Black Wall Street • Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1921 Full Documentary "We will NEVER FORGET"

(0_0)..l.. finger

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(0_0)..l.. finger

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Warning These Pictures should only be view by 21 and UP!!!!!1



As a matter of fact, at 21st Street and Yale Avenue, where there now stands a Sears Parking Lot, that corner used to be a Coal Mine. They threw a lot of







(0_0)..l.. finger

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The Tulsa race riot was a large-scale, racially motivated conflict on May 31 and June 1, 1921, in which a group of white people attacked the black community of Tulsa, Oklahoma. It resulted in the Greenwood District, also known as 'the Black Wall Street'[1] and the wealthiest black community in the United States, being burned to the ground.

During the 16 hours of the assault, more than 800 people were admitted to local white hospitals with injuries (the two black hospitals were burned down), and police arrested and detained more than 6,000 black Greenwood residents at three local facilities.[2]:108–109 An estimated 10,000 blacks were left homeless, and 35 city blocks composed of 1,256 residences were destroyed by fire. The official count of the dead by the Oklahoma Department of Vital Statistics was 39, but other estimates of black fatalities vary from 55 to about 300.[2]:108, 228 [3]

The events of the riot were long omitted from local and state histories. "The Tulsa race riot of 1921 was rarely mentioned in history books, classrooms or even in private. Blacks and whites alike grew into middle age unaware of what had taken place:smh:."[4] With the number of survivors declining, in 1996, the state legislature commissioned a report to establish the historical record of the events, and acknowledge the victims and damages to the black community. Released in 2001, the report included the commission's recommendations for some compensatory actions, most of which were not implemented by the state and city governments. The state passed legislation to establish some scholarships for descendants of survivors, economic development of Greenwood, and a memorial park to the victims in Tulsa. The latter was dedicated in 2010.


Potential Star
Wow, thanks for posting this. Never new all of the story and boy does this fill in some blanks. This should be taught in black schools. Lets people of color know that we have had things to be proud of and things to shoot for in the future.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fuck all the white people that practice and/or support racism/white supremacy!


Potential Star
Thanks for posting this. Memorial Day is coming up, and some groups say don't forget, or "we will never forget". History should not be forgotten.
I actually knew one of the people interviewed. He past a few years ago.
Brought back memories.

The descendants of the perpetrators would like this info forgotten and brushed under the rug.

Group Economics is the way to go. :yes: We did it once, we can do it again!


Transnational Member
Something like this would never happen again with this level of cooperative economics. Segregation created this rare circumstance.


BGOL Investor
A little something for those that dont know....or dont want to watch the video.

Black Wall Street wasnt the only self sufficient Black community in America. You had Rosewood in Florida, Little Haiti, etc etc. There were multiple attempts by Blacks to set a basis in this country.

As for BlackWallstreet...keep in mind that Black Wall Street was the name of the commercial district of Greenwood, Tulsa. Outside of that commercial district you had 30+ blocks that surrounded BWS. Land that was owned by Black folks; Homes etc. After the Pale Faces burned downed that economic base (BWS), they burned down those homes as well. That land that was once owned by Black folks got turned into mass graves for those same Black home owners.

They made folks think that War was about a little white girl, but it was much deeper than that. That land that was occupied by Blacks in Greenwood was land that Pale Faces wanted prior to BWS being built. There was always a plan for them to burn down BWS...and steal that land....but they just needed a legit reason to do so. They use those same type of tactics today. But instead of using the Black boy vs White girl tactic to steal the land, they instead use that Black boy vs Black boy tactic to steal the land.

Here in Chicago, a lot of the Black home owners are occupying land that White folks want. The media over exaggerated about Black Gang Violence to scare older Black folks into surrendering they properties and moving as far away from the gangbangas as possible. I honestly think a lot of OUTSIDERS have come into the Black communities, killed a few people, then pointed the finger at Black gang members. Kinda like adding bodies on top of other dead bodies. Just so they can make things seem worse than they really are. (<<--theres a history behind this type of thing) Sadly, a lot of older Blacks have fallen for the ploy and have moved to the south suburbs.

Back to BWS....
The KKK had its largest meeting in Tulsa history all so they can make plans to take over BWS. It was literally thousands (whites) vs hundreds (blacks). And despite the large numbers of Whites, the Blacks of Greenwood were able to hold off most of those whites, for about 48hrs, despite having way less Man power. What made Black folks lose momentum was the fact that they ran out of ammo. Those White folks had more ammo, bombs and the US government (National Guards) on their side.

