
Rising Star
BGOL Investor
3 years ago, my brotha have a episode

From what I understood, there’s was drinking and someone asked him if he knew someone.
That trigger something, next thing the know he’s tripping taking about someone was coming to kill them and freaking out

I’m now sure if he went get his guns or not
I think after a hour his wife was abs to calm him down.
He did a tour in Iraq for the last desert storm… dude was a squad leader, doing raid and patrols.
I know he had a free weekend on one of Saddam palaces, I never asked what he did to get that reward…

But he’s been admitted to the Psych ward once
Shit sad man. I got so much respect for them dudes that go over there. I don’t like how people tried to weapon use them to combat Kap kneeling but that wasn’t their doing. Them brothers done been through so much and gotta fight for a country that don’t fight for them. And then make them fight and earn all the benefits they promised them.


Platinum Member
Shit sad man. I got so much respect for them dudes that go over there. I don’t like how people tried to weapon use them to combat Kap kneeling but that wasn’t their doing. Them brothers done been through so much and gotta fight for a country that don’t fight for them. And then make them fight and earn all the benefits they promised them.

Yep, a fucking vet encouraged Kap but that’s another topic

But you’re correct it’s sad… my lil one about join the Navy. she’s excited and want change and the benefits.
I said this on you, all those talks we had was about setting you up to be dependable which can be related to be independent. As adult we want seek Financial freedom but many of us don’t know how to handle that.
You have your own hustle/business that will never ever go anywhere. You just had to be Discipline about the operations of your business. Started doing hair in the living room to get a chair at some shop, then getting your own shop…(with rental chairs)
Its kool that you don’t want to do hair, the rest of your life. Just have to realize you will have to work for “SOMEONE ELSE”. That mean you March to their beat.

But always y’all bro, it’s sad


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Lol you don't wanna believe it? Can't fathom the thought of radical dems? Still think their is a difference between the parties?

The parties are different, but get their money from most of the same donors. Even "radical" AOC gets most of her funding from Google, Apple, and Kaiser Permanente.

Most people don't know this, but they do know that their doctor visits and prescriptions aren't getting cheaper. They know the police are hardly more accountable than before, college and homeownership are for the rich. They know none of it changes no matter who they vote for or how much they contribute.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Oh I forgot he's the State Senator....

Asshole going to exploit this shit for the next 4 years..

U.S. Senator for Louisiana and man-child for mentioning corny political jokes during a tragic news press conference after rudely getting in front of the person speaking.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Both used the same rental ap

Both electric vehicles

Both army vets

Both from same base

Yeah, and Trump and the Republicans want to cut money from these veterans if they do that this is going to get worse for everyone, especially Republicans


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah, and Trump and the Republicans want to cut money from these veterans if they do that this is going to get worse for everyone, especially Republicans
That’s a good thing. Less resources for them to pull off more bullshit like this.



Transnational Member
In other countries, they do not have this type of terroris. I do not want to get sucked in to some peon battles commenting about what I'm forced to see on TV.

I definitely don't want to be dealing or attracting white trash.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Crazy apart is you have New Years, The Sugar Bowl, Mardi Gras and the Super Bowl

What the fuck were they waiting for?

Heads are going to roll for that.

When I've been in the Quarter and there are no barricades or bollards or what ever, there is typically a police cruiser where the barricades would be.

Remember dude drove around the cruiser, although I do think that metal/steel bollards would have stopped him from zooming down Bourbon, although had he crashed he might have gotten out of the car and started bussin on everybody in sight.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Don’t be surprised when some of the people we work with start lil private militias etc
I drive for a food company and that’s all these white boys talk about
They asked me what my religion was first week
And right on cue
These ignorant rednecks are trying get bounty hunter licenses thinking that trump gone give federal jurisdiction smh
It don’t work like that idiots
They think it can be their local gun club it BJJ gym (not making this up) and go hunt terrorist
I started to explain the details but it wasn’t worth my time


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
3 years ago, my brotha have a episode

From what I understood, there’s was drinking and someone asked him if he knew someone.
That trigger something, next thing the know he’s tripping taking about someone was coming to kill them and freaking out

I’m now sure if he went get his guns or not
I think after a hour his wife was abs to calm him down.
He did a tour in Iraq for the last desert storm… dude was a squad leader, doing raid and patrols.
I know he had a free weekend on one of Saddam palaces, I never asked what he did to get that reward…

But he’s been admitted to the Psych ward once
Free weekend most likely R&R. Similar to Vietnam vets when they'd get a few days pass from battles and patrols. Saddam's palace nice as fuck ...dude was living the life

Props to your bro I was there in 2010 Air Force but my deployment was more like a vacation. I cant imagine what he experienced. Was he in Iraq or Desert Storm? Desert storm was in the 90s


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Wait a minute, quick question.....
If damn near all of the cops in New Orleans is at the SugerBowl game right now
Then who's guarding the Banks from being robbed, etc, etc

.....You know what never mind I even asked
Be right back fellas, gonna make a quick withdrawal at the Bank Of America on the other side of town
