CCP has been behind this entire thing all along, covertly to kill off North America and those bought and sold of the govt's of countries assisted.
What's in The Pfizer Documents
great drop,
bruh you know whats fuckin crazy, the fact that so many people
cant incorporate the simplest of fuckin logic...
just the fact that nobody wants to be liable for these cootie shots called vaccines...
thats the first fuckin flag that shouldve went off that ignites simple logic.
then the fact that fuckin pfizer literally tried to hold the trial documents for
FIFTY fuckin years.... if thats not screaming we HIDING some shit, I dont know what is,
but yet the fuckin millions of sheep STILL couldnt see a bone in a fuckin bone yard.
they still supported the wise unvaccinated and lacked the logic to see we are the ones that
wants whats best for everybody... all we are saying is, if you want me to take something let me
know who will be liable if/when something goes wrong...
no response.. and they said fuck you, you take it or dont feed your family, on SOME REAl
BULLYSHIT bruh... I never gave into bullies and I aint stoppin now.... they literally want to
medically rape you, and whats crazy is how they are trying to back out of shit now,
I heard that bitch prime minister in canada is trying to back track now... talkin about.. nobody
forced you to take it,
and the president of new zealand I heard also removed herself because the bullshit,
is catching up and she got the memo she better leave before it gets real nasty....
yea if only the masses could incorporate simple logic,
we wouldve been douched all these treasonous politicians from the left
and right the fuck outta here and get some real American freedom representation
up in this bitch!!1