Colorado Shooter's Dad glad he's not gay.


Rising Star
I know there is a woman present, but being in a room with a bunch of other naked dudes, holding your dick, doesn't seem like something that a homophobe would do...but it is something a Christian republican would do because consistency doesn't matter.
I mean... when you're Right....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My man's was answering the questions like

This is so hilarious because it's accurate as fuck


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
This is what happens if Republicans really wants to get their way in most states. This is why I’m glad Republicans are dying off rapidly right now. I hate to be mean like that, but they are straight up evil.


Rising Star
This is what happens if Republicans really wants to get their way in most states. This is why I’m glad Republicans are dying off rapidly right now. I hate to be mean like that, but I am straight up delusional.
Where your statistics?


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Word? They have a category on mortality based on political affiliation? Link me.
Also, you seeing signs of this doing the midterms this is one of the reasons why it wasn’t a red wave. Yeah, the Republicans took over the house, but only by a slim margin (and gerrymandering)


Rising Star
Also, you seeing signs of this doing the midterms this is one of the reasons why it wasn’t a red wave. Yeah, the Republicans took over the house, but only by a slim margin (and gerrymandering)

I asked for your census link about political affiliation and mortality and you came back with personal anecdotes and an npr story about Christian majority waning.

Ok dog, I'm outtro.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
I asked for your census link about political affiliation and mortality and you came back with personal anecdotes and an npr story about Christian majority waning.

Ok dog, I'm outtro.
It’s illegal for the census to ask about religion.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
So when the KKK openly hated and lynched black ppl meant they wanted to be black themselves? Or when the Nazis hated and killed Jewish and Africans meant the Nazi were going through an identity crisis? If that is true then that would be the purest form of irony to date.

I don’t believe that logic your referring to holds up, even though ppl (me included) use it as a way to comprehend a person’s actions.

Some ppl in life actually have pure disdain for a person lifestyle, race, nationality, gender, way of thinking, etc with no regards to underlying issues or motives. it’s just pure hate.

Some did. J Edgar Hoover is a great example of a gay black man who attacked both groups.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Where your statistics?
He don’t have any. He thinks only so-called caucasians are Republican when the main problems we deal with are created by caucasian Democrats.

that’s where the pro-whites get in trouble. They claim republicans (a party that ignores the vast majority of so-called blacks for decades) cause the problems but the Democrats (who have latched on to the so-called black community for decades) have no impact. How dumb can they get?


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



The Legend
BGOL Investor

The mother of Anderson Lee Aldrich, the suspect in the Club Q shooting, has three outstanding warrants for her arrest out of California and an arson charge out of Bexar County, Texas (San Antonio).

That arson charge was reduced to a lesser charge.

Laura Lea Voepel, 45, was sentenced to five years of probation in Aug. 2013 and did not complete the probation terms, which were set to expire Aug. 2018, according to court records obtained by The Gazette.

“At the end of the day, the District Attorney made an offer of criminal mischief and probation,” said her court-appointed attorney, James Oltersdorf.

Oltersdorf said he never heard again from Voepel after he represented her.

Records show that Voepel is Aldrich’s mother. It is unclear whether he lived with her while he was in Colorado. On June 18, 2021, she called El Paso County Sheriff's at 1:56 p.m. to report a bomb threat at the 9800 block of Rubicon Drive, according to an El Paso County Sheriff's press release.

Voepel told authorities that her son was threatening to hurt her with a homemade bomb, multiple weapons, and ammunition.
The release said that Anderson Lee Aldrich was around a mile away from the Rubicon Drive address and that when deputies called him, he refused to surrender, the release said.

Police evacuated the area and Aldrich walked out of the door at 5:46 p.m., four hours after the initial call, El Paso County Sheriff's said.

Relatives who wished not to be identified said that the incident started when Aldrich found out that his maternal grandparents were going to move from Colorado to Florida.

On a neighborhood doorbell surveillance video obtained by The Gazette, Aldrich can be heard saying to his mother, "This is the day I die. They don't give a f*** about me any more. Clearly."

Aldrich is suspected of killing 5 people and injuring 18 more at Colorado Springs’ Club Q nightclub over the weekend. Witnesses said the suspect entered the club just before midnight Saturday and began shooting.

There are three warrants open in three of four cases on Voepel’s California criminal record, according to Riverside County court documents.

Records show that Voepel was arrested in 2008 for false reporting, in 2010 for speeding and failure to appear, and in 2011 for driving under the influence. In 2008, she was arrested in Riverside for public intoxication and failure to appear, but that case was closed.

Voepel is the daughter of California assemblyman Randy Voepel. Relatives who wished to remain unidentified said the suspect is the assemblyman's biological grandson, although family sources say the family relationship has been splintered.

Attempts to reach Randy Voepel, whose campaign website has been taken down since Monday, have been unsuccessful.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend

Instead, he drove his gold Toyota Highlander to an LGBTQ bar called Club Q, donned a ballistic vest, and walked up to the front door, where he “opened fire indiscriminately at patrons inside,” according to CCTV images and new details included in an affidavit unsealed Wednesday evening.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
New reporter- Your son is a murderer!

Shooters father- Yea but I didnt raise no cocksuckin booty bandit!..

pats himself on the back


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
The good news is, your son is 100% not gay,
The bad news is the guy the dukes him in the butt every night is very very gay!