COSMOS 2014: Premieres Tonight at 9pm EST.. Who's watching?


Rising Star
Man that carbon color put some things in perspective. Shit is crazy.

Those white sided mountains are now on my list of things to see :yes:


Lobbyist for energy and gas are working hard to keep that money in house


DOESN'T help matters that former lobbyists/CEOs end up becoming appointees to regulate the very thing that made them rich, (I rant because I just found out that a former lobbyist for the cable industry (Tom Wheeler) was just appointed by Obama to head the FCC, which is currently ruling on Net Neutrality, which ALL of the cable companies want (so that they can charge large companies a premium for "fast" internet service), John Oliver showed a graphic of how Comcast actually slowed Netflix's speed while they were negotiating a new contract, & how it miraculously returned to normal when they signed a new deal!:smh:

He also showed that the #1 company that spent the most on lobbyists was Northrup Grumman (the Military Industrial Complex), while #2 was Comcast.:smh::smh::smh::angry::angry:


International Member

DOESN'T help matters that former lobbyists/CEOs end up becoming appointees to regulate the very thing that made them rich, (I rant because I just found out that a former lobbyist for the cable industry (Tom Wheeler) was just appointed by Obama to head the FCC, which is currently ruling on Net Neutrality, which ALL of the cable companies want (so that they can charge large companies a premium for "fast" internet service), John Oliver showed a graphic of how Comcast actually slowed Netflix's speed while they were negotiating a new contract, & how it miraculously returned to normal when they signed a new deal!:smh:

He also showed that the #1 company that spent the most on lobbyists was Northrup Grumman (the Military Industrial Complex), while #2 was Comcast.:smh::smh::smh::angry::angry:

Who gives a fuck if we're rapidly making the only planet we live on uninhabitable, if there's money to be made?:rolleyes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
great finale.. the ending monologue with Carl Sagan and Neil were incredible words that everyone should listen to. The promo said Season Finale, but the way the show ended made it seem like it was a one and done. Oh well

Love the series, NDT should do more of these.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
great finale.. the ending monologue with Carl Sagan and Neil were incredible words that everyone should listen to. The promo said Season Finale, but the way the show ended made it seem like it was a one and done. Oh well

Love the series, NDT should do more of these.

It was released,10 minutes early on the internet,before it got broadcast on TV....

I agree,that I hope they make more Cosmos....:cool:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How does this compare to the Wormhole show

Wormhole touches on way more advance topics.

COSMOS is more like an introduction to science and astronomy. Something you can watch with your kids to get their curiosity going. Even though most the shit I already, I really enjoyed it.


BGOL Investor
great finale.. the ending monologue with Carl Sagan and Neil were incredible words that everyone should listen to. The promo said Season Finale, but the way the show ended made it seem like it was a one and done. Oh well

Love the series, NDT should do more of these.

He said he wasn't doing anymore because it took a lot out of him and time away from his family. They couldn't have picked a better person to do this series.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Excellent show. Just saw someone complain and critique on Facebook about the show's take on apes to human evolution. Their comment was, "if humans came from apes, then why are their still apes". The reply was brilliant, "we have cats and tigers at the same time as well". No one disputes that cats and tigers are related.
They stealing Katt William jokes to critic this...

The episodes about the dogs and wolves should of explained this


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
I was laughing my ass off,when he said that last night...:lol::lol::lol:



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Tyson fired some true shots for the last episode.
I should really plop for that Blu-Ray tomorrow.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Its like watching an Adult magic school bus and we the students along for the ride.


Renegade of this atomic age
Fox News Guest Launches Race-Based Attack On Neil deGrasse Tyson

A frequent Fox News guest who has contributed to a white nationalist website attacked Neil deGrasse Tyson, an astrophysicist and host of FOX's Cosmos, for speaking out about racial profiling he has experienced.

