Breaking News: Riot Unfolds as NYPD Discovers Underground Tunnels in Brooklyn JEWISH Temple - Sex Trafficking Perhaps?

Da Backshot Champ

Rising Star
Those were buttfucking tunnels. Since it is devil like to enter through an exit, they do their dirty wotk as close to hell as possible.


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
This is what they believe:

“The birth rate of non-Jews has to be suppressed massively”
Zohar 11 b

"A pregnant non-Jew is no better than a pregnant animal."
Coschen hamischpat 405

"Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare with the Jew like a monkey to a human."
Schene luchoth haberith, p. 250 b

"The souls of non-Jews come from impure sprits and are called pigs."
Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12b

"The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts."
Talmud: Baba mezia, 114b

"The Akum (non-Jew) is like a dog. Yes, the scripture teaches to honour the the dog more than the non-Jew."
Ereget Raschi Erod. 22 30

Sanhedrin 55b.
A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old).

Sanhedrin 54b.
A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.

"It is forbidden to disclose the secrets of the law. He who would do it would be as guilty as though he destroyed the whole world." - Jektut Chadasz, 171, 3.

Kethuboth 11b.
"When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."

"If a Jew has a non-Jewish servant or maid who dies, one should not express sympathy to the Jew. You should tell the Jew: "God will replace 'your loss', just as if one of his oxen or asses had died"."

Jore dea 377, 1
"Sexual intercourse between Gentiles is like intercourse between animals."

Talmud Sanhedrin 74b
7. "Every goy who studies the Talmud and every Jew who who helps him in it, ought to die." - Sanhedryn, 59a, Aboda Zora 8-6, Szagiga

8. "To communicate anything to a goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if they knew what we teach about them they would kill us openly." - Libbre David 37.

9. "If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought to give only a false explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to death." Libbre David 37.

10. "A Jew should and must make a false oath when the goyim asks if our books contain anything against them."-Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia

17. "It is permitted to take the body and the life of a Gentile."
Sepher ikkarim III c 25

"It is the law to kill anyone who denies the Torah. The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah."
Coschen hamischpat 425 Hagah 425. 5

"A heretic Gentile you may kill outright with your own hands."
Talmud, Abodah Zara, 4b

"Every Jew, who spills the blood of the godless (non-Jews), is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God."
Talmud: Bammidber raba c 21 & Jalkut 772

Moed Kattan 17a .
If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.

Sanhedrin 58b.
If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed.

Sanhedrin 57a .
When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.

Baba Kamma 37b.
The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel."

Baba Kamma 113a.
Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.

Yebamoth 98a.
All gentile children are animals.

Sanhedrin 55b:4
אמר רב יוסף תא שמע בת שלש שנים ויום אחד מתקדשת בביאה ואם בא עליה יבם קנאה וחייבין עליה משום אשת איש
"A girl who is three years and one day old whose father arranged her betrothal is betrothed with intercourse, as the legal status of intercourse with her is that”


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Just in case ya forgot

This 1 of various cases where Jewish babies were getting herpes from their rabbis due to this gay ass circumcission ritual where the rabbi sucks the blood from the baby penis smh.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Just in case ya forgot

This 1 of various cases where Jewish babies were getting herpes from their rabbis due to this gay ass circumcission ritual where the rabbi sucks the blood from the baby penis smh.
Disgusting ass people.

dik cashmere

Freaky Tah gettin high that's my brother
BGOL Investor
So there's a little backstory here...

There's two Chabad synagogues in 770 Parkway Chabad Headquarters: an upstairs synagogue and a downstairs synagogue and they do not get along.

The downstairs, larger synagogue tends to believe the last Lubavitcher Grand Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson is still alive (he died in 1994) and will return as the Messiah. This is why you see "Moshiach is coming" flags and posters with Rebbe Schneerson's face plastered around Brooklyn.

The upstairs, smaller synagogue tends to believe

R. Schneerson truly died in 1994. The upstairs faction has de jure ownership of the 770

Headquarters building.

The Chabad movement is split roughly 50/50 on the topic of their last Grand Rebbe and the Chabad HQ upstairs and downstairs synagogues are symbols of each faction.

While they are all Chabad, these two synagogues in the headquarters do not like each other because of their fundamental disagreement over

R. Schneerson's status.
Since around half of Chabad believes along with the downstairs synagogue that R. Schneerson is still alive and is eventually returning: Chabad cannot and probably will not choose another Grand Rebbe as long as this belief is widespread within Chabad.

Usually Hasidic dynasties have a Grand Rebbe who can keep factionalism under control but Chabad doesn't have one at the moment due to this disagreement

The upstairs synagogue folks, believing R.

Schneerson died in 1994, are probably getting fed up with the situation downstairs since they are supposed to be in control of the entire 770 Eastern Parkway building, at least on paper.

Practically, the downstairs synagogue does what they want within reason. To the upstairs folks with legal ownership of the building: a new tunnel built by teen miners wasn't within reason.

Add to this: all synagogues have conflicts.

Probably similar to churches. There's...

'characters' in every religious institution.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So there's a little backstory here...

There's two Chabad synagogues in 770 Parkway Chabad Headquarters: an upstairs synagogue and a downstairs synagogue and they do not get along.

The downstairs, larger synagogue tends to believe the last Lubavitcher Grand Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson is still alive (he died in 1994) and will return as the Messiah. This is why you see "Moshiach is coming" flags and posters with Rebbe Schneerson's face plastered around Brooklyn.