Even after BWS got burned down and the US government started creating all type of bs (fire insurance etc) a lot of those Black business owner were actually able to rebuild over 50% of what they once had. But the final nail in the coffin was desegregation. Once White folks told Black folks that they were allowed to sit with their inferiors (White folks) a lot of Black folks stopped doing business with Blacks and instead took their monies to White establishments. Thats one of the main reasons integration was introduced. a) to get Black folks monies and b) to keep black folks weak and depending on their oppressors.

Before any of you accept the idea of Black Americans not trying....being lazy......etc etc....go study your history. Every time we tried to do something big....we we're always faced with opposition. Whereas poor White immigrants got crutches (loans, handouts etc) Blacks folks got laws put into the constitution that prevented us from making moves.

Even today....when the bs isnt as blatant.....Black folks will still be met with opposition. Thats why we need to be prepared for war before we jump into the game. Sadly....those from BWS werent prepared....thats one of many reasons why they lost the War.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A little something for those that dont know....or dont want to watch the video.

Black Wall Street wasnt the only self sufficient Black community in America. You had Rosewood in Florida, Little Haiti, etc etc. There were multiple attempts by Blacks to set a basis in this country.

As for BlackWallstreet...keep in mind that Black Wall Street was the name of the commercial district of Greenwood, Tulsa. Outside of that commercial district you had 30+ blocks that surrounded BWS. Land that was owned by Black folks; Homes etc. After the Pale Faces burned downed that economic base (BWS), they burned down those homes as well. That land that was once owned by Black folks got turned into mass graves for those same Black home owners.

They made folks think that War was about a little white girl, but it was much deeper than that. That land that was occupied by Blacks in Greenwood was land that Pale Faces wanted prior to BWS being built. There was always a plan for them to burn down BWS...and steal that land....but they just needed a legit reason to do so. They use those same type of tactics today. But instead of using the Black boy vs White girl tactic to steal the land, they instead use that Black boy vs Black boy tactic to steal the land.

Here in Chicago, a lot of the Black home owners are occupying land that White folks want. The media over exaggerated about Black Gang Violence to scare older Black folks into surrendering they properties and moving as far away from the gangbangas as possible. I honestly think a lot of OUTSIDERS have come into the Black communities, killed a few people, then pointed the finger at Black gang members. Kinda like adding bodies on top of other dead bodies. Just so they can make things seem worse than they really are. (<<--theres a history behind this type of thing) Sadly, a lot of older Blacks have fallen for the ploy and have moved to the south suburbs.

Back to BWS....
The KKK had its largest meeting in Tulsa history all so they can make plans to take over BWS. It was literally thousands (whites) vs hundreds (blacks). And despite the large numbers of Whites, the Blacks of Greenwood were able to hold off most of those whites, for about 48hrs, despite having way less Man power. What made Black folks lose momentum was the fact that they ran out of ammo. Those White folks had more ammo, bombs and the US government (National Guards) on their side.

Even after BWS got burned down and the US government started creating all type of bs (fire insurance etc) a lot of those Black business owner were actually able to rebuild over 50% of what they once had. But the final nail in the coffin was desegregation. Once White folks told Black folks that they were allowed to sit with their inferiors (White folks) a lot of Black folks stopped doing business with Blacks and instead took their monies to White establishments. Thats one of the main reasons integration was introduced. a) to get Black folks monies and b) to keep black folks weak and depending on their oppressors.

Before any of you accept the idea of Black Americans not trying....being lazy......etc etc....go study your history. Every time we tried to do something big....we we're always faced with opposition. Whereas poor White immigrants got crutches (loans, handouts etc) Blacks folks got laws put into the constitution that prevented us from making moves.

Even today....when the bs isnt as blatant.....Black folks will still be met with opposition. Thats why we need to be prepared for war before we jump into the game. Sadly....those from BWS werent prepared....thats one of many reasons why they lost the War.

Just imagine if our children were taught this, imagine what it couldve


kickass thread..

awesome follow up post sun!!:yes:


Support BGOL
As I always say this is why we should be armed, and well defended. I'm not just talking about with pistols and rifles. If Black wall street had just 3-4 machine guns well placed in the city. It would have been different outcomes. I'm not saying that the town wouldn't have been burned down, as I think the national guard would have been called, but the casualties inflicted be so high that people would think twice about just trying to loot a town because they are mad. They way they marched in with there torches and pitch forks they would have been cut down and not given a chance to escape.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Everyone should know this. And for those who already do, you should know MORE about this. Read, feel, and shift your money. Let's get back on code.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
man this thread makes me so mad at white people :smh: there day is coming


Rising Star
A little something for those that dont know....or dont want to watch the video.

