Comedy: ‘SNL’ Host Bill Burr Raises Eyebrows With Monologue Tackling COVID, Cancel Culture, Woke Movement & Gay Pride

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor

:roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2:





they're calling it misogynistic..

Misogynistic definition, reflecting or exhibiting hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women.

they're gonna have to come up with a new word for what he said...because that's NOT what that was.

I think you could argue that calling women bitches exhibits dislike.

Maybe misogynistic and wrong are not always synonymous. By the definition, whenever there is a rape claim and people are saying "Believe women," arguments in opposition are misogynistic.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think you could argue that calling women bitches exhibits dislike.

Maybe misogynistic and wrong are not always synonymous. By the definition, whenever there is a rape claim and people are saying "Believe women," arguments in opposition are misogynistic.
he was being specific..he called WHITE WOMEN bitches..he exact line was "Let me talk to MY bitches..." I guarantee you black brown and asian women were not offended. :giggle: if there is a dislike.. it's of WHITE women...that's very specific. which is I why I said they need different word for that.


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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yooooo he went off!!!

White women sat right beside their slave owning husband's that beat slaves; their finance executive husband's that manipulated the markets for personal gain. You think Steve Manuchin's wife is a good person? Bill Barr's wife is a person of great moral standing? If you aren't the white woman Burr is talking about, shut up and don't defend a white woman that is the problem.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The month of June is Gay Pride month. That’s a little long, don’t you think, for a group of people that were never enslaved?’’ Burr said. “How did they get all of June?

“The black people were actually enslaved. They get February, they get 28 days of overcast weather. … How about you hook them up with July? These are equator people.”

This is fucking funny. We get the shortest month in the worth weather of the year. Are people so offended that they overlooked the truth bomb he dropped?