Gavin McInnes, who co-founded Vice but left the company in 2008, reportedly because he was a "liability," said he "hate" Tyson and complained about Tyson stating that he has been racially profiled in stores on the June 3 edition of Fox News' Red Eye:

video link:

MCINNES: I hate this guy [...] White liberal nerds love this guy so much, he could defecate on them like Martin Bashir's fantasies and they would dance in the streets. All he does is, he's drunk with adulation. And he talks about things like "when I was young in New York I would get racially profiled when I'd go into stores." Back then he looked like he was in The Warriors. He had a huge afro and a cutoff shirt and New York was a war zone. Sorry, you fit the profile. :smh:

McInnes was apparently referring to a panel discussion at the Center for Inquiry in which Tyson discussed how many adults tried to steer him away from a career as a scientist as a child, and said that he has been racially profiled in stores (starting 1 hour, 1 minute and 30 seconds in):

McInnes used to write for, which the Southern Poverty Law Center identifies as a "White Nationalist" "hate group," and stated in 2011 "I love me some VDARE." In one post for, McInnes compared a Canadian university to a "madrassa" because it wouldn't host Jared Taylor, a white nationalist who advocates for founding all-white towns.

McInnes currrently writes for Taki's Magazine, a "paleoconservative" website that publishes overtly racist articles including ones by neo-confederates. At Taki's, McInnes has referred to Asian-Americans as "slopes" and "riceballs," suggested Muslims are "stupider" and "more violent" due to inbreeding, defended blackface because some minstrel shows were "just mimicking black people" and "fun," backed the racist comments of Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson, and argued that to yell the n-word at someone is "not racist" but "just very rude." He also owns his own website,, where he defended Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's racist comments because Bundy was just "wonder[ing]" if African-Americans were better off under slavery. In 2013, 18 Milling Rising gave him a "Lifetime Achievement Award in Hipster Racism," a brand of racism marked by making "ironically" racist "jokes."

He has also compared being a single mother to "child abuse," claimed that women who join the workforce are generally not doing what "they naturally want to do," and said that having short hair is like "rape."

Greg Gutfeld, co-host of The Five and host of Red Eye, is one of McInnes' biggest fans and hosts him often. According to a Nexis search, Fox News' Hannity has also hosted McInnes frequently -- 18 times so far in 2014.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
“Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey” is wrapping up on June 8 and fans are wondering whether the show will get renewed or canceled.

The 13-episode show was based off of the original 13 episodes hosted by Carl Sagan.

Season 1 has been a bit up and down with viewing figures but the second-to-last episode of the season, for instance, signaled that the show could get renewed.

Cosmos beat its two competitors–NBC’s Believe and a repeat of The Good Wife on CBS–in the coveted 18-49 demographic with 1.3 million viewers.

However, the overall viewers–3.52 million–were below both the other shows. Additionally, Believe has already been canceled, and it was a repeat of The Good Wife.

When The Good Wife was in season and Resurrection was airing on ABC, both shows doubled the overall figures of Cosmos, although that 18-49 ranking was higher for Cosmos than The Good wife, which typically skews toward older viewers.

There has been tough competition on cable lately. Last week, for example, Game of Thrones smashed Cosmos, and the NHL playoffs also beat it.

In a sign that Fox might try another season for Cosmos, the network highlighted the gains in viewership over one episode to the next in late May.

Host Neil deGrasse Tyson said previously to Space that he has no plans to make another season, although someone else could hypothetically step in.

Tyson said that the show took a lot out of him, especially time away from his family. But he will continue to play a role in sharing science with the public.

Ultimately, until Fox announces either a renewal or cancellation, viewers won’t know the fate of Cosmos.


Rising Star
OG Investor
If somehow, FOX make a season 2,I hope Michio Kaku does it..

He's good but nobody comes close to Tyson(or Sagan's) ability to break down complex scientific terms, theories, and observations in such a away that layman can easily understand it(unless they're a religious fanatic). He talks about science like someone describing the most delicious meal they ever had.