Black Wall Street wasnt the only self sufficient Black community in America. You had Rosewood in Florida, Little Haiti, etc etc. There were multiple attempts by Blacks to set a basis in this country.

As for BlackWallstreet...keep in mind that Black Wall Street was the name of the commercial district of Greenwood, Tulsa. Outside of that commercial district you had 30+ blocks that surrounded BWS. Land that was owned by Black folks; Homes etc. After the Pale Faces burned downed that economic base (BWS), they burned down those homes as well. That land that was once owned by Black folks got turned into mass graves for those same Black home owners.

They made folks think that War was about a little white girl, but it was much deeper than that. That land that was occupied by Blacks in Greenwood was land that Pale Faces wanted prior to BWS being built. There was always a plan for them to burn down BWS...and steal that land....but they just needed a legit reason to do so. They use those same type of tactics today. But instead of using the Black boy vs White girl tactic to steal the land, they instead use that Black boy vs Black boy tactic to steal the land.

Here in Chicago, a lot of the Black home owners are occupying land that White folks want. The media over exaggerated about Black Gang Violence to scare older Black folks into surrendering they properties and moving as far away from the gangbangas as possible. I honestly think a lot of OUTSIDERS have come into the Black communities, killed a few people, then pointed the finger at Black gang members. Kinda like adding bodies on top of other dead bodies. Just so they can make things seem worse than they really are. (<<--theres a history behind this type of thing) Sadly, a lot of older Blacks have fallen for the ploy and have moved to the south suburbs.

Back to BWS....
The KKK had its largest meeting in Tulsa history all so they can make plans to take over BWS. It was literally thousands (whites) vs hundreds (blacks). And despite the large numbers of Whites, the Blacks of Greenwood were able to hold off most of those whites, for about 48hrs, despite having way less Man power. What made Black folks lose momentum was the fact that they ran out of ammo. Those White folks had more ammo, bombs and the US government (National Guards) on their side.

Even after BWS got burned down and the US government started creating all type of bs (fire insurance etc) a lot of those Black business owner were actually able to rebuild over 50% of what they once had. But the final nail in the coffin was desegregation. Once White folks told Black folks that they were allowed to sit with their inferiors (White folks) a lot of Black folks stopped doing business with Blacks and instead took their monies to White establishments. Thats one of the main reasons integration was introduced. a) to get Black folks monies and b) to keep black folks weak and depending on their oppressors.

Before any of you accept the idea of Black Americans not trying....being lazy......etc etc....go study your history. Every time we tried to do something big....we we're always faced with opposition. Whereas poor White immigrants got crutches (loans, handouts etc) Blacks folks got laws put into the constitution that prevented us from making moves.

Even today....when the bs isnt as blatant.....Black folks will still be met with opposition. Thats why we need to be prepared for war before we jump into the game. Sadly....those from BWS werent prepared....thats one of many reasons why they lost the War.

^^^^^^^ :itsawrap::yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I did a report over this for school. Incredible story and I'm shocked that it's not taught.

It started because an elevator operator was alone in an elevator with a white girl who claims he touched her but it was never proved. The whites wanted to lynch him. Blacks returning from the war stood armed at the courthouse alongside police and tried to stop them. There was a scuffle over a gun an an accidental discharge happened started the bloodiest and most destructive race related incident in history. The area of Tulsa was like the Beverly hills of blacks. There was a massive amount of high end shops that drove a ton of business for the city. The burned it all to the ground. Every single bit of it, including the homes of where the vast majority lived. Death toll is hard to tell because of the history. I've seen 300 and Ive seen 3000. There's really no telling. But regardless, the black population of Tulsa were forced to live in tents for around a year trying to rebuild their lives but just couldn't return it to it's former glory. A grand jury declared that the whites that participated were not to be held responsible. No damages were awarded. The boy that was being held that sparked the whole thing was released, and history forgot about their dark past. Last I saw there were finally a few things coming out including recognition from Obama as he spoke with the survivors who were children at the time but there were only plans for a memorial which I don't think ever got funded. It's a real shame. Tulsa may have developed into a completely different city had it not been for those events.

PS: The fact that Tulsa, Oklahoma was founded by slaves who marched in the trail of tears with the Cherokee because they were in fact, owned by the Cherokee indians. Then less than 100 years later a good portion of them got killed in a race riot and are buried under I-44 in Tulsa, Oklahoma and to this day there is no markers for the mass grave despite the fact it is not an unknown location.