Bomani is probably the smartest person I follow doing the most superficial content so this seemed kind of out of left field... I'd be very interested to see him cover something like this and mix in more non-sports content on occasion.
Kind of like Foxxworth Fridays, you can tell Dominique is really smart and has broad interests but Bomani sets the table so the content is usually pretty superficial, typical sports stuff with some cultural content thrown in.
I haven't listened to his new podcast yet (I'm gonna go ahead and add that to the subscription que today) but "Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism" is a discussion I'd be less surprised to see him start than Bomani.
Listened to Foxxworth Fridays today and it was an especially good one.
I can't point to a person or group putting out this type of content and regularly infusing attacks on capitalism into it. They went hard today as a part of their Shohei Ohtani conversation.
The thing that's cool about it as opposed to political content-- not just shows that cover politics but even the Dan LeBatard-type dabbling-- is that it is never explicitly a political conversation but they work morality and critiques of the system into it regularly. I can't name someone who puts out "superficial content" and uses the word "capitalism" half as much as Bomani Jones.
"The capitalism and the racism are so intertwined that you can't really divorce them." - Bomani >>>
They are reaching people who otherwise would never encounter anti-capitalistic arguments, which is the group that most needs to hear them.
Don't like the backtrack Bo...