COVID, IVERMECTIN and VACCINE Information Full Feature Documentary


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor

What do you suggest? That thousands of people are dying from regular flu?
No nothing like that. I very well believe this is all real. Just that a lot is inaccurate that they will bump numbers of saying how many have Covid when people have no symptoms and most likely didn't even have anything.

PCR test can be and was cycled at high thresholds, and you will test positive today if you had a cold in let's say March. Which led to many false positives.

So back in Jan, the WHO said to lower cycle thresholds and wow the covid numbers miraculously dropped from Jan on...


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
I'm sure this is coming to us...
This is Australia govt

New restrictions on prescribing ivermectin for COVID-19

10 September 2021

Today, the TGA, acting on the advice of the Advisory Committee for Medicines Scheduling, has placed new restrictions on the prescribing of oral ivermectin. General practitioners are now only able to prescribe ivermectin for TGA-approved conditions (indications) - scabies and certain parasitic infections. Certain specialists including infectious disease physicians, dermatologists, gastroenterologists and hepatologists (liver disease specialists) will be permitted to prescribe ivermectin for other unapproved indications if they believe it is appropriate for a particular patient.

These changes have been introduced because of concerns with the prescribing of oral ivermectin for the claimed prevention or treatment of COVID-19. Ivermectin is not approved for use in COVID-19 in Australia or in other developed countries, and its use by the general public for COVID-19 is currently strongly discouraged by the National COVID Clinical Evidence Taskforce, the World Health Organisation and the US Food and Drug Administration.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Male infertility is not a known side-effect of ivermectin, according to US health officials

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said that infertility in men is not a known side effect of ivermectin in a statement released on Thursday. The US drug regulator also reiterated its previous warning against using ivermectin to treat COVID-19.

What you need to know

- Infertility in men is not a known side effect of ivermectin and is not included on the drug's labeling, according to the FDA

- The institution that published the study is a "self-supporting organization" that does not receive funding from any institution or government, per Snopes

- Ivermectin is approved for human use to treat infections caused by some parasitic worms, head lice and skin conditions. The FDA has not approved ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19



One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
No nothing like that. I very well believe this is all real. Just that a lot is inaccurate that they will bump numbers of saying how many have Covid when people have no symptoms and most likely didn't even have anything.

PCR test can be and was cycled at high thresholds, and you will test positive today if you had a cold in let's say March. Which led to many false positives.

So back in Jan, the WHO said to lower cycle thresholds and wow the covid numbers miraculously dropped from Jan on...
All of the people on my rig that tested positive on the rapid tested positive with the PCR and all had classic covid symptoms so I will disagree with you. Also, my sister-in-law came to visit, she had a runny nose, cough, sore throat all that shit but was covid negative on the rapid and PCR test.

My point is regardless of the thresholds, people are dying in crazy numbers so I don't know what your point is? This is a new disease and you have all the bullshit political theater coupled with an anti-vax, flat earth, fake Christian voting block of about 35% that will never believe any science.

How do you reason with people waiting on Jesus and thinking that ginger ale cures AIDS?


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
All of the people on my rig that tested positive on the rapid tested positive with the PCR and all had classic covid symptoms so I will disagree with you. Also, my sister-in-law came to visit, she had a runny nose, cough, sore throat all that shit but was covid negative on the rapid and PCR test.

My point is regardless of the thresholds, people are dying in crazy numbers so I don't know what your point is? This is a new disease and you have all the bullshit political theater coupled with an anti-vax, flat earth, fake Christian voting block of about 35% that will never believe any science.

How do you reason with people waiting on Jesus and thinking that ginger ale cures AIDS?
Dr sebi cured aids with ginger and moss


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Male infertility is not a known side-effect of ivermectin, according to US health officials

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said that infertility in men is not a known side effect of ivermectin in a statement released on Thursday. The US drug regulator also reiterated its previous warning against using ivermectin to treat COVID-19.

