
Platinum Member
Man this is fucked up….

The Ukrainian are cut throat,

once their fellow soldiers got into trouble and need to retreat, the commanders said fuck Yall
And destroy the access point. Some of the soldiers decided to swim back across, the other just went hide in forest. The Russian

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Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Thoughts and prayers from @xfactor , HCIC as he sheds a tear and lights a Coon candle for him
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ukraine war: Another Russian general killed by Ukrainian forces - reports

Russian state media have confirmed the death of one of Moscow's top generals during heavy fighting in Ukraine's eastern Donbas region.
Maj Gen Roman Kutuzov was killed leading an assault on a Ukrainian settlement in the region, a reporter with the state-owned Rossiya 1 said.
Alexander Sladkov said Gen Kutuzov had been commanding troops from the self-declared Donetsk People's Republic.
Russia's defence ministry has not commented on the reports.
"The general had led soldiers into attack, as if there are not enough colonels," Mr Sladkov wrote on the Telegram social media app. "On the other hand, Roman was the same commander as everyone else, albeit a higher rank."

Ukraine's military also confirmed the killing of Gen Kutuzov, without offering further details about the circumstances.

His death comes as rumours circulated on social media that a second senior officer, Lt Gen Roman Berdnikov, commander of the 29th Army, was also killed in fighting over the weekend. The BBC cannot independently verify the claims.
Russian commanders have been increasingly forced to the front in an attempt to drive forward the invasion and Moscow has confirmed the deaths of four senior generals.
Kyiv claims to have killed 12 generals and Western intelligence officials say at least seven senior commanders have been killed.
But there has been confusion over reports of the deaths of several other Russian officers. Three generals that Ukrainian forces claimed to have killed have subsequently been reported to be alive.
In March, Ukrainian forces said Maj Gen Vitaly Gerasimov had been killed outside the country's second city of Kharkiv. However, on 23 May Russian state media said he had been awarded a state honour and dismissed reports of his death.
Another commander, Maj Gen Magomed Tushaev, also appeared to be still alive and periodically appears in videos posted to social media.

And on 18 March, Kyiv alleged that Lt Gen Andrey Mordvichev had been killed in an airstrike in the Kherson region. However, he later appeared in a video meeting with Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov and on 30 May BBC Russia confirmed that he was still alive.
The deaths of generals are rarely officially acknowledged in Russia. In the case of Maj Gen Vladimir Frolov, no information about his death had appeared in state media prior to his funeral in St Petersburg in April.
Russia lists military deaths as state secrets even in times of peace and has not updated its official casualty figures in Ukraine since 25 March, when it said that 1,351 Russian soldiers had been killed since President Vladimir Putin launched his invasion of Ukraine on 24 February.
In March, an official within President Volodymyr Zelensky's inner circle told the Wall Street journal that a team of Ukrainian military intelligence officers had been tasked with locating and targeting Russia's officer class.
"They look for high profile generals, pilots, artillery commanders," the official said. They added that the officers were then targeted either with sniper fire or artillery.
Last month, the New York Times reported that the US has provided intelligence to Ukraine, allowing them to target a number of the generals who have been killed in action.

Russia's lost generals

Ukraine war: Another Russian general killed by Ukrainian forces - reports - BBC News


Platinum Member
More info how the Russians are handling things in the southern portions of Ukraine

Kherson area



Platinum Member
Man this is fucked up….

The Ukrainian are cut throat,

once their fellow soldiers got into trouble and need to retreat, the commanders said fuck Yall
And destroy the access point. Some of the soldiers decided to swim back across, the other just went hide in forest. The Russian



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Back from vacation, jet lagged but also just in time for more dead russians. :lol:

This is from a couple of days before

Yesterday/Earlier today depending on where you are:

This is the translation from Russian:

Russian publics reassure that the founder of PMC "Wagner" has survived. This means that many others did not survive, including those from the leadership of the group. According to some data, there were about 60 dead, according to others about 150, according to optimistic up to 300. Perhaps the history of PMC "Wagner" is over.

The founder is the uncle fester looking cac pictured with Putin. Of course he has the nazi ss bolts tattoos. They are mercenaries but these are the best equipped, most trained russian assets other than their SSO or Spetsnaz. They have been active in Africa literally mining gold in addition to terrorizing the civilian populations but that is for another thread.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is the Ukrainian claim from a week ago RE Severodonetsk:


A few days later:

The attackers were allowed into the city, and then this trap was snapped shut – and there they were all killed, and annihilated.
At first I didn't really believe in this story, I thought it sounded too good to be true. However, I read [former FSB colonel, terrorist] Igor Girkin (Strelkov), and he says that the Ukrainian counter-offensive in Severodonetsk is indeed successful and developing. He said, "I don't want to talk about the scale of the problems." Obviously, the scale is quite serious.

:smh::lol: It is also wild that Girkin is/has been more sober about all of this than our resident putin apologists...


Platinum Member
This is the Ukrainian claim from a week ago RE Severodonetsk:


A few days later:

The attackers were allowed into the city, and then this trap was snapped shut – and there they were all killed, and annihilated.
At first I didn't really believe in this story, I thought it sounded too good to be true. However, I read [former FSB colonel, terrorist] Igor Girkin (Strelkov), and he says that the Ukrainian counter-offensive in Severodonetsk is indeed successful and developing. He said, "I don't want to talk about the scale of the problems." Obviously, the scale is quite serious.

