New Hamphire is FIRST state to make IVERMECTION available over the counter..
Yea mayne... the awakend seems to be outnumbering the zombies...
awesome.. less people to shoot in the head!!!
BREAKING: Judge Rules New York’s Mask Mandate Unconstitutional
Jan 24, 2022 | 7:11 PM
The New York State Supreme Court on Monday struck down the Hochul Administration’s statewide mask mandate as unconstitutional and a violation of state law.
Judge Thomas Rademaker of Nassau County wrote in his decision Monday the Governor does not have the authority to impose the mandate and the state legislature would have to debate and approve laws requiring masks in schools and other places.
Judge Rules New York’s Mask Mandate Unconstitutional
The New York State Supreme Court on Monday struck down the Hochul Administration's statewide mask mandate as
Should wearing a seatbelt be optional. Or putting your tray table up for take off and landing?I do agree with mask wearing but it should be optional NY govt
doing too much
Should wearing a seatbelt be optional. Or putting your tray table up for take off and landing?
seatbelts and tray tables dont constrict your daily need to breathe....
Nice claim now your homework is to find facts that support this assertion (p.s. online memes don't count as statistical facts).
For who for you? I don't need to do something to prove anything to you. What's the point.Nice claim now your homework is to find facts that support this assertion (p.s. online memes don't count as statistical facts).
I actually understand why asking for evidence to support bullshit claims is such a sticky point for you, but man don't let it trigger you that much, because fuck around and you might blow a chakra, then your magic protection force field, that's keeping you virus free might become compromised!For who for you? I don't need to do something to prove anything to you. What's the point.
Here decide for yourself...I actually understand why asking for evidence to support bullshit claims is such a sticky point for you, but man don't let it trigger you that much, because fuck around and you might blow a chakra, then your magic protection force field, that's keeping you virus free might become compromised!
seatbelts and tray tables dont constrict your daily need to breathe....
Here decide for yourself...
But quite simply, that's what you're breathing in. Your own carbon dioxide, all day.This has got to be the dumbest group of human beings I’ve seen in a while. None of these morons, NOT one, actually thought to conduct this “experiment” without the mask on as well. You know why? Because these fuckin idiots would figure out that the alarm would go of as well. If you breathe close to or near a CO2 sensor the levels of carbon dioxide will be higher because human beings exhale carbon dioxide. Jeez did any of you fuckin idiots take a basic science class in middle school or high school.
the entire premise of these cluster fuck “experiments” is so terrible I don’t know how they made it out of HS.Again, in order to even begin to show what these idiots are trying to show, you would HAVE TO conduct the experiment with and without a mask on so that you could compare any difference if any and you would need a larger set of people. The distance of sensor would also need to be held constant with and without the mask. IF you recorded a difference you would then have to determine if whether or not the difference is negligible or meaningful. I mean this shit is so elementary it’s not even funny and these people honestly went to bed that night thinking they uncovered something. This world is scary…
Typical BGOL response:
Typical BGOL response:
"That's because Covid gives you myocarditis"
(CNN said from many studies)
Here decide for yourself...
Your problem is that you seek out information that fits your narrative while dismissing all that debunks it.LOL fax....
I was also reading how there have been cases of some
women who got the cootie shot, are having their monthly period go out of wack..and how when they
talk about it, they get labeled as an anti-vaxxxer, even when they took the vaxx and its causing problems..
its like even if they speak out against THEIR OWN PERSONAL experiences they are getting censored....
man listen... fuck what ya heard..
That Mass Formation Psychosis is REAL bruh!!!
What a dumb-ass experiment, first there was nothing done to negate conflicting variables, and they are using the wrong tool, that crap is designed to measure the average CO2 levels in a room setting not the level of someone breathing directly over it. For example, if you were to put a smoke detector right over the stove while boiling water, the steam might trigger it, even though the people in that apartment are not in any danger of smoke inhalation.
Looking at so-called experiments doesn't mean shit if you lack the proper knowledge to properly discern the information and data, this is what the tin foil hat idiots are counting on.
