Cacs STILL Cacing: NYT says Gymnastics Federation SHOULD undervalue Simone Biles' 'dangerous' moves to discourage others from 'risking it'


The R&B Master
OG Investor
That's a confession of inferiority. So the way I'm reading this little Simone is far superior to anything they can or have produced.

So much for the superior beings they've always assumed they were and what they wanted the world to believe they were.
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The R&B Master
OG Investor
I believe what were seeing is a reflection of how republican political bullshit has sucked dry the joy and pride of being an American athlete an even an American today.

This is the first time I've had ZERO interest on the Olympics since 1969.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
a certain player for the anaheim angels is dominating as a hitter AND a pitcher. They gonna modify the rules for him too? :rolleyes:


The R&B Master
OG Investor
There's so much wrong with what's going on with the IOC.

The IOC's decision to devalue Simone Biles routine was purely racist. Imagine the NBA eliminating the 3 pointer. Note: no white woman as of yet, has the capability of doing a part of Simone's routine.

Imagine telling NBA players if your 6'10" or taller you're not permitted to dunk the ball. Essentially that's exactly what they did. (BTW at the college level dunking wasn't always permitted. Deemed unfair) At 5'9" Calvin Murphy dunking backwards over his head showed them how ludicrous their claim was.

The IOC decision hamstrung the possibly greatest athlete in the history of sports. The entire sports world should be condemning the IOC and their decision. I'm hoping TV ratings that TV ratings drop.

I have a feeling that the IOC's decision created an environment which Simone being true to herself, in good faith cannot perform to her full potential. Think of a teacher that tells you I don't care how well you do on this test, you're only getting an 80.

So she won't perform at all and I fully support her decision. Cherish that film footage that exist, there may not be much more if any. The world would be so much better without them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She got her medal, but where's her apology?!

That lady looked her right in the face and went "nope!" And scooted on down the line......