I knew Corey was a fuck nigga when he made an issue out of Bobby's drinking,Bobby accidently taking the car door handle off,not letting Bobby voice his opinion on the show anymore and putting Bobby's personal business out there on the air;Bobby's relationship with his only son,his living situation with a alcoholic woman,Bobby's friendship with Jim Brown,his work situation and him selling water systems.
I'm shocked Darlene has lasted this long cause he never lets her talk without cutting her off,mentioning Ice-T or saying something stupidly offensive ;Knowing that Darlene hustles but doesn't have to cause her bills are paid but do you need to mention that?that's her business and remember she was there before Tracy was Ice-T.
It was just wrong to disrespect Bobby who brought an older different opinion to the show and he smiled,laughed and took a lot of his shit when the camera's were on.
He still mentions Bobby every now and than .There's a big difference between being funny and offensive and he's straight offensive with the lame "Pussy Squid juice" jokes
He's divorce,dog died,has a bunch of kids which he's only close to one,he only messes with a few family members and is bitter about Hollywierd treatment.....so he lashes out,it's true the jester after the laughs lives a miserable life.