The upstairs, smaller synagogue tends to believe

R. Schneerson truly died in 1994. The upstairs faction has de jure ownership of the 770

Headquarters building.

The Chabad movement is split roughly 50/50 on the topic of their last Grand Rebbe and the Chabad HQ upstairs and downstairs synagogues are symbols of each faction.

While they are all Chabad, these two synagogues in the headquarters do not like each other because of their fundamental disagreement over

R. Schneerson's status.
Since around half of Chabad believes along with the downstairs synagogue that R. Schneerson is still alive and is eventually returning: Chabad cannot and probably will not choose another Grand Rebbe as long as this belief is widespread within Chabad.

Usually Hasidic dynasties have a Grand Rebbe who can keep factionalism under control but Chabad doesn't have one at the moment due to this disagreement

The upstairs synagogue folks, believing R.

Schneerson died in 1994, are probably getting fed up with the situation downstairs since they are supposed to be in control of the entire 770 Eastern Parkway building, at least on paper.

Practically, the downstairs synagogue does what they want within reason. To the upstairs folks with legal ownership of the building: a new tunnel built by teen miners wasn't within reason.

Add to this: all synagogues have conflicts.

Probably similar to churches. There's...

'characters' in every religious institution.
Answers a few questions I've always had about those posters. Good info!


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
Where can I begin reading about these Ashkenazi people?

Go to Dr Ray Haggins for info. TRUE info, not some half-cooked shit.

**edit** my bad I forgot you said "read." I'm not aware of any written sources that tell the truth about the scum; mainly because they wrote their own history. I'd still start with Dr Haggins.

(just google his name and ashkanazi)

Now this here will tell you just how entitled these stinky motherfuckers think they are.

They took over a POLICE PRECINCT and not one of them was shot. Or arrested at the scene.

These fuckers have taken over at least two towns in upstate NY. And I mean close to NYC, not way up there in the boonies. Plus, they created their own town years ago called Kiryas Joel.

My NYC peeps know how these pisspots roll.

Don't even try to go to the diamond district.
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dik cashmere

Freaky Tah gettin high that's my brother
BGOL Investor
@tallblacknyc they weren’t the only ones

Originally the site of a brownstone occupied by Plymouth Church’s famed reverend, Henry Ward Beecher, the property is part of the Brooklyn Heights Historic District, according to city records.

In 2016, Virtu Financial head Vincent Viola and interior designer Teresa Viola bought 124 Columbia Street from the Jehovah’s Witnesses for $105 million, according to a Real Deal story at the time. No applications for demolition or new-building permits have been filed.
Altogether, four subterranean tunnels lie under Orange Street, Columbia Heights and Willow Street and connect numerous Jehovah’s Witnesses properties in the Heights.

They are the subject of much neighborhood speculation and urban myth. The private pedestrian walkways appear very ordinary, with linoleum flooring and fluorescent lights resembling a hospital corridor, according to one image published in the New York Times.

It was expected that a buyer of the residential property might opt to fill in the tunnels for reasons of security and bureaucracy. The Witnesses pay fees under an arrangement with City departments, which would have to be renegotiated.

At one point, the Jehovah’s Witnesses owned more than two dozen prime properties in Brooklyn Heights, but they’ve slowly been selling off their holdings and have moved operations upstate to Warwick, N.Y.


International Member
they are good in building secret tunnels we found
this one was funded by kanye


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
@tallblacknyc they weren’t the only ones

Originally the site of a brownstone occupied by Plymouth Church’s famed reverend, Henry Ward Beecher, the property is part of the Brooklyn Heights Historic District, according to city records.

In 2016, Virtu Financial head Vincent Viola and interior designer Teresa Viola bought 124 Columbia Street from the Jehovah’s Witnesses for $105 million, according to a Real Deal story at the time. No applications for demolition or new-building permits have been filed.
Altogether, four subterranean tunnels lie under Orange Street, Columbia Heights and Willow Street and connect numerous Jehovah’s Witnesses properties in the Heights.

They are the subject of much neighborhood speculation and urban myth. The private pedestrian walkways appear very ordinary, with linoleum flooring and fluorescent lights resembling a hospital corridor, according to one image published in the New York Times.

It was expected that a buyer of the residential property might opt to fill in the tunnels for reasons of security and bureaucracy. The Witnesses pay fees under an arrangement with City departments, which would have to be renegotiated.

At one point, the Jehovah’s Witnesses owned more than two dozen prime properties in Brooklyn Heights, but they’ve slowly been selling off their holdings and have moved operations upstate to Warwick, N.Y.

JWs prove that molesters don't need secret tunnels.


Support BGOL
Dick Wolf already :callyou: to the SVU writers room as we speak...

This and a bunch of true crime Netflix writers like



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Just in case ya forgot

This 1 of various cases where Jewish babies were getting herpes from their rabbis due to this gay ass circumcission ritual where the rabbi sucks the blood from the baby penis smh.
Another example



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Just in case ya forgot

This 1 of various cases where Jewish babies were getting herpes from their rabbis due to this gay ass circumcission ritual where the rabbi sucks the blood from the baby penis smh.
And another

Told ya it’s been a bunch of situations where Jew babies got herpes from their rabbis


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
I live not too far from that shit, all I can say is that I knew those mother fuckers were up to some shit, but always dismissed it as Hitler ghost whispering crap in my ear. But after watching that video I feel like I'm fearing for my life and might have to jelly them rolls.