Black Man of the Day: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 - April 4, 1968)


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Rising Star
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By Robert Pear
  • Nov. 3, 1983

Credit...The New York Times Archives
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November 3, 1983, Section A, Page 28Buy Reprints

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Black and white Americans, Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives joined today in an act of unity as President Reagan signed a bill to establish a Federal holiday in honor of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

A crowd of several hundred began singing ''We Shall Overcome'' after Mr. Reagan signed the bill in the Rose Garden of the White House.
The President paid warm tribute to Dr. King, saying his words and deeds had ''stirred our nation to the very depths of its soul.''

Dr. King's widow, Coretta Scott King, and the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who has said he will announce on Thursday his candidacy for the Democratic Presidential nomination, and Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, were among those in the Rose Garden for an occasion that blacks described as an exciting, historic day.

'Redemption, Reconciliation'

Mrs. King said America was a more democratic, just and peaceful nation because of her husband's work. ''His nonviolent campaigns brought about redemption, reconciliation and justice,'' she said. ''Martin Luther King Jr. and his spirit live within all of us,'' she said. ''Thank God for the blessing of his life and his leadership and his commitment. What manner of man was this? May we make ourselves worthy to carry on his dream and create the love community.''

The new law establishes the third Monday in January as a Federal holiday, starting in 1986. On such holidays, Federal offices are closed throughout the country. Many states observe Federal holidays, but state and local governments decide whether to close other places such as schools and banks.
Dr. King was born in Atlanta on Jan. 15, 1929. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tenn. In his remarks today, Mr. Reagan said that those 39 years ''changed America forever,'' and he accorded much of the credit to Dr. King. She Accepted Apology

Later, in response to questions, Mrs. King declined to criticize the President, who until recently resisted proposals for a Federal holiday honoring Dr. King. She said she had accepted the President's apology for his comments about her husband at a news conference last month.

Mr. Reagan was asked then whether he agreed that Dr. King was a ''Communist sympathizer,'' as Senator Jesse Helms, a North Carolina Republican, had asserted. Mr. Reagan replied, ''We'll know in about 35 years, won't we?'' Under a court order, records of electronic surveillance of Dr. King, conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, are sealed in the National Archives until the year 2027.

Today's ceremony gave Mr. Reagan an opportunity to attempt to improve his political standing among blacks, who have repeatedly criticized his record on civil rights. Representative Charles B. Rangel, a Manhattan Democrat, one of many blacks in the audience, said: ''The President was eloquent. If we could only get his policies to catch up with his speech, the country would be in great shape.'' Jackson Is Pleased

After the ceremony, participants roamed the Rose Garden, celebrating and socializing. Mr. Jackson, a disciple of Dr. King, said of President Reagan: ''We've all had high and low moments. This is one of his high moments.''

Mayor Andrew Young of Atlanta, who served as Dr. King's chief lieutenant in the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, said of the signing: ''This is a historic act. I'm grateful I lived to see this day.''

Before signing the bill, Mr. Reagan reviewed Dr. King's career, starting with the bus boycott in Alabama in 1955. ''In the years after the bus boycott,'' he said, ''Dr. King made equality of rights his life's work. Across the country, he organized boycotts, rallies and marches. Often he was beaten, imprisoned, but he never stopped teaching nonviolence.''

Mr. Reagan said, ''If American history grows from two centuries to 20,'' people will still remember Dr. King's ''I Have a Dream'' speech, delivered before the Lincoln Memorial in August 1963. Rededication Is Urged

''Traces of bigotry still mar America,'' the President said. ''So each year on Martin Luther King Day, let us not only recall Dr. King, but rededicate ourselves to the commandments he believed in and sought to live every day. ''Thous shalt love thy God with all thy heart and thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.''

''As a democratic people,'' he said, ''we can take pride in the knowledge that we Americans recognized a grave injustice and took action to correct it.

And we should remember that in far too many countries, people like Dr. King never had the opportunity to speak out at all.''

On a related matter, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., a Delaware Democrat, said today that he had gained support from 52 other senators, including 13 Republicans, for a bill to establish a commission on civil rights as an arm of Congress. After Mr. Reagan dismissed three members of the Civil Rights Commission last week, civil rights lobbyists began a campaign to remove the agency from the executive branch.

The bill offered by Senators Biden and Arlen Specter, a Pennsylvania Republican, would create an eight-member commission, with four members appointed by the Speaker of the House and four by the President Pro Tem of the Senate. The new agency would inherit all the powers of the commission established in 1957. Reagan Administration officials and the Senate majority leader, Howard H. Baker Jr., a Tennessee Republican who supported the King birthday holiday, said they opposed the idea.


Transnational Member

With MLK (or Huey Newton) being almost flat broke, staying in run down motels, what you have is peon/pawn warfare. I have observed and collected intel on these tactics. Where the guy at the top, can manipulate and dispatch a James Earl Ray that exist at the bottom either directly or indirectly.

Because MLK lived in the realm of a James Earl Ray that exists at the bottom due to limited financial resources, it was quite easy to get to him. It would be quite hard for a person at the top, say Elon Musk vs President Biden to attack each other. The pawns/peons would have limited access to either one of them. The pawns around either men to perform menial tasks would be highly controlled and monitored by their security apparatus.

I make it extremely difficult for somebody at the bottom to invent a conflict and get to me. You have to be extremely anti-social, where they have to utilize extraordinary measures. However, there are limits and eventually they can break through your barriers to cause harm. You avoid the orange, blue, and especially the feeble minded at the green levels.


Transnational Member
In this example MLK would only deal with the President, CEO, and other high level individuals. He would require isolated housing that keeps him from other people. Finally he would almost no interactions with people at the green level, he would dispatch a captain to deal with them.


Transnational Member

At a February 1968 workshop to train ministers in urban leadership, it is alleged: "One Negro minister in attendance later expressed his disgust with the behind-the scene drinking, fornication, and homosexuality that went on at the conference."

"Several Negro and white prostitute were brought in from the Miami area. An all-night sex orgy was held with these prostitutes and some of the delegates."

The document alleged that Dr King also engaged in a "two-day drunken sex orgy" in Washington in January 1964.

"When one of the females shied away from engaging in an unnatural act, King and other of the males present discussed how she was to be taught and initiated in this respect," it added.

"It is a fact that King not only regularly indulges in adulterous acts but enjoys the abnormal by engaging in group sexual orgies."

1. One of the tactics they used was during that time period talking about him sleeping with white women, racially cucking the men while he was pushing for integration.

2. Suggesting he was a Communist

3. War on Poverty

Seeing all of this, it was probably easy to get a pawn to throw away his life to take out MLK. You have to detect and deploy counter messaging

1. They hate you because of your freedoms
2. Terrorist versus freedom fighters
3. Suggesting you pose a danger to women and children
4. You want to racially cuck the men by having a relationship with their women. Any exposure to interracial sex will cause long lasting damage.
5. Immigration
6. Integration/increased crime and unsafe neighborhoods
7. You are being liberated and live as a free person with inalienable rights.

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Transnational Member


The FBI used this tactic with the BPP, attempting to have people killed by stoking racial tensions with miscegenation. They planted this story in some gossip column alleging the father was a BPP. Back in the day, they were not playing around with that shit at all, had laws on the books banning it outright until 1967. This is the type of messaging the government can make to the pawns to have you taken out.

They probably used this tactic with MLK until a James Earl Ray stepped up.