for the love of god
someone please help me out
post reportedBullshit, how do you allow a man to touch your anus? You have to be full naked and bent over. Shits stupid now.
for the love of god
someone please help me out
post reported
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Meek a weird ass nuigga.
Whoa. There is evidence galore.
You just jumped way out the closetBullshit, how do you allow a man to touch your anus? You have to be full naked and bent over. Shits stupid now.
Pretty sure most of the prisoners seen those pictures so he will have a bull’s-eye on his back if he was to do that.Meek is gonna want to go back to prison to hide.
He ain't surviving this year.
Meek a weird ass nuigga.
If he not on suicide watch now he will be soon..Meek is gonna want to go back to prison to hide.
He ain't surviving this year.