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BGOL Investor


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
I've seen vids of tanks rolling down the streets of Ukraine right now. Unheard of
Putin's probably already told the Ukranian president "You'd better be wearing a wig, dark red lipstick and a pair of six inch stilettos when we get there.... it's your duty, my beauty!!!"



Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor

The TikTok buildup: Videos reveal Russian forces closing in on Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin and top Russian officials for months have been denying that Moscow is preparing to mount an invasion of neighboring Ukraine. But videos posted to TikTok and other social media platforms tell another story.

In areas of Russia and Belarus near the Ukrainian border, onlookers have uploaded hundreds of videos showing sophisticated Russian weaponry and military vehicles speeding by on railways, highways and local roads toward positions near Ukraine.
In recent days, those videos have begun worrying military analysts. The scenes, the military analysts say, appear to indicate that the Russian buildup could be entering its final stages before an invasion. Here is what they are watching.

Movement to final staging areas

Videos have emerged of Russian armored fighting vehicles driving on roads. Generally, tanks and other armored vehicles are transported long distances by train and then shorter distances by flatbed truck. “You don’t see mechanized units driving down the road unless they are getting near final staging areas,” said Michael Kofman, a Russian military analyst at the Virginia-based research group CNA. “Once you see tanks and infantry fighting vehicles under their own power driving down a road, it means they are not far from where they are intending to be.”

Videos posted on social media also appear to show units from Russia’s 41st Combined Arms Army — which had been gathering in Yelnya, about 160 miles from the Ukrainian border — moving south toward Ukraine in the area around the Russian city of Klintsy, less than 62 miles from the border. “They are deploying toward what we call a final staging area,” Kofman said. “That’s important."

TikTok videos show Russian forces advancing closer to Ukraine - The Washington Post



Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
:confused: Where does it say it was in the Ukraine? I think that's near the border, I'm not @Nzinga ... I don't read Russian
sidebar: I think that fool @Nzinga got the Rona, he hasn't posted since Dec 14... either that or he's over in the Crimea getting ready to invade
:lol: :lol:

Cause other posts of tanks moving said Ukraine forces. So who knows. Definitely don't know what to believe when CNN reporting.



Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor

Is he wrong?

He forgot to drop this lil bit of info.

Today Trudeau tried to call an Emergency Act for the truckers. No big deal right?

Well it was struck down by the Civil Liberties Association of Canada. He didn't meet the grounds to enable that. Would of meant they could of walked into anyone's home and claim use for an emergency.

Well what he can do and is doing is saying that GoFundMe acted as a domestic terrorist crowd funding org. He plans tomorrow to start looking into seizing funds from anyone who donated to truckers. Over half the donations came from Americans, which means he will probably ask the US for help in seizing their accts.

Tomorrow, they are expecting people to make a run on the banks in Canada to take their monies out, so more fuel in the fire of all the other crap going on.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
He forgot to drop this lil bit of info.

Today Trudeau tried to call an Emergency Act for the truckers. No big deal right?

Well it was struck down by the Civil Liberties Association of Canada. He didn't meet the grounds to enable that. Would of meant they could of walked into anyone's home and claim use for an emergency.

Well what he can do and is doing is saying that GoFundMe acted as a domestic terrorist crowd funding org. He plans tomorrow to start looking into seizing funds from anyone who donated to truckers. Over half the donations came from Americans, which means he will probably ask the US for help in seizing their accts.

Tomorrow, they are expecting people to make a run on the banks in Canada to take their monies out, so more fuel in the fire of all the other crap going on.

Canada has two options. Attack the funds or attack the truckers.

The first option can be carried out mostly off camera. The second creates a spectacle on the news.

First option starves the protest out until it loses steam. The second draws sympathizers and folks who like to go to war with cops.

First option turns the protest into a historical footnote. The second makes it a full fledged revolution.

Option one is the most effective. Especially when half the country has already ended their covid mandates anyway.


Platinum Member
He forgot to drop this lil bit of info.

Today Trudeau tried to call an Emergency Act for the truckers. No big deal right?

Well it was struck down by the Civil Liberties Association of Canada. He didn't meet the grounds to enable that. Would of meant they could of walked into anyone's home and claim use for an emergency.

Well what he can do and is doing is saying that GoFundMe acted as a domestic terrorist crowd funding org. He plans tomorrow to start looking into seizing funds from anyone who donated to truckers. Over half the donations came from Americans, which means he will probably ask the US for help in seizing their accts.

Tomorrow, they are expecting people to make a run on the banks in Canada to take their monies out, so more fuel in the fire of all the other crap going on.
Some heavy shit going on around the world