What you need to know

- Infertility in men is not a known side effect of ivermectin and is not included on the drug's labeling, according to the FDA

- The institution that published the study is a "self-supporting organization" that does not receive funding from any institution or government, per Snopes

- Ivermectin is approved for human use to treat infections caused by some parasitic worms, head lice and skin conditions. The FDA has not approved ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19

I got the shirt my blood all the time...and I fucks like a champ..2 abortions in 3 months....and they need to come study me...they call me Big John Stud...jackkk

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Rising Star
1250lbs Ivermectin Stallion Dose TAKEN! SAFE?! YOU BET. We prove it. Watch.

**Caution: May result in becoming a Stallion.
Horse lives matter! *Man? Horse? Stallion? Now President Stallion of the Apocalypse is available for stud appointments, please call his assistant. No fat or old mares. Also please read the following to understand proper Covid procedures: Ivermectin must be taken. Safety and non toxic status of Ivermectin is PROVEN. Study shows up to 10 times higher doses than the highest dose FDA has ever approved, proven Non-toxic! Scroll below!

From the study "Ivermectin was generally well tolerated, with no indication of associated CNS toxicity for doses up to 10 times the highest FDA-approved dose of 200 microg/kg. Adverse experiences were similar between ivermectin and placebo and did not increase with dose."
See above anti ivermectin creeps!!!!!
FDA approved dose= 91mcg per pound
Horse ivermectin= 91mcg per pound
*One horse ivermectin dewormer tube for 1250 lbs horse = 113,000mcg of ivermectin
My weight = 215 lbs

From the study:

215 x 910mcg per pound = 195,615 mcg of Ivermectin.
1 horse tube contains 113,000mcg

Finally we through the ingredients list of horse Ivermectin (which is very safe actually...
Corn oil,
Polysorbate 80 (used in food products/cosmetics), artificial and natural apple flavor,
That's it! Total of 5 ingredients counting Ivermectin.



Rising Star
This what Japan said...brah...fuck that hoe ass commercial

Speaking of Japan....meanwhile over in the vaccinated section....

And people don't think that the actions of people like these will cause any problems (mutations) which result in very serious consequences down the line?

It is the octuple vaxxed who will birth the most deadliest mutant strain of them all in the near future.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Speaking of Japan....meanwhile over in the vaccinated section....

And people don't think that the actions of people like these will cause any problems (mutations) which result in very serious consequences down the line?

It is the octuple vaxxed who will birth the most deadliest mutant strain of them all in the near future.

What happened to the flu last year? 1675 people total in the USA...had flu...what the fuck is going on brah



Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Dammit that horse demormer Ivermectin medicine proof that it's working again. Why won't it stop working to keep Covid at bay?

India's protocol with Ivermectin is stopping this 19...

33 districts in Uttar Pradesh are now Covid-free: State govt
  • Overall, the state has a total of 199 active cases, while the positivity rate came down to less than 0.01 per cent.
There are no active cases of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) in 33 districts of Uttar Pradesh, the state government informed on Friday. About 67 districts have not reported a single new case of the viral infection in the last 24 hours, the government said, noting the steady improvement of the Covid-19 situation in the state.


India's Ivermectin Blackout - Part III: The Lesson of Kerala



Rising Star
I read thru this thread and I will admit it is interesting.

I took the Moderna vaccine back in April and May with no side effects.

I noticed you cats are using this Ivermectin and claiming it’s effective.

I will assume you are paying for it. I don’t see anywhere where you can get it for free.

The Vaccine is free to everybody and is being paid for by the US Government (Yes, the government gets its money from taxes, so technically it ain’t free). But you are not having to use your medical benefits paying out a co-pay for it. I got mines thru the VA.

Also, I cannot find any information from manufacturers of Ivermectin endorsing or promoting their product for use as a Covid preventor. If they are can you cats post a link.

We all know about the Pharmaceutical Industry and how their only motivation is profit.

So the questions is…

Who is profiting off of a free vaccine?

What’s the Endgame for giving out a free vaccine?

And why would the US Government be against you paying for a alternative and spending all their effort to get you to get a free vaccine, that they are paying for and not getting anything in return financially?


Some "dealers" offer you the first two hits for free.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
So all these months of lies in the news and media, the goal was to release their own Covid treatment pill with what in it...


And charge the consumers way more than it normally sells for...

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