COVID, IVERMECTIN and VACCINE Information Full Feature Documentary


Rising Star
As World Confronts Omicron Variant, Top 8 Pfizer & Moderna Investors Make $10 Billion in a Week

smh :smh:


check out mRNA




Rising Star


Rising Star

An interesting theory.
Was S.A. "punished?"

The day before Omicron.

The day after "refusing to cooperate."



Rising Star
The first 17 mins of this vid:

@ 7:40 in the video ^

"In a telephone interview the next day, Dr. Fauci acknowledged that he had slowly but deliberately been moving the goal posts. He is doing so, he said, partly based on new science, and partly on his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks."

The article

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Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Did you know there are a total of 57 potential cross reactants that could give you a false positive when administering the PCR tests? It's also note worthy, that Sars-Covi-2 has STILL not been isolated.

H1N1 (2009)
Seasonal H1N1 Influenza Virus
H3N2 Influenza Virus
H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus
H7N9 Avian Influenza Virus
Influenza B Yamagata
Influenza B Victoria
RSV Type A
RSV Type B
Enterovirus A
Enterovirus B
Enterovirus C
Enterovirus D
Parainfluenza Virus Type 1
Parainfluenza Virus Type 2
Parainfluenza Virus Type 3
Rhinovirus A
Rhinovirus B
Rhinovirus C
Adenovirus Type 1
Adenovirus Type 2
Adenovirus Type 3
Adenovirus Type 4
Adenovirus Type 5
Adenovirus Type 7
Adenovirus Type 55
Human Metapneumovirus
Epstein-Barr Virus
Measles Virus
Human Cytomegalovirus
Mumps Virus
Varicella-Zoster Virus
Bordetella Pertussis
Haemophilus Influenzae
Staphylococcus Aureus
Streptococcus Pneumoniae
Streptococcus Pyogenes
Klebsiekka Pneumoniae
Mycobacteruym Tuberculosis
Mycoplasma Pneumoniae
Chlamydia Pneumoniae
Aspergillus Fumigatus
Candida Albucabs
Candida Glabrata
Cryptococcus Neoformans
Cryptococcus Gutti
Pneumocystis Jirovecii (PJP)
Coronavirus 229E
Coronavirus OC43
Coronavirus NL63
Coronavirus HKU1
Coronavirus MERS
Coronavirus Sars
Pooled Human Nasal Wash

All of this information was printed in the insert of the PCR Tests that I was personally given to test weekly for. This was from SDI Labs, and at the time of this writitng (11-23-2021) was still awaiting an EUA approval from the FDA.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Zinc is powerful in building up your immune system but can't effectively enter the cells without zinc ionospheres such as:
ECGC (bioflavinoid found in Apple skin)

Doctor's Orders
A Documentary

Also NAC is very effective at cleaning out residual junk in your system after having Covid.


Rising Star
Let's see how many days it takes for this lying POS to flip flop on this.

Fauci says whether Omicron-specific booster needed
11 Dec, 2021 21:26 / Updated 3 hours ago

White House Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci has said that a booster shot specifically targeting the Omicron variant of Covid-19 may not be needed. However, he said that drug companies will still develop these shots.
“I’m not so sure that we’re going to have to get a variant-specific boost vaccine to get an adequate protection from Omicron,” Fauci told the health news website STAT on Friday. “Because if you look at protection against variants, it appears to relate to the level of immunity and the breadth of the immunity that any given vaccine can instill on you.”
Read more

While some experts have expressed concerns that the Omicron variant of the coronavirus is better able to evade the current crop of vaccines, Fauci has continued to place his faith in these shots. So too has Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, though he has claimed that a fourth dose may be needed to combat the new strain.
“With Omicron we need to wait and see because we have very little information. We may need [the fourth dose] faster,” he told CNBC this week.
While Fauci said that an Omicron-specific booster likely won’t be needed, he did add that drug companies like Pfizer “are going to be making variant-specific boosters.”
Thankfully, the symptoms of the Omicron variant have been described by doctors and officials as mild, and as of Friday, the World Health Organization has not recorded any deaths as a result of the strain.



Rising Star
Zinc is powerful in building up your immune system but can't effectively enter the cells without zinc ionospheres such as:
ECGC (bioflavinoid found in Apple skin)

Doctor's Orders
A Documentary

Also NAC is very effective at cleaning out residual junk in your system after having Covid.

Amazon Canada has NAC.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
For the record. This happened.

Allegedly, thanks to Ivermectin, vitamins and monoclonal antibodies.

This type of video destroys the shot pushers’ credibility because if he said he was restored because of the shot, the same people would be praising him. The shot mandate propaganda will increase because of this video.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
This type of video destroys the shot pushers’ credibility because if he said he was restored because of the shot, the same people would be praising him. The shot mandate propaganda will increase because of this video.

Ivermectin continue to work down here..I know 100s of people now..that have taken it personally...and those 100s know more 100s...Covid Is over to me and my gang..jackk


Rising Star
Houston Methodist doctor who resigned following suspension over controversial COVID-19 tweets press conference (Ivermectin & Monoclonal Antibodies used)

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Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Gavin Newsom Says Overwhelming Majority Of Omicron Cases Are Fully Vaccinated.

