Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah you are right but I think you have conservatives like Romney and Chaney who have denounced Trump and his crazy followers. Honestly though I couldn’t name any outside of those two because I can’t suffer listening to any of those crazy folks. The shit those fuckers say make my damn blood pressure go up.
It's funny you mentioned Romney. I recently read an article about his father. His father as the governor of Michigan and Secretary of HUD fought against housing discrimination and the GOP ran him out of the government because of it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So I keep saying that presidential elections are important locally as well.

Trump appointed judge reversed the multi-million dollar settlement that this woman would have gotten and reduced it to 200k.

But ONLY local elections matter.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor

They are doing their job, even though they had to do it the round and about way because Republicans kept fucking up the process. And I stated this a few days ago the DNC chairman is doing a great job quietly. He is not a very loud talker, but he carries a lot of weight behind-the-scenes I heard.



Why should you be forgiven of a loan you took? It's a literal contract of repayment you want to go back on. Can you reneg on a mortgage or car loan? Nobody tricked people into taking student loans. You signed-up for it and filled-out the paperwork. It's YOUR problem. This is a capitalist society. I think a lot of people are confused and want a socialist society. You're in the wrong country


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Why should you be forgiven of a loan you took? It's a literal contract of repayment you want to go back on. Can you reneg on a mortgage or car loan? Nobody tricked people into taking student loans. You signed-up for it and filled-out the paperwork. It's YOUR problem. This is a capitalist society. I think a lot of people are confused and want a socialist society. You're in the wrong country
Yo. Do you know colleges used to be free right until Black people started integrating PWIs. That money that would be saved from not paying back your student loan could go into other parts of the economy. If you could forgive certain PPP loans, you certainly can forgive student loans. Poster I’m keeping an eye on you because I’m a little suspect about you especially with you kissing Putin’s ass sometimes.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Why should you be forgiven of a loan you took? It's a literal contract of repayment you want to go back on. Can you reneg on a mortgage or car loan? Nobody tricked people into taking student loans. You signed-up for it and filled-out the paperwork. It's YOUR problem. This is a capitalist society. I think a lot of people are confused and want a socialist society. You're in the wrong country

I don't know a lot about the student loan situation. @DC_Dude is probably the best resource on here. My understanding is that many had already paid back more than the original amount of the loan. Check with DC to be sure tho.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yo. Do you know colleges used to be free right until Black people started integrating PWIs. That money that would be saved from not paying back your student loan could go into other parts of the economy. If you could forgive certain PPP loans, you certainly can forgive student loans. Poster I’m keeping an eye on you because I’m a little suspect about you especially with you kissing Putin’s ass sometimes.
Little suspect? I can rock with alternative views if they are well thought out or can at least be argued. Parroting talking points about “Socialist Country” when our Country (from GI Bills, public education, farmer supplemental bills, PPP Loans) has a history of “socialist ideas” is beyond suspect


Medium well
BGOL Investor
Plies saying the real shit out loud though
I still feel they set Kamala up for failure with the whole border shit year one. But have you've seen the president talk recently? He might lose to someone who typed covfefe, and told people to inject bleach to cure covid.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't know a lot about the student loan situation. @DC_Dude is probably the best resource on here. My understanding is that many had already paid back more than the original amount of the loan. Check with DC to be sure tho.
Why should you be forgiven of a loan you took? It's a literal contract of repayment you want to go back on. Can you reneg on a mortgage or car loan? Nobody tricked people into taking student loans. You signed-up for it and filled-out the paperwork. It's YOUR problem. This is a capitalist society. I think a lot of people are confused and want a socialist society. You're in the wrong country

So the student loan issue has been a problem for several year. Before Bide, before Trump, and before Obama.....In 2007, President George W. Bush signed the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program into law, to encourage college graduates to pursue careers in service of the common good. Social workers, educators, researchers, public-interest lawyers, nurses, and museum curators working 10 years in the nonprofit sector can earn forgiveness on eligible student loans. The program forgives the remaining balance on employees’ direct loans after 120 qualifying monthly payments have been made under a qualifying repayment plan while working full-time for a qualifying employer. Qualifying employers include the U.S. federal, state, local, or tribal government or nonprofit organizations.

The PSLF program was the first initiative to help with the problem...

The problem with student loans is that people are paying back 2-3 times more than they took out. For me, I took out 120K and if it wasn't for Biden's initiative, I would still be paying and my balance would be at 300K because of having to pay the interest.....

Student loans can not be discharged in courts like a mortgage or car payment (both which can be taken away by the bank if you miss payments)....

Most college graduates don't mind having to pay it back, but damn if I take out 50K, why the fuck I got to pay back 150K....

We all know it's very difficult to get a good paying job if you don't have some educational training past high school...I think people assume student loans only apply to people who went to college, but even people who go to trade schools, community college, and etc. usually have to take some loans out.....