:smh::lol: It is also wild that Girkin is/has been more sober about all of this than our resident putin apologists...

that language changed

apparently all of this was for this to happened



Platinum Member
We’re almost out of ammunition and relying on western arms, says Ukraine
Exclusive: Deputy head of military intelligence says it’s an artillery war now and ‘everything depends on what the west gives us’

Isobel Koshiw

Ukraine’s deputy head of military intelligence has said Ukraine is losing against Russia on the frontlines and is now almost solely reliant on weapons from the west to keep Russia at bay.

“This is an artillery war now,” said Vadym Skibitsky, deputy head of Ukraine’s military intelligence. The frontlines were now where the future would be decided, he told the Guardian, “and we are losing in terms of artillery”.

“Everything now depends on what [the west] gives us,” said Skibitsky. “Ukraine has one artillery piece to 10 to 15 Russian artillery pieces. Our western partners have given us about 10% of what they have.”

Ukraine is using 5,000 to 6,000 artillery rounds a day, according to Skibitsky. “We have almost used up all of our [artillery] ammunition and are now using 155-calibre Nato standard shells,” he said of the ammunition that is fired from artillery pieces.

“Europe is also delivering lower-calibre shells but as Europe runs out, the amount is getting smaller.”

The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, said last week that between 60 and 100 Ukrainian soldiers were dying each day and a further 500 were being injured. Ukraine has kept the total number of its military losses secret.

Soldiers speaking to the Guardian from Ukraine’s frontlines this week painted a similar picture.

Skibitsky emphasised the need for the west to supply Ukraine with long-range rocket systems to destroy the Russian artillery pieces from afar. This week the Ukrainian presidential adviser Oleksiy Arestovych told the Guardian that Ukraine needed 60 multiple-rocket launchers – many more than the handful promised so far by the UK and US – to have a chance of defeating Russia.

Ukraine is set to ask the west for a list of weapons and defensive equipment at the contact group meeting with Nato in Brussels on 15 June.

Skibitsky thinks the conflict will remain predominantly an artillery war in the near future and the number of rocket attacks – which can be launched from Russia and have hit civilians – will remain at their current rate.

In the first month, Russia was constantly striking Ukraine with rockets but in the last two months it has slowed. Recent figures published by the head of Ukraine’s armed forces assert that Russia launches between 10 and 14 a day.

Rockets are expensive to manufacture. Each rocket can cost anywhere between a few hundred thousand dollars to several million.

“We have noticed that Russia is carrying out far fewer rocket attacks and it has used H-22 rockets; they are old 1970s Soviet rockets,” said Skibitsky. “This shows that Russia is running low on rockets.”

Skibitsky said Russia was unable to produce rockets quickly because of the sanctions and that it had used around 60% of its supplies.

The sound of sirens has become a daily feature for Ukrainians. Sirens regularly sound in multiple regions simultaneously but most of the time, for people on the ground, it passes without a bang. According to Skibitsky, each siren signals a rocket has entered Ukrainian airspace but its impact is not always reported for security reasons.

“The rockets take anywhere from 40 to 90 minutes to impact, depending on where they are launched from … We don’t know where they are going to land,” said Skibitsky. He noted that Russia was currently using long-range bombers which can reach anywhere in Ukraine without leaving Russian airspace.

In terms of the three frontlines, Skibitsky said most of Russia’s forces were now concentrated in the Donbas region and seeking to occupy the administrative borders of both the Donetsk and Luhansk republics. This was the area, he said, where the artillery battles were the heaviest.

In north-east Ukraine, around Kharkiv, he said Russian forces were focusing on defence after Ukraine’s counteroffensive pushed them out of several towns and villages in the region in May.

“The threat to Kharkiv has lessened,” said Skibitsky, of Ukraine’s second-biggest city, which has been shelled regularly since the beginning of the war.

Lastly, in Zaporizhzhia and Kherson, two southern Ukrainian regions that Russia almost completely occupies, Russian forces were digging in for the long haul, said Skibitsky. According to him, they are building double, sometimes triple, lines of defence.

“It will now be harder to get that territory back,” said Skibitsky. “And that’s why we need to weapons.”

“If they succeed in the Donbas, they could use these territories to launch another attack on Odesa, [the city of] Zaporizhzhia [and] Dnipro,” said Skibitsky of major cities under Ukrainian control which are in close proximity to the southern Russian-occupied areas. “Their aim is the whole of Ukraine and more.”

Ukraine’s military intelligence believes that Russia can continue at its current rate without manufacturing more weapons or mobilising the population for another year.

Skibitsky does not exclude the possibility that Russia will freeze the war for a period of time in order to convince the west to lift sanctions. “But then they will start it again – look at the last eight years,” he added.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has abruptly transformed the world. Millions of people have already fled. A new Iron Curtain is grinding into place. An economic war deepens, as the military conflict escalates, civilian casualties rise and evidence of horrific war crimes mounts.


Platinum Member
Guess he’s coming get an in person confirmation as to why his men got captured.
Maybe even try to slow the process of their Execution.
