COVID, IVERMECTIN and VACCINE Information Full Feature Documentary


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
I don't post this stuff to clown anyone, I post it just to make those aware who are having health concerns

Things that have been known to help with getting rid off adverse effects and keep Covid at bay is as stated previously in this thread:
  • Ivermectin
  • NAC taken with Glutathione (mornings and evenings)
  • Quercetin taken with Zinc (nightly)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hey do yall notice a pattern of all the unvaccinated

folks they claim died because they were not vaccinated,

Notice they all die AFTER being admitted to a hospital.....and going on a ventilator...

Not the case with the vaxxxed, they seem to be dying on the spot...

See Bob Saget ... rip

See Adam

Just peep that...

Oh and has anybody seen

Tiffany Dover yet???


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Do you see the duck reality or the rabbit reality? Some watch the news and see one thing, while others see another. Two people can stand right next to each other and exist in alternate universes.

on God... brah


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Hey do yall notice a pattern of all the unvaccinated

folks they claim died because they were not vaccinated,

Notice they all die AFTER being admitted to a hospital.....and going on a ventilator...

Not the case with the vaxxxed, they seem to be dying on the spot...

See Bob Saget ... rip

See Adam

Just peep that...

Oh and has anybody seen

Tiffany Dover yet???
Majority of those admitted to hospitals that weren't on ventilators were given Remdesivir. Causes kidney failure in over 50-60% of patients. They're trying to mask the name now because it's gotten such a bad rap that they now use the alternate name Veklury.


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
Majority of those admitted to hospitals that weren't on ventilators were given Remdesivir. Causes kidney failure in over 50-60% of patients. They're trying to mask the name now because it's gotten such a bad rap that they now use the alternate name Veklury.

Source for this?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Definitely not on CNN

Search Twitter for Remdesivir Covid.
Countless posts.

Biden is truly SATANS number one helper... a real evil soulless bastard... Did you hear with Dr Pierre said... ???

folks who feel they need to be admitted to the hospital, are folks that thought,

Dr Sebi was a joke....

and still eat more meat, diary and sugary shit, then they do, foods that build up their immune system..!!

Like green leafy shit, fruits etc...

folks that took two are more vaccines...and boosters... dont understand what MRNA is ,

if you think its a vaccine you been mindfucked..


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
New piece from the TWITTER FILES.
How the pharmaceutical industry lobbied social media to shape content around vaccine policy.

The push included direct pressure from Pfizer partner BioNTech to censor activists demanding low-cost generic vaccines for low-income countries.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
New piece from the TWITTER FILES.
How the pharmaceutical industry lobbied social media to shape content around vaccine policy.

The push included direct pressure from Pfizer partner BioNTech to censor activists demanding low-cost generic vaccines for low-income countries.

And the ONLY reason they are able to mind fuck so many people is because they made

BILLIONS upon BILLIONS since the plandemic, once your soulless president took office,

it was a fuckin free for all, for the international banksters and their corporations..

as that soulless bastard goes into lameduck status, you will see more and more

of the fuckery exposed!!

including HIS ASS stealing all them top secret documents, how that fuckin perpetual liar, got so

high up says all you need to know about how corporations TOOK OVER OUR GOVT!!

and we are talkin INTERNATIONAL corporations that dont give a fuck about American

People or any of the global masses,

but they need to get at us because we are the biggest threat to wiping them out!!!

its only a handful of them demons,

we wont even have to do anything, the more we uncover their shit, the more paranoid they will get,

and cause their own demise!!

Walter Panov

Rising Star
you did see the Vaccine rep..say it never stopped transmission...didn't you brah?
Yeah that was common knowledge. First thing the nurse told me before my vaccine was "this does not prevent you from getting COVID". It was Biden who initially told people they woudn't get infected. He messed it up. But doctors knew you could still catch it.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
New piece from the TWITTER FILES.
How the pharmaceutical industry lobbied social media to shape content around vaccine policy.

The push included direct pressure from Pfizer partner BioNTech to censor activists demanding low-cost generic vaccines for low-income countries.

