Black Chicago Residents are FED UP! Illegals TAKING OVER Black Middle Class Neighborhoods!


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
I don't know about tax-free dollars since 14, but I'm getting them tax-free dollars from military disability.

Every time I run into a veteran I ask them If they're 100%. If not I give them the same attention and help that a lot of folks did me. Even though it took me 16 years to get disability, I'm at $2300 a month now and will be at nearly $4000 by years end, plus my $75k salary.

Back, knees, ankles, migraines, shoulders and PTSD. As military veterans, many of us have suffered in silence. Many more are just done with the whole freaking process. Let's get that tax-free money folks

So are you really in pain or just hustling the system?


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
LOL when she started crying (5:00) because the migrant had enough money to buy her food truck I was dying laughing. LOL this is what I would call a black Karen. So you crying because you got paid off someone buying your foodtruck. Like your mad they aren't more poor.

If you mad at someone who is doing worse than you. you are just a hater.

If people got mad about immigration and it caused them to suggest better policies or provide businesses that support the community then I might be down but people get mad about immigration and blame the immigrant. The immigrant ain't do shit but try to improve their life by moving. Guess what if shit hit the fan I'm doing the same shit.

If I own a property and the government comes to me and offers to subsidize the rent for some immigrants I would be a fool not to take the government money. If I own a transportation company and the governement is paying me to transport immigrants I would be a fool not to take it. So who is wrong here? The immigrant for immigrating, the landlord for renting, the job that needed the worker? Seriously what are we mad about.

This is sell-out talk right here! :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's not just Republicans making their homelands hell because of shitty police. That's been American policy regardless of which party is in power. I'm sure @Supersav could wax poetic on this issue.

Politically it was very smart.
He's a super dem so blaming American policy solely on Republicans is par for the course. America has been destabilizing these countries with war and coups when they don't allow American multinational corps to make money off their natural resources forever. Then market this country as the land of the free lmao


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
So are you really in pain or just hustling the system?
In pain like a mofo. Back, knees, migraines, hip. My Body literally feels 20 years older than my 47 years I wish I was pain-free and hustling the system, but I'm not. It hurts to stand up. It hurts to sit. I've literally been unproductive this past month at work because I can't focus because of the pain

But real talk. On this thread, we all know you're going to vote Trump. That's okay. Do you. There is no need for subterfuge BS threads talking about black people and Chicago suburbs caring about immigration.

Do you know why white people care about immigration? Because white people aren't having babies and immigrants who come from brown countries are having three and more kids. White people will be outnumbered here in 20 years and that's why they care about immigration (Google Jane Elliott and the Birth Dearth)

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You have four years. I'd suggest a party that is clearly focused on the state/district/city that they're running for and open to negotiate to any member of the governing body.



Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
In pain like a mofo. Back, knees, migraines, hip. My Body literally feels 20 years older than my 47 years I wish I was pain-free and hustling the system, but I'm not. It hurts to stand up. It hurts to sit. I've literally been unproductive this past month at work because I can't focus because of the pain

But real talk. On this thread, we all know you're going to vote Trump. That's okay. Do you. There is no need for subterfuge BS threads talking about black people and Chicago suburbs caring about immigration.

Do you know why white people care about immigration? Because white people aren't having babies and immigrants who come from brown countries are having three and more kids. White people will be outnumbered here in 20 years and that's why they care about immigration (Google Jane Elliott and the Birth Dearth)

"...we all know you're going to vote Trump..." :smh: In the same thread where I say BOTH PARTIES are in on this shit and the same thread 850credit and Apophis call out this kind of dense, close-minded "analysis", you still say shit like this? Immigration has been criticized by Black ADOS leaders for over 150 years because of the impact it has on the native Black population.

And as far as immigration is concerned, you're overlooking the second part of the equation, which is ASSIMILATION! And that's what many of these immigrants will become. The new white people. Just as Jews, Italians, and Irish did in the past. And most Latinos already identify as "white" just as most Indians (like Kamala's mother" identify as "white" or "Caucasian" as well.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
"...we all know you're going to vote Trump..." :smh: In the same thread where I say BOTH PARTIES are in on this shit and the same thread 850credit and Apophis call out this kind of dense, close-minded "analysis", you still say shit like this? Immigration has been criticized by Black ADOS leaders for over 150 years because of the impact it has on the native Black population.

