After getting halfway through tonight's show, I can humbly say there's always two sides to every story.
I still wish all this could have happened behind the scenes, but Corey had a legitimate gripe with Zo. We didn't know that info last week so it made Corey come off like an asshole when Zo in fact did some asshole moves.
I get where Corey is coming from with the weakest link comment. He wasn't talking about Zo's input as a host on the show, he's was talking about Zo's lack of professionalism with the fight and cowardace when it came to responding to the lawyer on that lawsuit.
If Zo worked for Sirius XM and punched a guest on the air he would have been fired, charged and blacklisted from radio. But since it's a youtube show without white people involved, people aren't viewing the situation the same way. It's like 5150 is just some street shit rather than a legitimate business that's vulnerable to lawsuits which is why companies have handbooks and HR departments. Corey had a legitimate point.
Corey is a funny acting dude man. Why he ain't bring up Zo not calling the lawyer back when Zo was there on the show last week?
Corey lies by omission. He will leave things out to make himself look better. I'm telling you he's a manipulator.
Corey knows he fucked up, but he's tied to that "chi-town I'm a real nigga" image. He gonna keep that up to not look like a sucker in front of his fans.