Did you think I wouldn't notice you adding in words?
See, this kind of shit is the reason I refrained from continuing this conversation last year.
You have a search engine. If you wanted to know this, you could simply pick one (google, bing, etc.) and find out for yourself. Do your own research. Instead, you are seeking an argument, which I'm not going to give you.
I'm fully vaccinated. I'm not nor was I ever an anti-vaxxer. I approached the vaccine with caution
doing my own research, took it with confidence. I put the same research into Ivermectin and that started last year, too.
People like you are waiting for the news to tell you what to think. That's just as blindly idiotic as the Fox followers in "Antivaxland."
There is a ton of research on pub med. Nobody said "miracle cure" or any dumb shit like that. This is political baiting.
If you have a headache, you can take aspirin or acetaminophen or ibuprofen to get relief. They are all different drugs that work with different mechanisms. That is also the case with a lot of other illnesses including covid. Fear has you people laser focuses on what the news tells you because
YOU ARE SCARED and you dismiss any other knowledge that they don't feed you because you need the masses to get on board.
Some of you are the same people that said a mask was better than a vaccine.

I'm still waiting on that evidence. That silly pissing on the leg comic strip ain't gonna cut it, either, since people don't excrete liquids from their mouths in streams like piss.
I've said all I have to say on this.
People have been posting info.
pub med is ALWAYS there and it comes directly from the researchers themselves who don't have any agendas other than the discovery of information. Do your own research and come to your own conclusions.