Goes with this

The social media pressure campaign was just a part of the pharmaceutical industry’s successful lobbying blitz to retain patents — and make record profits.
Lee Fang
January 16 2023, 9:30 a.m.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

and all the WU aka Wise Unvaccinated was saying,

was lets have a wait and see approach..

My fellow Wu Warriors, you know whats really fuckin crazy...


we aint even hit MID term YET.... !!!!!

the non placebo vaxxxed are dying before they get to the hospital,

the Unvaxxed are dying IN the hospital....

damn shame tho, very few people are making the connection

between.. Geo engineering, aka chemtrails..

and the fatigue and short of breathness that are leading folks into the


its all a secret war the top one percent are waging on the masses...

They know we about to wake up and say, yall doing tooo much

stealing and need to be stopped...

We still want capitalism, but WITHOUT the GLUTTONY and DECEPTION!!

that shit was crazy what Uche was saying tho,

Nevertheless he passed away before his time.....

this experimental drug NEEDS a WAIT and SEE approach,

not a knee jerk reaction because you been programmed BY

main stream media!!

RESEARCH greater than Knee jerkin it!!
Last edited:


Call 1-866-DHS-2-ICE to report suspicious activity
BGOL Investor
and all the WU aka Wise Unvaccinated was saying,

was lets have a wait and see approach..

My fellow Wu Warriors, you know whats really fuckin crazy...


we aint even hit MID term YET.... !!!!!

the vaxxxed are dying before they get to the hospital,

the Unvaxxed are dying IN the hospital....

damn shame tho, very few people are making the connection

between.. Geo engineering, aka chemtrails..

and the fatigue and short of breathness that are leading folks into the


its all a secret war the top one percent are waging on the masses...

They know we about to wake up and say, yall doing tooo much

stealing and need to be stopped...

We still want capitalism, but WITHOUT the GLUTTONY and DECEPTION!!

that shit was crazy what Uche was saying tho,

Nevertheless he passed day before his time.....

this experimental drug NEEDS a WAIT and SEE approach,

not a knee jerk reaction because you been programmed my

main stream media!!

RESEARCH greater than Knee jerkin it!!
It's crazy when I think back a couple of years ago and they were trying to MANDATE people to accept this poison with no liability. And they wanted people to travel in public with documentation like the Nazi Germany ghettos.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's crazy when I think back a couple of years ago and they were trying to MANDATE people to accept this poison with no liability. And they wanted people to travel in public with documentation like the Nazi Germany ghettos.

If WE didnt make a stand like we the wise unvaccinated did,

shit would be nazi germany...

It was crazy... these wacky fake ass americans like howard stern

was saying stupid shit like


anybody that thinks like that has NO BUSINESS in this country..




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
See how much more humane and compassionate the

WIse Unvaxxxed are.. we could easily make threads

mocking those that supported this attack on the population.

and start a thread, called Look at em now.. but we

dont see us as the enemy just because we disagree..

Its so Obvious we are the more Humane/Mature/Logical


We are not gonna hate on our brothers and fellow men,

Over a difference of Opinion...

History will be very very kind to us!!!

no matter how much this demonic biden administration,

tries to demonize us!!!

btw I heard miss america is a fuckin man..

If that is true, it just shows how fuckin sick

this current administration is..

your president jo said he was gonna make the fag agenda

his priority...

think about it for a second... isnt pushing faggotry

a form of population control...

Isnt pushing a toxic drug on the worlds population

a form of population control...

Does anyone see a pattern here ???

worse president EVER, and thats including

Both Bushs!!!


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
The FAA has very quietly tacitly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal. We should be concerned. Very concerned.
FAA has quietly lowered the heart heath standards for pilots.



Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
China population: 2022 marks first decline in 60 years
  • Mainland China’s overall population fell to 1.4118 billion last year, as the growth rate hit negative 0.6 per thousand people


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The FAA has very quietly tacitly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal. We should be concerned. Very concerned.
FAA has quietly lowered the heart heath standards for pilots.

China population: 2022 marks first decline in 60 years

    • Mainland China’s overall population fell to 1.4118 billion last year, as the growth rate hit negative 0.6 per thousand people

brah.... cranking up...all the way