Black Muslims for Trump ???


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The vast majority of Black people vote Democrat though. Social conservatism is one thing, but Black men Southern or Caribbean otherwise still vote majority Democrat. It's getting less because of the extra shit the Dems are pushing that ain't got shit to do with working people though. I'm not voting Trump, but I might not vote for Kamala either.

Yeah, that wasn't the point I was trying to make

I was making the point that Donald Trump is not and should never be a viable candidate for president.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Thats shameful.

If he truly supported Jackson, Mondale was the perfect pick. Mondale supported the policies Jackson was marching for. Reagan literally started his presidential bid by visiting the place freedom riders were murdered at, and railing for state's rights. Supporting Reagan over Carter, as Carter courted bigots too, is misguided but understandable for some. Supporting Reagan over Mondale is UNFORGIVEABLE. The true measure of a man is not what he did in youthful ambition, but the man he became with wisdom. Ali turned into one of the biggest sellouts in America in the 80's. There is no surprise his heirs today look like:
Sometimes, there are single issue voters and I guess Ali was one of them. His issue was putting God in Schools when it came to Ronald Reagan so that was his vote.


Here's another grandson of Muhammad Ali, Laila Ali's son: He's 6'1 and 215 pounds at 15 years old....

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World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Those who read our posts and sincerely look into what that those words mean is what makes it more than just words. We never called ourselves Blacks or Indians.
I think it's more related to the actual Moorish Movements, though....

for example:


The Moors trace their roots to the creation of the MSTA in 1913 and its founder, Noble Drew Ali (aka Timothy Drew). Some Moorish sovereigns are known to affiliate with the MSTA, but not all MSTA chapters are linked to sovereign citizens. In fact, the MSTA issued a statement in July 2011 condemning sovereign citizen practices and denying any association with radical or subversive Moorish sovereign groups.

Further, according to Mark Pitcavage, a leading expert on the sovereign citizen movement, “Moorish sovereign citizens emerged in the mid-1990s on the East Coast when some people began to merge sovereign citizen ideas with some of the beliefs of the Moorish Science Temple, a religious sect dating back to 1913.”



So, Lexx, it's either the Moorish Science Temple people or the outgrowth of the MST movement which is the Moorish Sovereign Citizens movement. Side note, I think Yasiin Bey aka Mos Def associated himself with the MSC movement at one time.
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Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
I think it's more related to the actual Moorish Movements, though....

for example:


The Moors trace their roots to the creation of the MSTA in 1913 and its founder, Noble Drew Ali (aka Timothy Drew). Some Moorish sovereigns are known to affiliate with the MSTA, but not all MSTA chapters are linked to sovereign citizens. In fact, the MSTA issued a statement in July 2011 condemning sovereign citizen practices and denying any association with radical or subversive Moorish sovereign groups.

Further, according to Mark Pitcavage, a leading expert on the sovereign citizen movement, “Moorish sovereign citizens emerged in the mid-1990s on the East Coast when some people began to merge sovereign citizen ideas with some of the beliefs of the Moorish Science Temple, a religious sect dating back to 1913.”



So, Lexx, it's either the Moorish Science Temple people or the outgrowth of the MST movement which is the Moorish Sovereign Citizens movement. Side note, I think Yasim Bey aka Mos Def associated himself with the MSC movement at one time.

Yeah man. Folks are striving and fighting to wake up. I don't follow those folks but I respect them.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Like I said before Kamala supports answer for everything is always "But Trrummmmp" no fucking clue...
I've seen what trump can do, I'll take my chances with the unknown. This dude said he will make electricity 50% cheaper when elected he never says how. He's a bad judge of character with people he hires, this guy was president and they asked him does he take responsibility for what happened during covid he said " I don't take responsibility at all", as an independent the republicans should have put someone else up, but they're too scared of his base.
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Rising Star
I've seen what trump can do, I'll take my chances with the unknown. This dude said he will make electricity 50% cheaper when elected he never says how. He's a bad judge of character with people he hires, this guy was president and they asked him does he take responsibility for what happened during covid he said " I don't take responsibility at all", as an independent the republicans should have put someone else up, but they're too scared of his base.
So u except continue LGBTXYZ fuckery, nothing for blacks, funding a genocide war, illegal immigrants, them using us just for a vote nothing else just a vote.... Your nutz


