Black Muslims for Trump ???


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok,But I'm more focused on them white cac's in OH,PA and everywhere else talking about Haitians bring crime and trying to takeover when in fact all of those places were damnnear dead,population on decline,no jobs and full of POOR WHITE CRACKERS WHO HAVE NOTHING BUT A PACK OF CAMELS AND A CUP OF COFFEE WHILE THEY COLLECT GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE.


Rising Star
I think if you did a poll, you’d have a significant number.

Farrakhan is probably pushing his flock in that from the abortion and conspiracy beliefs alone.

She said a whole lotta nothing.

Maybe she should’ve told her five reasons in the interview instead of to some random dude.

It’s almost impossible to give valid reasons to vote for someone who lies incessantly.


Carry on……..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ali endorsed Reagan in 1984.....

He became a white hero in the late 70''s. He bought into it too.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn even the picture coon, must have dome that to get back in cac good graces after the Nam situation
He was bought out. He became an American hero, and he loved being one. He started it right after nam too. He played on white ideas around blacks being dumb and animalistic(his attacks on other black boxers) and tried to position himself the exact opposite of it.

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ali jad parkinsons and was a shell of his former self
Bruh, it was 84 he was still coherent enough to make this choice. I know we don't want to believe there's actual Black conservatives out there, but socially we are/were a very conservative people. Dems have flop the party into anybody who is pro universal healthcare, government help as somehow equaling support for gay, trans and whatever other social nonsense they can think up these days. This shit has bled in the minds of Black people who actually think gay rights are synonymous with Black rights.

I'll say this again, people confuse "Live and Let Live" with condoning or agreeing with someone else's belief. It is NOT.
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" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
Bruh, it was 84 he was still coherent enough to make this choice. I know we don't want to believe there's actual Black conservatives out there, but socially we are/were a very conservative people. Dems have flop the party in any who is pro universal healthcare, government help as somehow equaling support for gay, trans and whatever other social nonsense they can think up these days. This shit has bled in the minds of Black people who actually think gay rights are synonymous with Black rights.

I'll say this again, people confuse "Live and Let Live" with condoning or agreeing with someone else's belief. It is NOT.
So he took a picture with a president ,so the fuck what? It was just an athlete vositing white house. Maybe regan requested his visit and it was nothing political. I dont recall ali ever claiming sny political stance or party.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I understand being a conservative, a sizable amount of this forum is Black men from the American South and Black men of Caribbean heritage. These two groups generally are fairly, if not staunchly conservative and do a ton of nose-holding when voting for Democrats but this Trump-shit is something else and something completely different.

Tina Campbell, one half of gospel group MaryMary voted for Trump and has never recovered from the backlash, that was the church crowd.

I think it goes back to what Liz Cheney said “one day Donald Trump will be gone, but your dishonor will remain.”

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ali endorsed Reagan in 1984.....

He became a white hero in the late 70''s. He bought into it too.
Sadly, it's true, but Muhammad Ali originally supported Jesse Jackson that election year 1984 before Reagan.

Muhammad Ali, the former heavyweight boxing champion, who endorsed the Rev. Jesse Jackson's unsuccessful run for the White House, has announced he is switching to President Reagan.

Mr. Ali announced his support Monday night at a gathering for black Republicans at the home of Jerry Zarg, who is challenging Representative Henry A. Waxman, a Democrat.

Asked to elaborate on his endorsement of Mr. Reagan, Mr. Ali told reporters, ''He's keeping God in schools and that's enough.''

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I understand being a conservative, a sizable amount of this forum is Black men from the American South and Black men of Caribbean heritage. These two groups generally are fairly, if not staunchly conservative and do a ton of nose-holding when voting for Democrats but this Trump-shit is something else and something completely different.

Tina Campbell, one half of gospel group MaryMary voted for Trump and has never recovered from the backlash, that was the church crowd.

I think it goes back to what Liz Cheney said “one day Donald Trump will be gone, but your dishonor will remain.”
The vast majority of Black people vote Democrat though. Social conservatism is one thing, but Black men Southern or Caribbean otherwise still vote majority Democrat. It's getting less because of the extra shit the Dems are pushing that ain't got shit to do with working people though. I'm not voting Trump, but I might not vote for Kamala either.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sadly, it's true, but Muhammad Ali originally supported Jesse Jackson that election year 1984 before Reagan.

Muhammad Ali, the former heavyweight boxing champion, who endorsed the Rev. Jesse Jackson's unsuccessful run for the White House, has announced he is switching to President Reagan.

Mr. Ali announced his support Monday night at a gathering for black Republicans at the home of Jerry Zarg, who is challenging Representative Henry A. Waxman, a Democrat.

Asked to elaborate on his endorsement of Mr. Reagan, Mr. Ali told reporters, ''He's keeping God in schools and that's enough.''
Thats shameful.

If he truly supported Jackson, Mondale was the perfect pick. Mondale supported the policies Jackson was marching for. Reagan literally started his presidential bid by visiting the place freedom riders were murdered at, and railing for state's rights. Supporting Reagan over Carter, as Carter courted bigots too, is misguided but understandable for some. Supporting Reagan over Mondale is UNFORGIVEABLE. The true measure of a man is not what he did in youthful ambition, but the man he became with wisdom. Ali turned into one of the biggest sellouts in America in the 80's. There is no surprise his heirs today look like: