Comedy: ‘SNL’ Host Bill Burr Raises Eyebrows With Monologue Tackling COVID, Cancel Culture, Woke Movement & Gay Pride


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

‘SNL’ Host Bill Burr Raises Eyebrows With Monologue Tackling COVID, Cancel Culture, Woke Movement & Gay Pride
By Alexandra Del Rosario
Alexandra Del Rosario
Associate Editor/Nights & Weekends
@_amvdrMore Stories By Alexandra
October 10, 2020 9:12pm
Bill Burr kicked off his Saturday Night Live debut displaying his non-politically correct stand-up style and raising eyebrows. He began by respecting anti-maskers’ decision not to coverup during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I don’t care it’s your decision, there’s too many people,” he said. “If you’re that dumb and you wanna kill your own family members then do it, it stops you from producing.”
His take on anti-maskers comes after he noted that the masked-up SNL audience members reminded him of surgeons. But the people who have opted not to follow CDC recommendations weren’t the only targets of Burr’s opening monologue. The comedian took on cancel culture, woke culture and Gay Pride Month.

He took a jab at cancel culture and its far-reaching impact saying “they’re literally running out of ppl to cancel, they’re going after dead people now,” referring to John Wayne.

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“It’s like yeah he was born in 1907 that’s what these people sounded like. You never talked to your grandparents and brought up the wrong subject?” Burr joked.
He then extended his monologue about social awareness to speak about woke culture and how he thinks white women have co-opted the movement.
“It should’ve been about people of color.. somehow white women swung their Gucci-footed feet over the fence of oppression and stuck themselves at the front of the line,” he said.
He topped off his monologue asking a hesitant audience why Gay Pride endures a month, suggesting that Black people “who were actually enslaved” deserve more beyond just February.
“These are equator people give them the sun for31 days. There’s gay Black people, they could celebrate from June 1, June 31… give them 61 days to celebrate,” he said.


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
that shit was funny fuck yall

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:



Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
This was very tame compare to the usual shit he says yet they're mad about it. Can you imagine, the outrage it it were his usual stand

he was on point about white women and gays hijacking civil rights. its why the democratic party is a joke for black people.

He wasn't lying about white women part and gay pride.

Dude was dropping truth bombs and it made white people uncomfortable because it was facts.

I've said the same thing about white women for years.They go around acting like their history is clean. They continue to get black men killed,they treat black children horribly during slavery and now and black women gets treated like shit too...All this women rights bullshit is about them wanting more power and resources...They don't care about black women.

White women are the #1 benefactors for affirmative action yet that's not good enough.White women bitch and complain about earning less money than white men but they earn more money than black men and women for the same job. Hell,I won't be surprised they earn more money for sitting on their asses.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
One thing I’ve learned about Bill Burr through his podcast: he is married to a black woman and really wants Joe Rogan’s listeners.

I don’t listen to him. He’s clearly looking for a specific audience to afford his lifestyle.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
This was very tame compare to the usual shit he says yet they're mad about it. Can you imagine, the outrage it it were his usual stand

I've said the same thing about white women for years.They go around acting like their history is clean. They continue to get black men killed,they treat black children horribly during slavery and now and black women gets treated like shit too...All this women rights bullshit is about them wanting more power and resources...They don't care about black women.

White women are the #1 benefactors for affirmative action yet that's not good enough.White women bitch and complain about earning less money than white men but they earn more money than black men and women for the same job. Hell,I won't be surprised they earn more money for sitting on their asses.
Trips me out when black women be on that feminist shit,though the feminist movement created by white women and for them only


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He wasn't lying about white women part and gay pride.

Dude was dropping truth bombs and it made white people uncomfortable because it was facts.

Hit a little too close to home for some folks. You can always tell when someone's embarrassed by their truth, because a joke not only makes fun of it, but it makes it feel like people are laughing AT you. It's always sissies and some women complaining, because they don't have friends that shit on each other. Man my friends went in on me so hard for wearing this sky blue argyle sweater, I went home and put that shit away forever. When my homie showed up with skinny jeans on, we killed him for like an hour. Someone said he had to do yoga to reach into his pockets, and after that night, we never saw those pants again. These bitches don't want to hear anything bad, so they try to kill any negativity. You don't get better unless you know your fault.

The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
Hit a little too close to home for some folks. You can always tell when someone's embarrassed by their truth, because a joke not only makes fun of it, but it makes it feel like people are laughing AT you. It's always sissies and some women complaining, because they don't have friends that shit on each other. Man my friends went in on me so hard for wearing this sky blue argyle sweater, I went home and put that shit away forever. When my homie showed up with skinny jeans on, we killed him for like an hour. Someone said he had to do yoga to reach into his pockets, and after that night, we never saw those pants again. These bitches don't want to hear anything bad, so they try to kill any negativity. You don't get better unless you know your fault.
In front of their faces! Crackers are the masters of hiding their true intent.
Real talk, our people bring it to your ass no matter where you at :lol:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
This was surprisingly soul revealing

Had someone real cool with me ask about this last night

White feminist

She kept harping on one thing

Seriously one thing

Why he have to say bitches?

I was like REALLY?

all the sh*t he said you gonna dump cause of that?

So if black folk said well the only reason we didn't vote for Hillary was because she called us super predator you would understand right?


I said it was joke. Said specifically to get that reaction. You KNOW damn well.

He aint imitate a special needs person, say grab her by the pussy, refuse to denounce white supremacists, or say he could kill a person and get away with it.

It was a joke.

I didn't break it down more cause jokes not supposed to need that, nothing that man said was that deep or confusing.

Granted that style is NOT for everyone i don't dictate to anyone what they SHOULD find funny

But Burr did NOT bomb

that aint opinion thats fact.

He hit em up just like he prepared

Granted i honestly think he was surprised they were THAT shook

But they were at 30% capacity audience