Chloe Bailey & Halle teases “a lot more to come” in new Instagram video


Rising Star
BGOL Investor



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
yeah I'm with it, but why is she trying so damn hard...

but here is a chick doing THE MOST... (FYI, I was on mute)

Yooo ... I knew this was coming...
These chicks out here trying to out do each other, eventually was going to lead to one going nude.

Next is them actually performing sex in their high end video.

And Chloe is my type of thick even though she chose trashy instead of classy...


Rising Star
Platinum Member
little Megan now :devil:

I agree, not that I'm that familiar with this person or her music. However, I am familiar with the music and film industry. And if you look at Beyonce' from her start until now she has shown that the way you get "put-on" and remain relevant, is to flaunt sexiness and exude sexual extravagance. Now on a whole its nothing wrong with any of this done in moderation, however, "sex" is a very "base" emotion and these industries are very adept at taking "the lowest essence of our culture and giving it maximum exposure". This tends to project the person performing as being primarily concerned with this single "essence" and they use the performing arts as a way to express and tell us who and what they really are!!!


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
yeah I'm with it, but why is she trying so damn hard...

but here is a chick doing THE MOST... (FYI, I was on mute)

What the bloodclat?
I like nudity but this shit is just attention whoring.
I can't tell the difference between celebrity entertainers and strippers anymore.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You bugging. This video is more artistic that all the other sexy videos out.

If you want attention whoring go see - Card B, Megan and Shenseea.
What the bloodclat?
I like nudity but this shit is just attention whoring.
I can't tell the difference between celebrity entertainers and strippers anymore.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
chloe fine as fuck but her music just ain't cutting it for me . just seems so forced. i think she'd be better if she sang more sexy sensual love songs compared to this fast paced wild music she putting out.