And as far as immigration is concerned, you're overlooking the second part of the equation, which is ASSIMILATION! And that's what many of these immigrants will become. The new white people. Just as Jews, Italians, and Irish did in the past. And most Latinos already identify as "white" just as most Indians (like Kamala's mother" identify as "white" or "Caucasian" as well.

Unless the immigrants in Chicago are coming from Canada, you can kick rocks. It's a long way from fucking Mexico to Chicago. They didn't get there by walking. But both sides, right?



Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Unless the immigrants in Chicago are coming from Canada, you can kick rocks. It's a long way from fucking Mexico to Chicago. They didn't get there by walking. But both sides, right?

And Chicago offered them sanctuary and money. As I said above, BOTH PARTIES are in on this shit! But there’s only one party that people like YOU are telling us to be BLINDLY in support of.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
And Chicago offered them sanctuary and money. As I said above, BOTH PARTIES are in on this shit! But there’s only one party that people like YOU are telling us to be BLINDLY in support of.
Whatever dude. Trump tried to overthrow the government and incited an insurrection. Beyond the raping of E Jean Carroll, and Pedo shit, I can't vote for him. And the Republican politicians who think all of that is okay and are willing and ready to vote for him anyway means I can't vote for them either.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is sell-out talk right here! :smh:

Every fascist takeover started with fuck the immigrants. I'm super pro immigration.

Open borders or give it back to the Native Americans but gatekeeping stolen land (for the white mans benefit) is the ultimate sell out move to me.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Whatever dude. Trump tried to overthrow the government and incited an insurrection. Beyond the raping of E Jean Carroll, and Pedo shit, I can't vote for him. And the Republican politicians who think all of that is okay and are willing and ready to vote for him anyway means I can't vote for them either.

Who the fuck has said anything about voting for Trump?!? :smh:

@850credit and @APOPHIS Prime example of what y'all were talking about!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Who the fuck has said anything about voting for Trump?!? :smh:

@850credit and @APOPHIS Prime example of what y'all were talking about!

Thing is, a 3rd party will never work in America simply because too many people BELIEVE it would never work.

Self fulfilling prophecy.

So yes, it will come down to Harris vs Trump, or whatever Dem vs Rep.

Thing is, and this is no hate to godofwine, but you can make the same post and switch out what Trump/Republicans did for what Harris/Dems have done. Harris has Black Mark's on her record too that Dems overlook just like Republicans overlook their candidate's flaws.

The Young Turks are getting rich pointing out flaws on both sides.

But ya gotta vote for somebody. It's a vicious game when there's only 2 choices.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor

Chicago’s response to migrant influx stirs longstanding frustrations among Black residents​

CHICAGO (AP) — The closure of Wadsworth Elementary School in 2013 was a blow to residents of the majority-Black neighborhood it served, symbolizing a city indifferent to their interests.

So when the city reopened Wadsworth last year to shelter hundreds of migrants without seeking community input, it added insult to injury. Across Chicago, Black residents are frustrated that long-standing needs are not being met while the city’s newly arrived are cared for with a sense of urgency, and with their tax dollars.

“Our voices are not valued nor heard,” says Genesis Young, a lifelong Chicagoan who lives near Wadsworth.

Chicago is one of several big American cities grappling with a surge of migrants. The Republican governor of Texas has been sending them by the busload to highlight his grievances with the Biden administration’s immigration policy.

To manage the influx, Chicago has already spent more than $300 million of city, state and federal funds to provide housing, health care, education and more to over 38,000 mostly South American migrants who have arrived in the city since 2022, desperate for help. The speed with which these funds were marshaled has stirred widespread resentment among Black Chicagoans. But community leaders are trying to ease racial tensions and channel the public’s frustrations into agitating for the greater good.

The outcry over migrants in Chicago and other large Democrat-led cities is having wider implications in an election year: The Biden administration is now advocating a more restrictive approach to immigration in its negotiations with Republicans in Congress.

Since the Wadsworth building reopened as a shelter, Young has felt “extreme anxiety” because of the noise, loitering and around-the-clock police presence that came with it. More than anything, she and other neighbors say it is a reminder of problems that have been left unsolved for years, including high rates of crime, unemployment and homelessness.