Here is a more accurate test, that uses the proper measuring apparatus with variable results depending on how the mask was worn.
Here you go from MSM, since many won't think it's real, yet all spring last year many women were complaining on social media about it. Heavy clotting, some had miscarriages. It's all on VAERS as well. But no one will lookLOL fax....
I was also reading how there have been cases of some
women who got the cootie shot, are having their monthly period go out of wack..and how when they
talk about it, they get labeled as an anti-vaxxxer, even when they took the vaxx and its causing problems..
its like even if they speak out against THEIR OWN PERSONAL experiences they are getting censored....
man listen... fuck what ya heard..
That Mass Formation Psychosis is REAL bruh!!!
Like I said before using a machine that is designed to count the CO2 parts per million in a large room, right under your nose, is just as asinine thinking a fire detector is a wise choice inside a club with a fog machine. If you cannot understand this basic concept then be prepared to get suckered all your life.I'd see that nasal cannula worthy if the vast majority of the time you breathed out thru your nose. You don't. And it's not making up for what is being exhaled and into the mask and being inhaled back in. Actually the cannula looks to only be measuring what's inside your nostrils. So how accurate is it.
Look do what makes you comfortable. I have no dog in this fight. Not trying to convince anyone of anything. Do what you think makes sense to you and yours.
Your problem is that you seek out information that fits your narrative while dismissing all that debunks it.
"A cognitive bias is a systematic error in thinking that occurs when people are processing and interpreting information in the world around them and affects the decisions and judgments that they make. ... Cognitive biases are often a result of your brain's attempt to simplify information processing"
This is why you were so fast to jump on the 5g and stupid magnetic vaccine conspiracy before contemplating if any of that dumb shit makes any sense at all.
To help fight against cognitive bias you should really start looking into statistics annalisis instead of idiots who cherry pick antidotal evidence to pass them off as "proofs".
Here you go from MSM, since many won't think it's real, yet all spring last year many women were complaining on social media about it. Heavy clotting, some had miscarriages. It's all on VAERS as well. But no one will look
Women’s Periods May Be Late After Coronavirus Vaccination, Study Suggests (Published 2022)
An analysis of thousands of menstrual records offers support for anecdotal reports of erratic cycles after
Reports of menstrual cycle changes after COVID vaccine highlight issues with clinical trials
More doctors are weighing in on what's currently happening with thousands of women - menstrual cycle changes after getting vaccinated. While shedding light on what is happening and why, and how long it will last, they also say these are things that should have been tested during early
There’s Finally Research Into Menstrual Cycle Changes Caused By COVID-19 Vaccines
Plus, what else you should know about the immune system's role in your menstrual
You are not qualified to define what is a long term study, neither are the idiots who sold you the bill of goods on the 5g and magnetic dibocle that you brought, hook line and sinker!Why are you ignoring the fact since day fuckin one, we said LONG TERM STUDY is needed before
you shove a vaccine into people..?
We were told all you need is ONE shot, and how clinical studies in south africa shows the vaccine works..
only to here a few years later you may have to take one every fuckin year..
That alone lets you KNOW long term study is needed..
and taking one every year OFFICIALLY MAKES YOU A FUCKIN LAB RAT...
but hey its all good..
Its your life, if yo mama gave birth to you, so your lifes mission would be to be a volunteer labrat
to a multibillion dollar corporation then you go right on ahead..
If you cant incorporate simple logic to let you KNOW these covid vaccines must have mid to longterm
studies before you inject them into the blood streams of people, while mindfuckin them into believing,
that their immune system through proper diet and action can NOT do more than these fuckin vaccines can..
which is ABSOLUTELY can.... and there are various other treatments that big pharma has shut down LIKE ivermectin
because with alternatives they could never get their experimental vaccine drug into the arms of willing human
Mid to Longterm Study is Needed for these covid experimental drugs... to think anything else just means
your mind has been properly fucked...!!!
Your problem is that you seek out information that fits your narrative while dismissing all that debunks it.