Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP


Medium well
BGOL Investor
was this after he got caught following porn hoes on twitter or after trump called his wife ugly and unfuckable?
Yes after trump said his daddy killed JFK , after, he was begging for donations on behalf of Trump. After he got caught going to cancoon during a power outage in which texans were froze to death. After his daughter attempted suicide and after he does his daily podcast.


Medium well
BGOL Investor

Im not sure, but I think this picture was taken after machin gutted the build back better proposal.l, before Biden made Machin wife the head of some sort of jobs task force and definitely before joe hiden was able to figure out a to get weapons to Isreal before congressional approval.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor

Jack Smith was planning that out ever since last year when he seen what she was up to. And as new evidence comes out of that trial Trump really fucked up with those documents and some of the documents are missing


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
He is right but it’s too late for white women.i guess having some is better than none
Yep, two years ago, they changed the abortion law, and the birth rate is still dropping like a rock in the white community. I was telling someone else that in the comments of the video. White women are technically 40 years too late. And the other thing with this situation is in Louisiana and Alabama a lot of those white women are going to have children from black men. If you go through some parts of Alabama and Louisiana, you see a lot of mix kids. The birth rate has fallen below the level for white women to recover white babies. It’s not going to happen.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
He has a point.

A lot of it is about contol. I rarely get pissed reading the news anymore but I was absolutely infuriated reading an article about Alabama. It's a REALLY long RollingStone article, but I have the free yahoo link. They are jailing women over testing for drugs in their system while pregnant, even legal prescription drugs, and then keeping them in such poor conditions that some lose the child anyway.



Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Yeah got to agree with Bo. That’s very strange to dismiss veteran at anytime, but especially during Memorial Day weekend.
They served this country and regardless of political affiliations they should always be honored. I’m really disgusted but not surprised

Republicans do not give a fuck about the veterans you guys should already know that. They treat them like they treat children in America.