“I definitely don’t want to seem insensitive to them and them wanting a better life. However, if you can all of a sudden come up with all these millions of dollars to address their housing, why didn’t you address the homeless issue here,” said Charlotte Jackson, the owner of a bakery and restaurant in the South Loop neighborhood.

“For so long we accepted that this is how things had to be in our communities,” said Chris Jackson, who co-founded the bakery with his wife. “This migrant crisis has made many people go: ‘Wait a minute, no it doesn’t.’”

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson declined to comment for this story.

The city received more than $200 million from the state and federal government to help care for migrants after Johnson appealed to Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker and President Joe Biden. The president will be in Chicago in August to make his reelection pitch at the 2024 Democratic National Convention.

Some Black Chicagoans are protesting the placement of shelters in their neighborhoods, but others aim to turn the adversity into an opportunity.

“Chicago is a microcosm to the rest of the nation,” said the Rev. Janette C. Wilson, national executive director of the civil rights group PUSH for Excellence. Black communities have faced discrimination and underinvestment for decades and are justifiably frustrated, Wilson said. The attention the migrants are receiving is deserved, she added, but it’s also a chance for cities to reflect on their responsibility to all underserved communities.

“There is a moral imperative to take care of everybody,” Wilson said.

After nearly two years of acrimony, the city has begun to curb some accommodations for migrants – which has caused its own backlash. The city last month started evicting migrants who overstayed a 60-day limit at shelters, prompting condemnation from immigrant rights groups and from residents worried about public safety.

Marlita Ingram, a school guidance counselor who lives in the South Shore neighborhood, said she is concerned about the resources being shared “equitably” between migrants and longtime residents. But she also believes “it doesn’t have to be a competition” and sympathizes with the nearly 6,000 migrant children now enrolled in Chicago’s public schools.

As the potential for racial strife rises, some activists are pointing to history as a cautionary tale.

Hundreds of thousands of Black southerners moved to Chicago in the early 20th century in search of greater freedoms and economic opportunities. White Chicagoans at the time accused them of receiving disproportionate resources from the city, and in 1919 tensions boiled over.
In a surge of racist attacks in cities across the U.S. that came to be known as “Red Summer,” white residents burned large swaths of Chicago’s Black neighborhoods and killed 38 Black people, including by lynching.

“Those white folks were, like, ‘Hell no, they’re coming here, they’re taking our jobs,’'' said Richard Wallace, founder of Equity and Transformation, a majority-Black community group that co-hosted in a forum in March to improve dialogue between Black and Latino residents.

He hears echoes of that past bigotry — intentional or not — when Black Chicagoans complain about the help being given to migrants. “How did we become like the white folks who were resisting our people coming to the city of the Chicago?” he said.

Labor and immigrant rights organizers have worked for years to tamp down divisions between working class communities. But the migrant crisis has created tensions between the city’s large Mexican American community and recently arrived migrants, many of whom hail from Venezuela.
“If left unchecked, we all panic, we’re all scared, we’re going to retreat to our corners,” said Leone Jose Bicchieri, executive director of Working Family Solidarity, a majority-Hispanic labor rights group. “The truth is that this city wouldn’t work without Black and Latino people.”

Black Americans’ views on immigration and diversity are expansive. The Civil Rights Movement was instrumental in pushing the U.S. to adopt a more inclusive immigration policy.

About half of Black Americans say the United States’ diverse population makes the country strong, including 30% who say it makes the U.S. “much stronger,” according to a March poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

Many leaders in Black neighborhoods in and around Chicago are trying to strike a balance between acknowledging the tensions without exacerbating them.

“Our church is divided on the migrant crisis,” said the Rev. Chauncey Brown, pastor of Second Baptist Church in Maywood, Illinois, a majority-Black suburb of Chicago where some migrants are living in shelters.

There has been a noticeable uptick of non-English speakers in the pews, many of whom have said they are migrants in need of food and other services, Brown said. Some church members cautioned him against speaking out in support of migrants or allotting more church resources to them. But he said the Bible’s teachings are clear on this issue.

“When a stranger enters your land, you are to care for them as if they are one of your own,” he said.