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You think Trump is going to stop LGBTQ "Fuckery" such as what exactly? Are you familiar with Peter Thiel. Which one of these things do you think any president will stop? This dude used to have illegals working at his properties. You think he doesn't benefit from cheap labor? They all do! You say Harris is bad, cool I give you that. If Trump is better give the policies he's layed out that proves he's a better choice. Don't give me the boogey man and fear tactics, actual policies that he has layed out. You want to support Trump buy his stock or his bitcoinm or his shoes. Go to his rallies so the crowds he cares about so much get bigger.
So u except continue LGBTXYZ fuckery, nothing for blacks, funding a genocide war, illegal immigrants, them using us just for a vote nothing else just a vote.... Your nutz


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
fuck her opinion and anyone else that believes in fairy tales and religious foolishness and think that their delusions give them the agency to speak about things like politics. her opinions r all based on religion and all religion is made up so how credible is she? Ill answer not credible at all


Rising Star
Sometimes, there are single issue voters and I guess Ali was one of them. His issue was putting God in Schools when it came to Ronald Reagan so that was his vote.


Here's another grandson of Muhammad Ali, Laila Ali's son: He's 6'1 and 215 pounds at 15 years old....

I'm assuming that's Laila and Curtis Conway's son,right?


Rising Star
You think Trump is going to stop LGBTQ "Fuckery" such as what exactly? Are you familiar with Peter Thiel. Which one of these things do you think any president will stop? This dude used to have illegals working at his properties. You think he doesn't benefit from cheap labor? They all do! You say Harris is bad, cool I give you that. If Trump is better give the policies he's layed out that proves he's a better choice. Don't give me the boogey man and fear tactics, actual policies that he has layed out. You want to support Trump buy his stock or his bitcoinm or his shoes. Go to his rallies so the crowds he cares about so much get bigger.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
U do know Trump funded Jessie Jackson campaign :clownAnd Oprah loved and supported him right :giggle: :beatyourass:

His rapes and sexual assaults wasn't as known then. And besides, everybody was tricked by the snakes oil salesman back then. He also ran as a Democrat, so everybody assumed he was a quote on quote good guy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Being upset with Black folks for not picking your favorite side of white nationalists just doesn't feel right. Especially when white nationalists are the only viable choices.
We built a white house and we know the foundation of America is white supremacy, who will help me build a black house. That was one of the things I liked more about Elijah Muhammad compared to Farrakhan. Elijah seemed to be rightfully aimed and naturally guided.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Thats shameful.

If he truly supported Jackson, Mondale was the perfect pick. Mondale supported the policies Jackson was marching for. Reagan literally started his presidential bid by visiting the place freedom riders were murdered at, and railing for state's rights. Supporting Reagan over Carter, as Carter courted bigots too, is misguided but understandable for some. Supporting Reagan over Mondale is UNFORGIVEABLE. The true measure of a man is not what he did in youthful ambition, but the man he became with wisdom. Ali turned into one of the biggest sellouts in America in the 80's. There is no surprise his heirs today look like:
Frist time I have seen that picture. Who is the boxer? and what relationship is he to Ali?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Yeah a lot of the world leaders and the office she is trying to get are hard core racist. Some of them know what they must do to keep blacks true identity and true history hid. That is why they have power now. We should realize that what Jesus did meant nothing in a world control by devils. Why did the whole town go against him after all that he did?
We should as black people organize. We want to see the secrets at the grand cayon, not the part where people visit but the off limits part military controlled. Seriously do we think that area 51 is above top secret because of little green men or technology of blacks that far surpass this white man's world even with all the back engerneering they have done in secrecy. For a lot of us blacks it is total separation or death. A righteous spirit cannot survive in an unrighteous world. While they locking blacks up that are not carbon copies they are empowering AI and white supremacy. White so called settlers are all in outer space putting these flags up they are murder and suffering for blacks but advancement for white devils. Either we take the earth back or prepare to lay down.


Rising Star
Yeah a lot of the world leaders and the office she is trying to get are hard core racist. Some of them know what they must do to keep blacks true identity and true history hid. That is why they have power now. We should realize that what Jesus did meant nothing in a world control by devils. Why did the whole town go against him after all that he did?
We should as black people organize. We want to see the secrets at the grand cayon, not the part where people visit but the off limits part military controlled. Seriously do we think that area 51 is above top secret because of little green men or technology of blacks that far surpass this white man's world even with all the back engerneering they have done in secrecy. For a lot of us blacks it is total separation or death. A righteous spirit cannot survive in an unrighteous world. While they locking blacks up that are not carbon copies they are empowering AI and white supremacy. White so called settlers are all in outer space putting these flags up they are murder and suffering for blacks but advancement for white devils. Either we take the earth back or prepare to lay down.