Cassie Accuses Diddy of Rape, Domestic Violence, Verbal Abuse & More


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
No the settlement is just civil she can't go out and just blab to anyone but if a criminal investigation takes place the state or the fed govt will.just go before a judge who will release her from the terms of the NDA since the criminal investigation takes precedence over a civil agreement

No she can't just say she made it up - she's filed her case in fed civil.court - you have to have proof and witnesses places dates and times etc and be able to show it - her saying she made it all.up could land her in jail for lying to the Feds ( if they come looking ) previously to the settlement or after ..

Her dispute this

Example - let's say you and someone you know have a dispute over money - they allege you actually took it illegally.

You can settle with the other person and they can agree they are satisfied with the results but if as part of thier allegation that you stole it includes say wage theft or cheating on your taxes ( ie other criminal acts ) ...the state or govt can still investigate and use the proof that the other person had from your prior dispute .

Settling doesn't shield or.protect you from.criminal prosecution - this is what got Cosby locked up.

Oh ok, I asked my question because there were rumors NYPD was starting a criminal investigation before Diddy settled so I was thinking him knowing there might be`a criminal investigation did him settling with Cassie ensure that investigation `was never able to take place


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He really gave her 100 million to settle? That nigga guilty.

Her husband just got the biggest financial windfall of his life. I feel like if my wife came out with these allegations against a former boyfriend I'd go insane, but for 100 million I'd get us both in some good therapy.:lol::lol:


Rising Star
Oh ok, I asked my question because there were rumors NYPD was starting a criminal investigation before Diddy settled so I was thinking him knowing there might be`a criminal investigation did him settling with Cassie ensure that investigation `was never able to take place
Yeh I saw that too

The problem I'm sure Puffy realized was a catch 22 - I guess he thought if he initially entered it would come as him being guilty he gambled that she didn't wanna go public ....but she did

He could fight and deny but her things wasn't just he said she said - she was naming places people and times - she even detailed how he paid to have video destroyed from a hotel that she was in where he beat her - that would be considered evidence tampering on top of the assault -

And again all of this was not just as his GF it was as his employee becuase she was under contract with him and he did shit under his business - so he could be at risk for violating a lot of federal laws about sexual harassment ...even if she was "willing" to be his GF - I warn dudes who are in supervisory positions all the time who try to fuck girls that work under them're playing with fire doing that kinda shit these days're above a worker you're not supposed to fuck to try to do anything to try to have a intimate /romantic relationship- thats a automatic L and whoever is above you should be ready to fire you or just fire you to show they don't tolerate it.

So he had a lot to lose no matter what


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh ok, I asked my question because there were rumors NYPD was starting a criminal investigation before Diddy settled so I was thinking him knowing there might be`a criminal investigation did him settling with Cassie ensure that investigation `was never able to take place
as settlement legally isnt an admission of guilt. There should be no criminal investigation of anything. Even if LE wanted to investigate further they would need corroborating proof and witnesses/victims willing to come forward.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hearing all the inaccuracies and fallacies this has turned into the gossip corner. Where are people getting these 100 mil payouts. Wally hanging from a balcony :lol: Niccas is out here spilling the major tea


Rising Star
BGOL Legend

The same plastic surgeon drove his vehicle off a cliff in Malibu in 2010 ...



Rising Star
BGOL Legend


Woke as fuck
BGOL Investor
Trauma and mental manipulation.
Oh cry me a fucking river you captain save a hoe niggas make any excuse for these money grabbing bitches. If she was so traumatized why didn’t she pursue criminal charges. I mean wouldn’t she was to put diddy behind bars to prevent the possibility of another innocent whore to go through what she did? I guess money eases all her suffering huh?


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
I don’t think Diddy is gay, he’s like those Arabs in Dubai who are bored and do disgusting shit to experiment. Like a Roman or Greek power trip . Those cacs would jacknoff to people getting mauled by lions



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
The women online are digging in online archives and getting info Puff.

Rory and Mal doing opposite of their now rival Joe Budden with their podcast.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
and he has to pay her lawyers fees

which means he then paid about another 10M

butpeep this

he is in worse problems now because he pretty much now gives the states and the feds the reason for scrutinizing him and his money

he just confirmed that he took his employee( she may be his GF but shes under a 10 album contract so she actually is HIS employee and he is the head of a company that she works for ) and he transported her across state lines in the commission of a crime - he pimped her, he paid others to fuck her also and he paid for them to come across state lines to do it - thats human trafficking. ... thats a federal offense.

