 man named Manuel who'll do your lawn care for 20 bucks a day. Enjoy it.

"it was a smart thing they did". That's good to know.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
it was "it was a smart thing they did". That's good to know.
I mean it was. You'd have to be blind to see it wasnt. So many people were happy to welcome all types of immigrants when they werent having to live near them, or directly take care of them. Out of sight out of mind, but you see how the people behave when its time to start sharing their communities though.

MLK spoke of how "Moderate" white moderates were when they were finally inconvenienced. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The collective intelligence of this board has degraded over the last 15 years. We had some brilliant and analytical minds on here once upon a time. The current membership seems easily swayed and influenced by emotionalism, misplaced loyalty, biased judgment, or anything that opposes and criticizes their political affiliations.

It's okay to hold folks accountable and call out their bullshit and still renounce the opposition.

I've done my part and been roasted for it. I'll sit back and watch the world burn from now on. It's too tiring fighting the 5 guys who answer your well thought out posts with endless tweets, gifs and memes.

The rules here are enforced as follows:

DEMOCRATIC leaning SPAM="Spreading the good word'
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Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
I've done my part and been roasted for it. I'll sit back and watch the world burn from now on. It's too tiring fighting the 5 guys who answer your well thought out posts with endless tweets, gifs and memes.

The rules here are enforced as follows:

DEMOCRATIC leaning SPAM="Spreading the good word'

I understand.
Patience and tolerance are virtues.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Them tax free dollars I've been getting since I was 14...
Learnt about them tax free dollars. I've been getting them ever since. I'm a registered independent that votes mostly democrat not because I'm looking for them to give me something or do something for me or give me something but mainly not to take anything from me...
I don't know about tax-free dollars since 14, but I'm getting them tax-free dollars from military disability.

Every time I run into a veteran I ask them If they're 100%. If not I give them the same attention and help that a lot of folks did me. Even though it took me 16 years to get disability, I'm at $2300 a month now and will be at nearly $4000 by years end, plus my $75k salary.

Back, knees, ankles, migraines, shoulders and PTSD. As military veterans, many of us have suffered in silence. Many more are just done with the whole freaking process. Let's get that tax-free money folks


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

LOL when she started crying (5:00) because the migrant had enough money to buy her food truck I was dying laughing. LOL this is what I would call a black Karen. So you crying because you got paid off someone buying your foodtruck. Like your mad they aren't more poor.

If you mad at someone who is doing worse than you. you are just a hater.

If people got mad about immigration and it caused them to suggest better policies or provide businesses that support the community then I might be down but people get mad about immigration and blame the immigrant. The immigrant ain't do shit but try to improve their life by moving. Guess what if shit hit the fan I'm doing the same shit.

If I own a property and the government comes to me and offers to subsidize the rent for some immigrants I would be a fool not to take the government money. If I own a transportation company and the governement is paying me to transport immigrants I would be a fool not to take it. So who is wrong here? The immigrant for immigrating, the landlord for renting, the job that needed the worker? Seriously what are we mad about.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
I dont feel sorry for either side. Republicans have made the homelands of many of these people hell with their shitty policy, and democrats in these big cities who have been sitting around voting for these "Immigrants welcome" politicians for decades, can now live with them.

It's not just Republicans making their homelands hell because of shitty police. That's been American policy regardless of which party is in power. I'm sure @Supersav could wax poetic on this issue.

it was "it was a smart thing they did". That's good to know.

Politically it was very smart.