Coronavirus Stimulus Deal is DONE!


Rising Star
Bernie must like getting fucked.

He and his supporters love playing the victim....just like Chump/Chump supporters...
They are so full of shit. You didn't hear Sanders or his newly found supporters screaming that he was getting fucked when Hillary cleared the field in 2016. If not for that actions, Sanders wouldn't even have any shred of relevance to this day. If my shit is strong, then I wouldn't give a shit about who's in or who's out.
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FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Oh cut the "he's getting fucked again" bs. Ok if he's supposedly "getting fucked", then what's the point of staying in? Is he some how going to stop "getting fucked"?
Yeah, at the rate of deterioration that Biden is suffering. You think it BS that the DNC is trying to delay the inevitable change in political pull? I'm a Boomer Bruh, I know that my time is up and times have changed whether WE like it or not.

These younger up and comers ain't havin' it man.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Most people are not ordering from restaurants though
Since they're already home all day, they can just cook breakfast/lunch/dinner, which will be cheaper
Wrong, most people in cities are. Especially younger people. I see mad people around Oakland getting delivery and waiting for their take out. Drive through lines are mad long at fast food jawns. The line at in and out burger is crazy as fuck


Rising Star
Platinum Member
It’s not but the other part of the bills very heavily Democratic you can blame the Republicans for that number when they was negotiating. The key is none of Trump people and Trump himself get a piece of this money.
If every democrat votes for it is it really the republicans fault. If the tea party caucus agrees to it is ..


Rising Star
Yeah, at the rate of deterioration that Biden is suffering. You think it BS that the DNC is trying to delay the inevitable change in political pull? I'm a Boomer Bruh, I know that my time is up and times have changed whether WE like it or not.

These younger up and comers ain't havin' it man.
Did we forget that Sanders is older than Biden and that Sanders recently suffered a heart attack. For some reason people want to pretend that Sanders is some young spring chicken. He aint..


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
They are so full of shit. You didn't hear Sanders or his newly found supporters screaming that he was getting fucked when Hillary cleared the field in 2016. If not for that actions, Sanders wouldn't even have any shred of relevant to this day. If my shit is strong, then I wouldn't give a shit about who's in or who's out.
:eek2::eek2::eek2: There was damn near a revolt by Progressive voters! What mineral mine were you in at the time or were you a sea faring Submariner?

That shit forced them to make rule changes (and be far more clever in whose palms were greased) because of the rift that it caused. Don't even think that they didn't strategize Biden's gaffing ass into position to gain more delegates than Bernie for a minute.



Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Did we forget that Sanders is older than Biden and that Sanders recently suffered a heart attack. For some reason people want to pretend that Sanders is some young spring chicken. He aint..
Thank you I had to remind some of his supporters about that same thing


Rising Star
:eek2::eek2::eek2: There was damn near a revolt by Progressive voters! What mineral mine were you in at the time or were you a sea faring Submariner?

That shit forced them to make rule changes (and be far more clever in whose palms were greased) because of the rift that it caused. Don't even think that they didn't strategize Biden's gaffing ass into position to gain more delegates than Bernie for a minute.

Bruh you are lost. Before Clinton cleared the field in 2015/2016 Bernie Sanders wasn't even on the meter. It wasn't until afterwards that Bernie became relevant. The top people were Hillary Clinton and Martin O Malley. There were others who would have ran but stayed out because of Hillary.
That is how Bernie gained relevance. What you posted is after the fact. Catch up...


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Bruh you are lost. Before Clinton cleared the field in 2015/2016 Bernie Sanders wasn't even on the meter. It wasn't until afterwards that Bernie became relevant. The top people were Hillary Clinton and Martin O Malley. There were others who would have ran but stayed out because of Hillary.
That is how Bernie gained relevance. What you posted is after the fact. Catch up...
Man, that shit was HANDED to her because it was 'supposedly' her turn because she's a female. Bernie and Stein were just as relevant as Agents of change and Hillary was with keeping the Status Quo.

Muhfuckas fell by the wayside to pave her path, and in the end, Bernie caved to keep the peace and did MORE damn campaigning on her behalf than SHE continued to do.

Bernie was THE threat to the Democratic Party.

But alas, I voted for Stein because they spoke on reparations.


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
Cuhz u make 250,000 yearly.

u gon be alright

and u got them unreleased Tupac Masters.
Cuzz oil is $20 a barrel, damn near cheaper than Chronic. They cut us 30% and took away all the bonuses and in-country perks. I just had a person leave my Cali house so I'm floating 3 mortgages. But yeah, don't cry for me Argentina, I got a couple of bucks saved, the wife is still working and my other spots are rented out and the 2nd vacancy is paid for.

On a side note, I ordered a car about 6 months ago and the bitch showed up last week. :smh: :smh: :hithead::crymeariver: Now I got a car note and no place to drive to. Bitch got 130 miles on it. :lol::lol:

Was going to start a thread about old cats like me with family cars but now? :smh:


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
How do you stimulate the economy if you can't leave the crib and everything is closed tho?

Cats are going to blow that shit with the quickness.

What about all these people that lay up on gobment money? Are they getting checks? I guess if you don't file, you get nothing. :lol:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Shit is crazy man. The whole package is $6 trillion. This CAC caused trillions in deficits in just fucking weeks because he's an idiot and only cares about himself... crickets from the media right now on that shit.
The media conglomerates that relies on tax breaks? That media?


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Cuzz oil is $20 a barrel, damn near cheaper than Chronic. They cut us 30% and took away all the bonuses and in-country perks. I just had a person leave my Cali house so I'm floating 3 mortgages. But yeah, don't cry for me Argentina, I got a couple of bucks saved, the wife is still working and my other spots are rented out and the 2nd vacancy is paid for.

On a side note, I ordered a car about 6 months ago and the bitch showed up last week. :smh: :smh: :hithead::crymeariver: Now I got a car note and no place to drive to. Bitch got 130 miles on it. :lol::lol:

Was going to start a thread about old cats like me with family cars but now? :smh:
How u much want for that Cali crib?

i know im
good for the bgol discount.

damn a dub for a barrel?

yall ninjas ain’t eatin’


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Cats are going to blow that shit with the quickness.
Is that a problem? Cash strapped citizens spending cash in an economy that is meant to spent cash is normal. The economy is over 70 percent service-based.

If you wanted the people to save the money maybe we would have created informed citizens.

My grandmother had a saying, “Either you pay now or you pay three times as much later.” The money we neglected to spend the last 40 years was just spent in a weekend. But it doesn’t look like this was an efficientmanner though.


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
Is that a problem? Cash strapped citizens spending cash in an economy that is meant to spent cash is normal. The economy is over 70 percent service-based.
No. That's the point. If in 2008 we gave every American 200K, most would have blown through that shit in a couple of days. The rich get their money either way, but these bastards want it first. Feed the dirt and the tree will grow.


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
Some may argue that the Saudi-Russia beef is artificial and solely meant to drive the US shale oil business out of business.
It is, they don't want the competition. They are driving weak companies into submission. Right now the rigs are still working in some places, but if they have to stop, that's when the prices will go up.