he did the shit multiple times in ATL NY and LA ....and then used his companies and other people to hide it and cover it up. he beat her thats assault - shes got pictures of her injuries and shes names other people he has working for him that also know she got beat and helped him cover it up. he pretty much admits he gave her drugs - all she needs to do is say who actually got the drugs for him or provide who it is he gets his drugs from ... shes been got shit it for the last 10 years...all his cellphones and computers and shit he cant erase them that would be destroying evidence which they can see if he does try to erase shit. if he switches shit over they will just ask for the old devices

so because he settled now he opens himself and his companies up to being looked at by multiple states since he did the shit multiple times in different states which is probably why initially he didnt want to settle....and probably thought she was bullshitting.
Not how that works. When you settle, the paperwork clearly states that no party is admitting to guilt of anything and it can’t be used in court.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
and he has to pay her lawyers fees

which means he then paid about another 10M

butpeep this

he is in worse problems now because he pretty much now gives the states and the feds the reason for scrutinizing him and his money

he just confirmed that he took his employee( she may be his GF but shes under a 10 album contract so she actually is HIS employee and he is the head of a company that she works for ) and he transported her across state lines in the commission of a crime - he pimped her, he paid others to fuck her also and he paid for them to come across state lines to do it - thats human trafficking. ... thats a federal offense.

he did the shit multiple times in ATL NY and LA ....and then used his companies and other people to hide it and cover it up. he beat her thats assault - shes got pictures of her injuries and shes names other people he has working for him that also know she got beat and helped him cover it up. he pretty much admits he gave her drugs - all she needs to do is say who actually got the drugs for him or provide who it is he gets his drugs from ... shes been got shit it for the last 10 years...all his cellphones and computers and shit he cant erase them that would be destroying evidence which they can see if he does try to erase shit. if he switches shit over they will just ask for the old devices

so because he settled now he opens himself and his companies up to being looked at by multiple states since he did the shit multiple times in different states which is probably why initially he didnt want to settle....and probably thought she was bullshitting.
Question about you saying he pimped her. Who payed diddy money to have sex with her ?? I missed that part


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man this is confusing. First they say diddy was insecure and jealous and threatened people and assaulting people because he was jealous.
And then he was paying guys to have sex with her. ??


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Good watch. On how the media can manipulate the feeble minded

Michael Jackson nephew is a grifter who has scammed his uncles fans to fund a lifestyle. What he says cannot be taken seriously.

Michael Jackson is more than likely guilty looking at all the evidence. His stature, and money, got him away from things.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Man this is confusing. First they say diddy was insecure and jealous and threatened people and assaulting people because he was jealous.
And then he was paying guys to have sex with her. ??
There are some pimps that be having jealousy issues with their bitches even though they fucking for money… they bitch can go get the money but outside of her doing that they don’t be wanting them to have social lives or outside dick that’s not paying. Hell some pimps have jealousy issues even with some tricks. They don’t want their girls fucking certain nigs even if it’s for pay cause for various reasons.. so if pimps be having jealousy issues knowing what type of line of work their chicks is in than it’s not hard to believe an individual that likes to control a chick who he considers a plaything, girlfriend, etc… there are pornstars who had pornstar girlfriends who they didn’t want them do scenes with certain males or certain ethnic types… selective jealousy can exist


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There are some pimps that be having jealousy issues with their bitches even though they fucking for money… they bitch can go get the money but outside of her doing that they don’t be wanting them to have social lives or outside dick that’s not paying. Hell some pimps have jealousy issues even with some tricks. They don’t want their girls fucking certain nigs even if it’s for pay cause for various reasons.. so if pimps be having jealousy issues knowing what type of line of work their chicks is in than it’s not hard to believe an individual that likes to control a chick who he considers a plaything, girlfriend, etc… there are pornstars who had pornstar girlfriends who they didn’t want them do scenes with certain males or certain ethnic types… selective jealousy can exist
So at what point was diddy charging people to have sex with her


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Michael Jackson nephew is a grifter who has scammed his uncles fans to fund a lifestyle. What he says cannot be taken seriously.

Michael Jackson is more than likely guilty looking at all the evidence. His stature, and money, got him away from things.

What does him being a grifter have to do with any on that. He only spoke on himself not being abused.
And from what I watched the evidence was not enough to be criminally charged. Did you watch the video before commenting on it.?
The description of him were all inaccurate

And from what I’m understanding a civil suit you just need to convince people as opposed to a criminal case the evidence requirements has to be absolute to proceed.
Which is why I say if you deny to pursue criminal charges your relying on preying on the feeble minded
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
So at what point was diddy charging people to have sex with her
What are you talking about? I was explaining how some men could have jealousy issues even when they know their female partners engage in sex with other individuals whether it’s in their field of bizz or even in their personal life. You asked how could diddy let Cassie fuck other dudes and still be jealous. Well I explained that even pimps and pornstars can have jealousy issues even when they know their partners are having sex with other people


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What are you talking about? I was explaining how some men could have jealousy issues even when they know their female partners engage in sex with other individuals whether it’s in their field of bizz or even in their personal life. You asked how could diddy let Cassie fuck other dudes and still be jealous. Well I explained that even pimps and pornstars can have jealousy issues even when they know their partners are having sex with other people
Ok. I just had question towards this story specifically.
So many contradictions.
Diddy jealous. Diddy payed men to have sex with her
Diddy running from suge. Diddy grabs weapons and runs out looking for suge.
Diddy hung wale from a balcony. Suge hung vanilla ice from a balcony. By the way both lies. Vanilla ice denies this and wale also denies this themselves.
Then someone says diddy was pimping her. When everbody knows diddy gives “them” money