Clipped based on the downfall of Donald Sterling ... Laurence Fishburne will play Doc Rivers Ed O'Neill AKA Al Bundy as Donald Sterling


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This series dealt with a lot of heavy shit, especially regarding race and sex but unfortunately, the casting is going to draw attention away from those discussions.

V. Stiviano is not somebody I want to feel bad for but I do feel bad for the boys she adopted but if I remember correctly from Ramona Shelbourne's podcast about the situation, Shelly Sterling (who is a horrible person) seemed to be somewhat inclined to look the other way if V. would have understood how to be subtle.

Donald and Shelly are terrible people but V. fumbled this bag on her own.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
This series dealt with a lot of heavy shit, especially regarding race and sex but unfortunately, the casting is going to draw attention away from those discussions.

V. Stiviano is not somebody I want to feel bad for but I do feel bad for the boys she adopted but if I remember correctly from Ramona Shelbourne's podcast about the situation, Shelly Sterling (who is a horrible person) seemed to be somewhat inclined to look the other way if V. would have understood how to be subtle.

Donald and Shelly are terrible people but V. fumbled this bag on her own.

Well said.

I'd like to add Shelly Sterling is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad person.

Donald this human walking talking rancid excrement. But also out his mind.

Shelly is the personification of evil incarnate and our worst type of enemy.

She actually BELIEVES she is a good person.

The actress playing her was outstanding.

And needs to IMMEDIATELY play something else because she was way to believable in the role.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
This series dealt with a lot of heavy shit, especially regarding race and sex but unfortunately, the casting is going to draw attention away from those discussions.

V. Stiviano is not somebody I want to feel bad for but I do feel bad for the boys she adopted but if I remember correctly from Ramona Shelbourne's podcast about the situation, Shelly Sterling (who is a horrible person) seemed to be somewhat inclined to look the other way if V. would have understood how to be subtle.

Donald and Shelly are terrible people but V. fumbled this bag on her own.

Stivano is just... a waste.

Racist recordings were leaked on her too I believe

Salute to the actress for an Emmy worthy performance. But there was absolutely no way to make her sympathetic even with the boys and compared to the Sterlings.