COSMOS 2014: Premieres Tonight at 9pm EST.. Who's watching?


tonight's episode was okay...

Could've done without the Lead battle. Should've kept the focus on the earths age. Besides that, the animations on the earths beginnings were crazy.

First 30mins killed creationism


Are ya'll serious?!?

You apparently have NO IDEA of just how important the lead issue was, and actually continues to be, to this day lead is still pervasive throughout private homes, buildings, bridges, & throughout the environment, as he pointed out while unleaded gas is now the norm, the YEARS of using leaded gas and it's effects ARE STILL WITH US TODAY, not to mention lead paint that I CAN GUARANTEE YOU is STILL present in @ least 3 out of 5 homes of people reading this right now!!!

Lead paint is NOT normally removed, it is simply painted over, think about that the next time you drive over ANY bridge built before 1970, just like asbestos, ya'll need to understand that BIG BUSINESS NEVER takes a full loss, as much as the guy featured pushed to have lead removed from gasoline, IT IS STILL AROUND in other areas, think about that as you see/do home renovations (when George Bush Sr. had renovations done on the White House, their dog "Millie" contracted lead poisoning because of the work going on).

And for those that believe that asbestos is totally banned in the US, just look @ the ingredients of those 5 gallon barrels of roofing cement in Home Depot, Lowes & the like, you will see "chrysotile", which is a form of asbestos STILL in use to this very day!!!

Oh, & FYI, this comes from my experience as a Lead & Asbestos Project Monitor & Inspector since 1994.

BIG BUSINESS will ALWAYS stymie efforts to shut down ANYTHING dangerous if it is profitable to them, witness what we are STILL going thru with the Global Warming debate, there will ALWAYS be scientists who sell their souls for the almighty $, from the cigarette companies, to the lead companies & now to chemical & fracking companies, they need to be held accountable.:smh:


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member

Are ya'll serious?!?

You apparently have NO IDEA of just how important the lead issue was, and actually continues to be, to this day lead is still pervasive throughout private homes, buildings, bridges, & throughout the environment, as he pointed out while unleaded gas is now the norm, the YEARS of using leaded gas and it's effects ARE STILL WITH US TODAY, not to mention lead paint that I CAN GUARANTEE YOU is STILL present in @ least 3 out of 5 homes of people reading this right now!!!

Lead paint is NOT normally removed, it is simply painted over, think about that the next time you drive over ANY bridge built before 1970, just like asbestos, ya'll need to understand that BIG BUSINESS NEVER takes a full loss, as much as the guy featured pushed to have lead removed from gasoline, IT IS STILL AROUND in other areas, think about that as you see/do home renovations (when George Bush Sr. had renovations done on the White House, their dog "Millie" contracted lead poisoning because of the work going on).

And for those that believe that asbestos is totally banned in the US, just look @ the ingredients of those 5 gallon barrels of roofing cement in Home Depot, Lowes & the like, you will see "chrysotile", which is a form of asbestos STILL in use to this very day!!!

Oh, & FYI, this comes from my experience as a Lead & Asbestos Project Monitor & Inspector since 1994.

BIG BUSINESS will ALWAYS stymie efforts to shut down ANYTHING dangerous if it is profitable to them, witness what we are STILL going thru with the Global Warming debate, there will ALWAYS be scientists who sell their souls for the almighty $, from the cigarette companies, to the lead companies & now to chemical & fracking companies, they need to be held accountable.:smh:

I was shitting on the episode,I was hoping they got explained how Clair Patterson found the age of the earth.....


I was shitting on the episode,I was hoping they got explained how Clair Patterson found the age of the earth.....

LOL, I'm hoping that you meant to type "wasn't", but they DID clearly explain how he did it, but the BIGGER part of the story was the fact that because of ALL the lead contamination that came from the use of leaded gas ALL OVER THE WORLD it took him YEARS to get his answer, simply because he could NEVER get rid of all the residual lead that was present EVERYWHERE, on a GLOBAL (read: COSMIC) scale!!!

Remember that fellow grad student George Tilton measured the amount of uranium contained in the zircon crystals (3.2 parts per million) 6 times and came up with the EXACT same amount each time, in a short amount of time, Patterson meanwhile WAS STILL TRYING to establish a clean room to extract viable results some SIX YEARS LATER!!!

IF the lead contamination had not been global, or its current numbers used to establish the "norm", Patterson would've been done in close to the SAME time as Tilton, meanwhile (I don't know how old you are) I can clearly remember when the HUGE push happened to eliminate lead from gasoline, switching us to unleaded gasoline, & further, adding catalytic converters to cars to further clean emissions, neither of these EXISTED before the 70s!

As I said before, I am a Lead & Asbestos Project Monitor & Inspector, so I've not only seen up close & personal the long term effects & widespread usage of both, but also have to learn in-depth about both as part of my certification process, TRUST that BOTH are @ the same time MUCH MORE WIDESPREAD than most people think, and @ the same time more dangerous in certain places, & less hazardous in others.

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Wobble Wobble

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
tonight's episode was okay...

Could've done without the Lead battle. Should've kept the focus on the earths age. Besides that, the animations on the earths beginnings were crazy.

First 30mins killed creationism

Brothers, you're missing the point o f the episode. First - it's the best one so far, because it really lays out the creationists/Big Business/Climate Change Hoax types.

If you extrapolate the fight about leaded gas as NDGT intimates, it's what the new fight about: emissions. And Big Oil paying Congressmen and women and ministers to criticise it. That's why this show is so important. NDGT explains in detail how lead content at the molecular level establishes the age of the earth and how auto and factory emissions are affecting the Earth -just like ethylead did.

The issues are tied!


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
LOL, I'm hoping that you meant to type "wasn't", but they DID clearly explain how he did it, but the BIGGER part of the story was the fact that because of ALL the lead contamination that came from the use of leaded gas ALL OVER THE WORLD it took him YEARS to get his answer, simply because he could NEVER get rid of all the residual lead that was present EVERYWHERE, on a GLOBAL (read: COSMIC) scale!!!

Remember that fellow grad student George Tilton measured the amount of uranium contained in the zircon crystals (3.2 parts per million) 6 times and came up with the EXACT same amount each time, in a short amount of time, Patterson meanwhile WAS STILL TRYING to establish a clean room to extract viable results some SIX YEARS LATER!!!

IF the lead contamination had not been global, or its current numbers used to establish the "norm", Patterson would've been done in close to the SAME time as Tilton, meanwhile (I don't know how old you are) I can clearly remember when the HUGE push happened to eliminate lead from gasoline, switching us to unleaded gasoline, & further, adding catalytic converters to cars to further clean emissions, neither of these EXISTED before the 70s!

As I said before, I am a Lead & Asbestos Project Monitor & Inspector, so I've not only seen up close & personal the long term effects & widespread usage of both, but also have to learn in-depth about both as part of my certification process, TRUST that BOTH are @ the same time MUCH MORE WIDESPREAD than most people think, and @ the same time more dangerous in certain places, & less hazardous in others.


I meant "wasn't" bad....Ill look at the episode again...


Brothers, you're missing the point o f the episode. First - it's the best one so far, because it really lays out the creationists/Big Business/Climate Change Hoax types.

If you extrapolate the fight about leaded gas as NDGT intimates, it's what the new fight about: emissions. And Big Oil paying Congressmen and women and ministers to criticise it. That's why this show is so important. NDGT explains in detail how lead content at the molecular level establishes the age of the earth and how auto and factory emissions are affecting the Earth -just like ethylead did.

The issues are tied!

When I was a kid I remember on quite a few b&w TV shows & movies you used to see Ethyl gas pumps ALL the time, I thought that the company was simply bought out by another oil company, not that they were the actual suppliers of leaded gasoline, and while the point was made that the switch to unleaded gas was "for the environment", it was never really made clear how much we as humans had already been contaminated, MUCH more noise was made about lead paint!!!:smh:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Brothers, you're missing the point o f the episode. First - it's the best one so far, because it really lays out the creationists/Big Business/Climate Change Hoax types.

If you extrapolate the fight about leaded gas as NDGT intimates, it's what the new fight about: emissions. And Big Oil paying Congressmen and women and ministers to criticise it. That's why this show is so important. NDGT explains in detail how lead content at the molecular level establishes the age of the earth and how auto and factory emissions are affecting the Earth -just like ethylead did.

The issues are tied!

^^^^^This a 100x over. I missed this episode initially cause it didn't air on my local channel for some reason had to catch it on Hulu. I grew up in the 70's and Lead in the environment was a huge deal and I never really understood why. I remember my boy inherited his dads old 1960 Dodge dart when we turned 16 and we used to have drive around forever that used "regular" gas. Today's regular gas used to be referred to as "Unleaded".

As Wobble Wobble pointed this episode was DOPE on many levels. The best thing in my opinion was how it showed data can be skewed especially when it's in your best (financial) interest to do so.

When people take a strong position against validated scientific theory or research, you really have to question and find out what their true motives are.

This shit plays out over and over again. Same thing with Cancer and cigarettes, DDT and the environment.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member

Are ya'll serious?!?

You apparently have NO IDEA of just how important the lead issue was, and actually continues to be, to this day lead is still pervasive throughout private homes, buildings, bridges, & throughout the environment, as he pointed out while unleaded gas is now the norm, the YEARS of using leaded gas and it's effects ARE STILL WITH US TODAY, not to mention lead paint that I CAN GUARANTEE YOU is STILL present in @ least 3 out of 5 homes of people reading this right now!!!

Lead paint is NOT normally removed, it is simply painted over, think about that the next time you drive over ANY bridge built before 1970, just like asbestos, ya'll need to understand that BIG BUSINESS NEVER takes a full loss, as much as the guy featured pushed to have lead removed from gasoline, IT IS STILL AROUND in other areas, think about that as you see/do home renovations (when George Bush Sr. had renovations done on the White House, their dog "Millie" contracted lead poisoning because of the work going on).

And for those that believe that asbestos is totally banned in the US, just look @ the ingredients of those 5 gallon barrels of roofing cement in Home Depot, Lowes & the like, you will see "chrysotile", which is a form of asbestos STILL in use to this very day!!!

Oh, & FYI, this comes from my experience as a Lead & Asbestos Project Monitor & Inspector since 1994.

BIG BUSINESS will ALWAYS stymie efforts to shut down ANYTHING dangerous if it is profitable to them, witness what we are STILL going thru with the Global Warming debate, there will ALWAYS be scientists who sell their souls for the almighty $, from the cigarette companies, to the lead companies & now to chemical & fracking companies, they need to be held accountable.:smh:

You were right,the episode was needed...I saw the episode again this weekend..Its kinda fucked up they tried to ruin Patterson's reputation like that....

Did the government ever fined those companies that lied about the ethyl situation...I find it hard to believe the government would of just let them go with no repercussions


You were right,the episode was needed...I saw the episode again this weekend..Its kinda fucked up they tried to ruin Patterson's reputation like that....

Did the government ever fined those companies that lied about the ethyl situation...I find it hard to believe the government would of just let them go with no repercussions

Just WOW.:smh:

I just read that GM & Standard Oil (Esso) formed the Ethyl Corporation in 1923, and had DuPont run the manufacturing process since neither had experience in chemicals, in 1962 they sold the company to Albemarle Paper Making Company (it is thought that they divested themselves due to the liability issues of "TEL"), so in the end, not only were they NEVER fined or held accountable, but "TEL" IS STILL IN MANUFACTURE TODAY, and is used in some aviation and racing fuels, it is just no longer allowed for on-highway vehicles.:smh:

It is this that I was referring to when I said BIG business rarely, if ever, takes a serious loss, as bad as this stuff is for us and the environment, they still justify its usage in certain areas.


^^^^^This a 100x over. I missed this episode initially cause it didn't air on my local channel for some reason had to catch it on Hulu. I grew up in the 70's and Lead in the environment was a huge deal and I never really understood why. I remember my boy inherited his dads old 1960 Dodge dart when we turned 16 and we used to have drive around forever that used "regular" gas. Today's regular gas used to be referred to as "Unleaded".

As Wobble Wobble pointed this episode was DOPE on many levels. The best thing in my opinion was how it showed data can be skewed especially when it's in your best (financial) interest to do so.

When people take a strong position against validated scientific theory or research, you really have to question and find out what their true motives are.

This shit plays out over and over again. Same thing with Cancer and cigarettes, DDT and the environment.


I pointed these things out earlier, even though references have been edited out today, TV shows like "I Love Lucy" were produced by Lucky Strike cigarettes, not only did they make sure that the cast openly smoked their cigarettes on-air, they also promoted the "fact" that doctors said that smoking was actually good for your health because it relieved stress.:eek:



The Big Brain
BGOL Investor
Excellent show. Just saw someone complain and critique on Facebook about the show's take on apes to human evolution. Their comment was, "if humans came from apes, then why are their still apes". The reply was brilliant, "we have cats and tigers at the same time as well". No one disputes that cats and tigers are related.


Rising Star
Excellent episode. I believe they've covered all the extinction events at this point.

Giant insects


Excellent show. Just saw someone complain and critique on Facebook about the show's take on apes to human evolution. Their comment was, "if humans came from apes, then why are their still apes". The reply was brilliant, "we have cats and tigers at the same time as well". No one disputes that cats and tigers are related.


This is a point that NDGT pointed out, it's not that we came from apes, but that we share the same ancestors, much the same way as an earlier ep described how domesticated dogs of today came from the wolves of yesterday (artificial selection) or that polar bears came from black/brown bears (natural selection) apes share just over 98% of the same DNA as humans, but EVERYTHING on the planet Earth itself shares the same, carbon-based DNA on some level.

EXCELLENT show!!!:yes:


Excellent episode. I believe they've covered all the extinction events at this point.

Giant insects

LOL, cosign on the giant insects, I remember reading a book called "Strange Stories, Amazing Facts" that pointed out what he said, that all of those giant insect movies of the 50s & 60s weren't possible because of what NDGT pointed out, that insects of that size would need hurricane force winds 24/7 in order to survive (increased oxygen content), it went further to point out that 50 foot humans are impossible as well due to overheating, while your skin would grow 50x bigger, your internal organs would grow 150x bigger (due to volume) the resulting surface area of your skin wouldn't be large enough to get rid of the heat generated by your internal organs.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Princess Enheduanna:
☑ Daughter of the 1st emperor.
☑ Priestess of the Moon.
☑ The 1st to use a signature.
<a href=";src=hash">#cosmos</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; COSMOS (@COSMOSonTV) <a href="">May 19, 2014</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>


BGOL Investor
“More solar energy falls on earth in 1 hour than all the energy our civilization consumes in 1 year.” :eek:

Which means if we filthy humans wanted too we could supply the earth with renewable energy FOR FREE..


Tonight's episode was good....:cool:

I ain't gonna front, last night's episode SCARED THE LIVING SHIT OUTTA ME!!!:eek:

We humans are FUCKING SHIT UP, the analogy he used about a man walking a dog to compare weather to climate was SPOT ON (the dog roaming all over the place represented weather, which is unpredictable, the man walking a straight line represented climate, since the man was walking a straight line, his destination/outcome was easily predictable), we are putting ENTIRELY TOO MUCH CARBON into the atmosphere, that time-lapsed image of the Earth warming up was almost COMPLETELY RED by the year 2100:eek:, MAAANNNNN!!!!!!:smh:

John Oliver ("Last Week with John Oliver" on HBO) did a spot on analogy on his show a couple of weeks ago as well, that 97 out of 100 scientists AGREE on Global Warming, yet every time we see a debate on the subject it's ALWAYS one on one, which makes it seem like the scientific community is split 50/50, he had Bill Nye with 96 other scientists debate 3 on a panel, which REALLY gives you a true picture that ANYONE who believes that Global Warming isn't happening is straight up DELUSIONAL!!!!!:hmm:


BGOL Investor
I ain't gonna front, last night's episode SCARED THE LIVING SHIT OUTTA ME!!!:eek:

We humans are FUCKING SHIT UP, the analogy he used about a man walking a dog to compare weather to climate was SPOT ON (the dog roaming all over the place represented weather, which is unpredictable, the man walking a straight line represented climate, since the man was walking a straight line, his destination/outcome was easily predictable), we are putting ENTIRELY TOO MUCH CARBON into the atmosphere, that time-lapsed image of the Earth warming up was almost COMPLETELY RED by the year 2100:eek:, MAAANNNNN!!!!!!:smh:

John Oliver ("Last Week with John Oliver" on HBO) did a spot on analogy on his show a couple of weeks ago as well, that 97 out of 100 scientists AGREE on Global Warming, yet every time we see a debate on the subject it's ALWAYS one on one, which makes it seem like the scientific community is split 50/50, he had Bill Nye with 96 other scientists debate 3 on a panel, which REALLY gives you a true picture that ANYONE who believes that Global Warming isn't happening is straight up DELUSIONAL!!!!!:hmm:

Lobbyist for energy and gas are working hard to keep that money in house