COVID, IVERMECTIN and VACCINE Information Full Feature Documentary


Rising Star
Platinum Member
(ladies & gentlemen, this is why half knowledge is just as dangerous as str8 lies)

i dont think that u know that website doesnt prove what u think it does

a paper on potential prophylaxis is not what u think that website "reveals"

...the gall to think u know better than the actual data that the sources u attempt to reference actually pull from ,to post about that somehow u are privy to more info than the CDC & the WHO becos u also went on a website and waited for an "actor" on a website... im not surprised ..

Ain't nobody dying from ivermectin in my state...will keep updates... though..brah


Rising Star
Platinum Member
(ladies & gentlemen, this is why half knowledge is just as dangerous as str8 lies)

i dont think that u know that website doesnt prove what u think it does

a paper on potential prophylaxis is not what u think that website "reveals"

...the gall to think u know better than the actual data that the sources u attempt to reference actually pull from ,to post about that somehow u are privy to more info than the CDC & the WHO becos u also went on a website and waited for an "actor" on a website... im not surprised ..

What you think about this..brah?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What you think about this..brah?
i like it , it def helps free up ur breathing in addition to other therapeutics but i wouldnt go as far as to say its a lock for acute respiratory syndrome
and its ok to not know everythin about covid19 and its okay to want to have faith or desire to want to believe what would make the most sense to us but the science is the science and the data is the data


Rising Star
Platinum Member
i like it , it def helps free up ur breathing in addition to other therapeutics but i wouldnt go as far as to say its a lock for acute respiratory syndrome
and its ok to not know everythin about covid19 and its okay to want to have faith or desire to want to believe what would make the most sense to us but the science is the science and the data is the data

Real world data matters as well.....a doctor wouldn't prescribe it...but bronkaid gave me breathe...brah


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Yeah brah..I just checked it out noone has been hospitalized for ingestion...not one person..
Poison control calls spike as people take livestock dewormer to treat COVID-19
This is going to aggravate the hospital situation even more I am slightly losing faith in humanity


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
This thread Is to talk about what can help other than fear have any thing to offer? On therapeutics..folk?
Nope you cannot stick your head in the ground and wish this to go away because it’s not going away.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
A humidifier with eucalyptus helps as well...if you can't breathe..helps ease breathing in combination with bronkaid...helped me tremendously last year.. especially at night..brah


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Gonna be interesting to see the new excuses we're gonna see in here after next week...



Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor

Its sad that many are not smart enough to understand how or what to take. That part is true.

But her job that pays her $30m a year makes her part of the agenda to denounce a drug that works. She sat there and lied as she is paid to do. There's been over 60 studies that we've shown proof of through this thread.

People who don't know what to buy or how to take it, it's sad they have to resort to buying something that doctors won't prescribe. It's not because it doesn't work, if it's so harmless against Covid then why not make it readily available like it is in India? Where they beat Covid.

Why force what they want to give you on millions and then restrict those who don't want to take it from doing every day activities when we aren't spreading it any more than a person who has taken it.

I have never in my life seen millions in lotteries given to take a medication, in many states giving people $100 to take a drug and donuts, beer and the list goes on and on.

Yet Ivermectin does work, so mock it and make fun of it.

I was telling @killagram, they just made it harder to get your hands on Ivermectin in the injectable formula. It's not available anywhere in the US as of this week. Backordered everywhere.

Many of you will think that's great, get that outta here. When its actually worked for countless people. So why not make it available instead of suppressing a drug that's been used on billions since the 70's. Why do people have to resort to doing illegal means of obtaining something. Let me make that decision of using what I want.

My wife's cuz is in the hospital now. Took the vaccine second week of August. Got all kinds of symptoms the same day. Vomiting, fever and body pains and aches. She went to the hosp the next day. They told her it's normal and sent her home telling her take Tylenol.

Well for all this time it never went away. 4 days ago she was admitted to the hosp, tested positive for Covid. They are throwing all these meds at her, she has not gotten better or worse. I told my wife to tell her demand Ivermectin. They would not give it to her. So she's still in the hospital, no change, still suffering. We are in Texas, the cuz is in Florida. If I was out there, I would of given it to her.

That's senseless.

They won't even give her high doses of Vitamin C. It's harmless right? So why not try that.

Ivermectin simply works. I just finished 5 days of it. Beat Covid and I'm back to 100%, wife and I have no more remnants of symptoms. Her taste restored. I had a weirdness of very slight numbing in my hands and feet. That's gone as of 3 days ago because of Ivermectin.

So the naysayers can clown and think it doesn't work, call it horse dewormer, whatever. All you're doing is showing that you're not educating yourself on an alternative that very well may save your life or keep you out of a hospital once you catch Covid.

Hospitals administration's agenda is profit, not getting you better. And if you don't believe that, then I have a toll booth on a bridge to sell you. Staff wants you better. But their hands are tied to follow only "this" protocol of care or risk being fired.

Sorry for the Collin post, but had to get that off my chest.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Must Know
COVID, IVERMECTIN and VACCINE Information Full Feature Documentary

I'm sure this vid will upset many, mods may censor it, so sharing for those who are interested. Yet the vid outlines how Ivermectin is very effective against Covid. Hope it helps someone.

Check for protocols to follow for preventive and if you happen to get Covid along with treatment post having Covid with lingering symptoms.

Just ordered me some Ivermectin.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
What you think about this..brah?

I'm surprise you haven't heard of this from your weight lifting peeps.



Rising Star

Im gonna research him more

OK see THIS is a problem

"I think it's a sad day when this body would go against our medical community," Kenyon said.

She noted Cole's comments on vaccines "fly in the face of ethics" because his own family is vaccinated and his company, Cole Diagnostics, profits on the sale of COVID-19 testing.

You win.

This is all that I got.

Are these individuals any more "credible?"

@ 4:55

@ 01:41:00



Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
@ 01:41:00

Vid is on point. Thanks for this.

All these docs and they have no idea what they're talking about, nothing of concern


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Anyone looking to take the prescribed form of Ivermectin from a pharmacy, can easily access doctors for consultation locally or can go here for a list of doctors who will consult with you from all over the country. On the chart will tell you what states they can write scripts for.

As well as pharmacies here, as many didn't want to fill prescriptions locally of it across the country.



BGOL Investor
Anyone looking to take the prescribed form of Ivermectin from a pharmacy, can easily access doctors for consultation locally or can go here for a list of doctors who will consult with you from all over the country. On the chart will tell you what states they can write scripts for.

As well as pharmacies here, as many didn't want to fill prescriptions locally of it across the country.

How sway? it is horse or cow medicine.