"The overwhelming majority [of Omicron cases] have been fully vaccinated. That's why masking becomes even more important in this environment."



Rising Star
Gavin Newsom Says Overwhelming Majority Of Omicron Cases Are Fully Vaccinated.

"The overwhelming majority [of Omicron cases] have been fully vaccinated. That's why masking becomes even more important in this environment."

Man, answer me this...if some of the early Omicron cases have symptoms that are similar to a common cold, why would one get tested? If they are already vaxxed and have mild symptoms or are asymptomatic, why would they get tested? How can they come up with their predictions and calculations for the numbers? There are plenty of vaccinated people coughing, sneezing and hacking up a lung right now in cold and flu season, but the majority of them say, it's fine, I am vaccinated. They do not go to get tested.

Why would they get tested, if they do not have a loss of taste or loss of a sense of smell or no fever? So how could those hold outs be included in the count? Where are those numbers coming from?


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Man, answer me this...if some of the early Omicron cases have symptoms that are similar to a common cold, why would one get tested? If they are already vaxxed and have mild symptoms or are asymptomatic, why would they get tested? How can they come up with their predictions and calculations for the numbers? There are plenty of vaccinated people coughing, sneezing and hacking up a lung right now in cold and flu season, but the majority of them say, it's fine, I am vaccinated. They do not go to get tested.

Why would they get tested, if they do not have a loss of taste or loss of a sense of smell or no fever? So how could those hold outs be included in the count? Where are those numbers coming from?
There's no tests. I've yet to see a test for a variant or how they get these samples, from where?
A nasal swab?

They blood testing people? Against what if Covid has never been isolated to compare it to. These people create all the hysteria.

PCR tests are flawed because they test positive for any type of cold or lowered immune response. They still cannot determine a variant.

I don't get how they discovered Omicron on Thanksgiving Day and wow would you look at that the very next day they find one case here, one case there, so let's lock down all travelers from South Africa, all over the world. Complete and utter BS.

And people are finally waking up to the nonsense slowly but surely. Which is good.

For those that don't, enjoy...



Rising Star
There's no tests. I've yet to see a test for a variant or how they get these samples, from where?
A nasal swab?

They blood testing people? Against what if Covid has never been isolated to compare it to. These people create all the hysteria.

PCR tests are flawed because they test positive for any type of cold or lowered immune response. They still cannot determine a variant.

I don't get how they discovered Omicron on Thanksgiving Day and wow would you look at that the very next day they find one case here, one case there, so let's lock down all travelers from South Africa, all over the world. Complete and utter BS.

And people are finally waking up to the nonsense slowly but surely. Which is good.

For those that don't, enjoy...



Yet they want to sunset J&J, when Moderna is not even more beneficial when it comes to efficacy against the Jet covid variant of the week.

Study suggests antibodies from two Moderna doses less effective at neutralizing omicron

Ain't no doubt they are working towards letting that mural in the Denver airport play out.

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Rising Star
Platinum Member
There's no tests. I've yet to see a test for a variant or how they get these samples, from where?
A nasal swab?

They blood testing people? Against what if Covid has never been isolated to compare it to. These people create all the hysteria.

PCR tests are flawed because they test positive for any type of cold or lowered immune response. They still cannot determine a variant.

I don't get how they discovered Omicron on Thanksgiving Day and wow would you look at that the very next day they find one case here, one case there, so let's lock down all travelers from South Africa, all over the world. Complete and utter BS.

And people are finally waking up to the nonsense slowly but surely. Which is good.

For those that don't, enjoy...


I hate it..but this is what it's come too..brah


Rising Star
Woman claims she’s in a hospital and authorities are trying to take two kids away from their parents because they were treated with Ivermectin for Covid.



Rising Star
@ 8:30 - Jab taken at Phizer (no pun intended).

Peep the game within the game. Florida's POS Governor going around the Biden Admin and Federal Govt....could still be a win for the people when it comes to a treatment for Covid.

Why they feel that they need to go this route.



Rising Star
Pfizer will test THREE doses of COVID vaccine in kids under five after finding two shots in babies and toddlers fails to produce expected immunity

  • Pfizer said two jabs failed to produce the expected immunity in babies and preschoolers
  • A preliminary analysis found 2- to 4-year-olds' immune response wasn't as strong as expected to the lose-dose jabs for younger children
  • If three doses proves successful, Pfizer and its partner BioNTech said they would apply for emergency authorization sometime in the first half of 2022
  • Third shot will come at least two months after the youngsters' second dose
  • The setback comes as COVID cases are spiking and the Omicron variant is taking hold in the US


Rising Star
The NFL-NFLPA announced revised COVID-19 protocols on Saturday.

The new protocols will no longer require vaccinated players to be tested weekly. Vaccinated players will still be subject to "targeted" testing and will be tested if they show symptoms or have a high-risk contact, but they will be tested less regularly. Unvaccinated players will continue to be tested daily. The new protocols will almost certainly lead to less positive tests among vaccinated players, but run the risk of increased transmission among vaccinated players, and put unvaccinated players at greater risk of contracting the disease. Following the revised protocols, the NFL-NFLPA is allowing higher risk players until 2 pm on Monday to opt out of the remainder of the season. Players who opt out will not be paid.