Comic Head's Which Squad you picking to win? (ongoing)

Top or bottom?

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darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor





Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Top row.

Not because of the power difference, the bottom row got that.

But because of the villains.

Best believe Spidey got eyes on the back of his head watching Green Goblin & Doc Ock. He ain't gonna let shit slide with those two nearby.

But the bottom row got two villains that's notorious for being power hungry, scheming & treacherous as hell. Reed Richards be naive as hell when it comes to Doom. And Mags loyalty is only to himself. It's almost a guarantee that they betray the shit out of the bottom row, probably right when the fight's almost over. I can see Doom yelling at a defeated Richards about his greatness, while Mags berates Prof. X while he's trapped in a cocoon made of his chair.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Top row.

Not because of the power difference, the bottom row got that.

But because of the villains.

Best believe Spidey got eyes on the back of his head watching Green Goblin & Doc Ock. He ain't gonna let shit slide with those two nearby.

But the bottom row got two villains that's notorious for being power hungry, scheming & treacherous as hell. Reed Richards be naive as hell when it comes to Doom. And Mags loyalty is only to himself. It's almost a guarantee that they betray the shit out of the bottom row, probably right when the fight's almost over. I can see Doom yelling at a defeated Richards about his greatness, while Mags berates Prof. X while he's trapped in a cocoon made of his chair.


But if this is truly a winner take all competition

They gonna want to WIN first

And Victor is most def gonna wanna rub Reed face in it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah it's the bottom but

Cyclops, Storm AND Havoc?

Hulk AND THOR????

Tony Stark and Cap?


I mean yall acting like it would be a cakewalk
it would be easier than a cakewalk,Phoenix is THE mutant. she by herself beats them with just a thought. She is so overpowered its unimaginable.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
to beat that bottom team you would have to have a team start with Thanos with gauntlet glove to offset Phoenix,then you can mix and match to combat the other team need major magic dudes like Shazam,Dr Strange,Zatanna to offset Professor X and Phoenix and then you need super powered heavy hitters for Doom,Magneto and Surfer like Superman,Wonder Woman and the Green Lanterns. the question is what team could beat a team with Thanos,Shazam,Dr Strange,Zatanna,Superman,WW,Green Lantern and Spectre.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Zatanna got to get murked wit the quickness.have prof x snatch superman's mind and make him go injustice on them muthafuckas.put johnny storm and ghost rider on martian man can be done but the justice league/jsa are some hard pipe hitting muthafuckas..aint no time for quips or mistakes.


JLA a well oiled machine

They ARE a team period.

And ummm Batman leading


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
it would be easier than a cakewalk,Phoenix is THE mutant. she by herself beats them with just a thought. She is so overpowered its unimaginable.

Apparently Thor and Iron Man took her down


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Let's keep it real. World War Hulk, Storm is Omega level and God King Thor.... Just those three alone could destroy planets.

On the other hand, Professor Xavier can shut everybody's mind down for an instant win.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And Iceman has been retconned as an Omega level Mutant... thats 3 counting Jean Grey and Magneto...

He eventually discovered how to effectively cover his body in an ice-like shell, granting him more durability and control over his abilities. Over the years, his true potential became more apparent through the help of others. Scott Lobdell and Tom Raney's Uncanny X-Men #291 and #292 saw Colossus' brother Mikhail Rasputin use his powers to transform Iceman's body into his "final form," revealing that Drake always had the potential to completely transform into a body of organic ice instead of merely using it as an outer shell.

Iceman continued to experiment with his powers, particularly after Emma Frost took control of him in Uncanny X-Men #314 (by Lobdell and Lee Weeks) and revealed that he can exist without a body. Iceman proved able to exist as a sentient presence by controlling his very molecules even when his body was destroyed. He was then able to use the surrounding moisture in the atmosphere to create a new body. While controlling him, Emma was genuinely shocked at his potential and later taught him how to better control his abilities in Uncanny X-Men #331 (by Lobdell and Bryan Hitch).
Since then, Iceman has become even more powerful, proving capable of creating legions of ice copies. This allowed him to impressively form an entire army out of himself in Wolverine & the X-Men #2 (by Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo).