COVID, IVERMECTIN and VACCINE Information Full Feature Documentary


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
They get the fuck away from me...I got a shawty fuse...and right lighting that muffucka...with your bullshit lies..and propaganda
Like I said You could do what you want to do But when you are on a page like this where other people see your comments I have to challenge you on it because I don’t want someone to make a dumb decision with their medical research.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Sir you almost sound like a Trump supporter right now is the same type of rhetoric I hear from them. Down is up and black is white that’s what I’m hearing from you No I’m trying to stay on topic with this debate about this animal medicine but you are all over the place

I am who I am...ain't no secret...all my chronicles are on this board...I'm a felon with big guns, and the ability to break a Mayne, in half..and cook some collard greens, with his bones...and feed em to my demons... bish


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
I am who I am...ain't no secret...all my chronicles are on this board...I'm a felon with big guns, and the ability to break a Mayne, in half..and cook some collard greens, with his bones...and feed em to my demons... bish
You always speak about guns Street this and that instead of being an intelligent brother like I told you I could be street when I absolutely have to but I choose not to go down that road again. As I am debating you I’m not speaking about my past Street Adventures Or guns I am speaking to you as a grown ass black man trying to got you into a different light.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Like I said You could do what you want to do But when you are on a page like this where other people see your comments I have to challenge you on it because I don’t want someone to make a dumb decision with their medical research.

What the fuck can you do? Lying on real kniccaz...bish


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You always speak about guns Street this and that instead of being an intelligent brother like I told you I could be street when I absolutely have to but I choose not to go down that road again. As I am debating you I’m not speaking about my past Street Adventures Or guns I am speaking to you as a grown ass black man trying to got you into a different light.
Bitch didn't you say you killed a muffucka in Miami? And I'm saving folks...and bitch you lied on me...and scared to hold a conversation with me...cause you know I know you know that I is a Gimp


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You always speak about guns Street this and that instead of being an intelligent brother like I told you I could be street when I absolutely have to but I choose not to go down that road again. As I am debating you I’m not speaking about my past Street Adventures Or guns I am speaking to you as a grown ass black man trying to got you into a different light.

You ain't debating me...cause you ain't talking about shit...not even muffuckin baby aspirin... absolutely nothing....fuck nigga


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Bitch didn't you say you killed a muffucka in Miami? And I'm saving folks...and bitch you lied on me...and scared to hold a conversation with me...cause you know I know you know that I is a Gimp
I did not say I killed anyone in Miami even though my identity is somewhat hidden I still would not confess to anything on this board to be on the safe side. Anyways, that street shit was fun in my late teens early 20s but I could have easily been 6 feet Under over some of the bullshit. This is one reason why I went to Atlanta in the mid 90s just to get a change of Scenery And you know what it worked. Yes that animal medicine is still toxic to humans.


BGOL Investor
What many of you don't get is vaccinated or not, you WILL catch Covid and spread it. Vaccinated do not have some special barrier that avoids them from getting Covid. You can and will catch it like anyone else. Do you not understand that?

What difference the vaccine does is, (so you believe) is that you may catch it less severe.

Multiple times I'm trying to keep the topic on treatment of Covid. Nothing about to vax or not.

Saying this man did whatever with Ivermectin, you understand one can easily get the pills for human consumption or the animal based. Animal based, in an injectible bottle has to be ivermectin ONLY in the bottle. Nothing else. They sell many ivermectin WITH other additives for animals and people who do not READ know no better. That's probably what made him sick or overdosing.

Please, I'd like to keep this thread on the course of IF you get sick, ivermectin is one of the treatments that does work. I have numerous actual stories/testimonials of people I have told to take it and they never stepped foot in a hosp and recovered by end of the week.

You don't want to take it, cool, I will not try twist anyone arm, name call, insult or anything.

But it's foolish to believe taking a vaccine, makes you immune from Covid. Sorry but you will get it at some point and you very well are spreading it to others. Just as easily as anyone else.

I have been saying this. Fuck this dumb bitch. Do no harm? The unvaccinated are killing kids out here. They are overrunning the very hospitals that rely on the branches of science that created the medicine used to treat them, which was used to develop the vaccine.

If I ran a hospital, I would have a giant Marquee that says, "OVER 12? VACCINATED ONLY, ALL CHILDREN UNDER 12 WELCOMED"


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I did not say I killed anyone in Miami even though my identity is somewhat hidden I still would not confess to anything on this board to be on the safe side. Anyways, that street shit was fun in my late teens early 20s but I could have easily been 6 feet Under over some of the bullshit. This is one reason why I went to Atlanta in the mid 90s just to get a change of Scenery And you know what it worked. Yes that animal medicine is still toxic to humans.

Fuck a square...get the fuck outta ain't walked nobody down..other than the doughnut your a joke...nigga you scared to go to the gas station at lying muffucka


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I have been saying this. Fuck this dumb bitch. Do no harm? The unvaccinated are killing kids out here. They are overrunning the very hospitals that rely on the branches of science that created the medicine used to treat them, which was used to develop the vaccine.

If I ran a hospital, I would have a giant Marquee that says, "OVER 12? VACCINATED ONLY, ALL CHILDREN UNDER 12 WELCOMED"

I agree...wit this...if you don't want vaccination... medical establishments.. shouldn't deal with you..if you get Covid...and can't shake it...brah


BGOL Investor
My useful info is not to take pet or livestock medicine. My other useful info is try to keep the circle of people that’s around you very small until this crisis passes over us and get vaccinated by the human vaccine that’s available at Walgreen CVS Walmart etc. Because these heartworm medicine’s that they (crazy white people) are trying to pedal to people go fuck up your kidneys super quick And The hospitals do not need any more bullshit right now.
There isn't such a thing as livestock medicine. The dosage is what differentiates between humans or animals.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I did not say I killed anyone in Miami even though my identity is somewhat hidden I still would not confess to anything on this board to be on the safe side. Anyways, that street shit was fun in my late teens early 20s but I could have easily been 6 feet Under over some of the bullshit. This is one reason why I went to Atlanta in the mid 90s just to get a change of Scenery And you know what it worked. Yes that animal medicine is still toxic to humans.

This ain't no country for old men no more...I see you old as fuck...I could twist your head all the way around where you could watch yo own ass.....don't ever lie on me again fuck nigga scum


Rising Star
It was white republicans that started the whole ivermectin thing.

White racists were wondering why people in Africa, Latin America, India and some other poorer countries with high populations of people of color WERE NOT GETTING SICK.

After a little research, some of them discovered that many POC in third world countries were already taking anti-parasitic drugs.

Sah-prize, sah-prize! The worst hit country in Africa, had the largest white population on the continent.

"Hard-hit countries such as Italy and Britain have recorded fatality counts of 11.6% and 9.0% respectively, compared to 1.6% for Ethiopia, 1.9% for Nigeria and 2.4% for South Africa, the continent’s worst affected country."

"The African country with the largest European descendant population both numerically and proportionally is South Africa,"

"Methods: Data from 19 countries that participated in the World Health Organization (WHO) sponsored African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control (APOC), from 1995 until 2015, were compared with thirty-five (Non-APOC), countries that were not included. Information was obtained from database. Generalized Poisson regression models were used to obtain estimates of the effect of APOC status on cumulative SARS-CoV-2 infection and mortality rates."

2020 Articles

2021 Articles



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
What many of you don't get is vaccinated or not, you WILL catch Covid and spread it. Vaccinated do not have some special barrier that avoids them from getting Covid. You can and will catch it like anyone else. Do you not understand that?

What difference the vaccine does is, (so you believe) is that you may catch it less severe.

Multiple times I'm trying to keep the topic on treatment of Covid. Nothing about to vax or not.

Saying this man did whatever with Ivermectin, you understand one can easily get the pills for human consumption or the animal based. Animal based, in an injectible bottle has to be ivermectin ONLY in the bottle. Nothing else. They sell many ivermectin WITH other additives for animals and people who do not READ know no better. That's probably what made him sick or overdosing.

Please, I'd like to keep this thread on the course of IF you get sick, ivermectin is one of the treatments that does work. I have numerous actual stories/testimonials of people I have told to take it and they never stepped foot in a hosp and recovered by end of the week.

You don't want to take it, cool, I will not try twist anyone arm, name call, insult or anything.

But it's foolish to believe taking a vaccine, makes you immune from Covid. Sorry but you will get it at some point and you very well are spreading it to others. Just as easily as anyone else.

you aint type one single solitary lie


Rising Star
Platinum Member
White racists were wondering why people in Africa, Latin America, India and some other poorer countries with high populations of people of color WERE NOT GETTING SICK.

After a little research, some of them discovered that many POC in third world countries were already taking anti-parasitic drugs.

Sah-prize, sah-prize! The worst hit country in Africa, had the largest white population on the continent.

"Hard-hit countries such as Italy and Britain have recorded fatality counts of 11.6% and 9.0% respectively, compared to 1.6% for Ethiopia, 1.9% for Nigeria and 2.4% for South Africa, the continent’s worst affected country."

"The African country with the largest European descendant population both numerically and proportionally is South Africa,"

"Methods: Data from 19 countries that participated in the World Health Organization (WHO) sponsored African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control (APOC), from 1995 until 2015, were compared with thirty-five (Non-APOC), countries that were not included. Information was obtained from database. Generalized Poisson regression models were used to obtain estimates of the effect of APOC status on cumulative SARS-CoV-2 infection and mortality rates."

2020 Articles

2021 Articles



Rising Star


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Oh goodness (your observer) is a right wing rag in Sarasota Florida people read this with caution

Naw...muffucka...stay the fuck away from your lying ass...did you not lie on me the other day? Bitch you better answer me...and talking about quick...hoe


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
There isn't such a thing as livestock medicine. The dosage is what differentiates between humans or animals.
Yes when you get past a certain dosage it becomes a Livestock medicine. Just saying reasoning goes behind certain antibiotics.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Naw...muffucka...stay the fuck away from your lying ass...did you not lie on me the other day? Bitch you better answer me...and talking about quick...hoe
Dude I just did a quick research on that article and yeah I was right


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yes when you get past a certain dosage it becomes a Livestock medicine. Just saying reasoning goes behind certain antibiotics.

You sound like a fuckin idiot...what you do for a living? So Tylenol
at a certain dosage turns into animal medicine? I can't make this shit up


Rising Star
Platinum Member
what words did i "add" ? pls answer that first
ur whole screed is a lot of PROJECTION
ure projecting with shit that aint got nothin to do with what i said, in an attempt to offload ur own internal strife !
u saying alot of shit without saying nothing! u are the one who is dealing in fear and waiting on ppl to tell u what to think just becos u dont understand how the science works doesnt mean we dont, just becos u FEAR (lack of knowledge) the science doent mean we have to !
I have posted plenty of links before. I more than understand how "the science" works and have proven this at the early onset of this pandemic.
While "the crew" on here was waiting for an actor aka newscaster reading a script in front of a camera to tell you what to be scared about everyday, I was posting pub med links left and right, videos of how viruses, your immune system and vaccines work as well as explaining them myself.
The CDC and WHO get their information from researchers. I was posting from the researchers.
You want this to be political but its not.
You want to argue for your side but there is nothing to argue when "your side" is getting third hand information from where I'm getting it.
Do you want to see a list of substances and methods being used to treat covid-19?
That one's a freebie. That should get you started. Pay attention to the keywords: Azithromycin; chloroquine; ivermectin; lopinavir; remdesivir; ribavirin
Its not dumbed down for you. There's ACTUAL DATA there. The shit you get from the news and the CDC and WHO sites are for the public to understand.
The news is what they tell you after their people have read these, dumbed them down to laymans' terms and laid it out all pretty for your newscasters to butcher by the hand of some crackpot writer injecting opinions into the data.

You need to first understand the difference between a vaccine and a treatment. Vaccines are meant to be long-term immune system-based solutions. Treatments are used after the infection occurs. Some treatments are taken in prophylaxis doses and used as preventative.
I'm done with you on this topic. Speak to me when you know something. You are way out of your league on this. The only reason I even addressed you a second time on this was in the interest of others reading this thread who may want to do further research and know about other options in case they get sick and need help.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Bitch you called me another nigga...and said you had magical make me go up...bitch
I don’t know where you got that from but OK whatever do you know I have a iPhone 12 Which is also a personal computer for me


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I have posted plenty of links before. I more than understand how "the science" works and have proven this at the early onset of this pandemic.
While "the crew" on here was waiting for an actor aka newscaster reading a script in front of a camera to tell you what to be scared about everyday, I was posting pub med links left and right, videos of how viruses, your immune system and vaccines work as well as explaining them myself.
The CDC and WHO get their information from researchers. I was posting from the researchers.
You want this to be political but its not.
You want to argue for your side but there is nothing to argue when "your side" is getting third hand information from where I'm getting it.
Do you want to see a list of substances and methods being used to treat covid-19?
That one's a freebie. That should get you started. Pay attention to the keywords: Azithromycin; chloroquine; ivermectin; lopinavir; remdesivir; ribavirin
Its not dumbed down for you. There's ACTUAL DATA there. The shit you get from the news and the CDC and WHO sites are for the public to understand.
The news is what they tell you after their people have read these, dumbed them down to laymans' terms and laid it out all pretty for your newscasters to butcher by the hand of some crackpot writer injecting opinions into the data.

You need to first understand the difference between a vaccine and a treatment. Vaccines are meant to be long-term immune system-based solutions. Treatments are used after the infection occurs. Some treatments are taken in prophylaxis doses and used as preventative.
I'm done with you on this topic. Speak to me when you know something. You are way out of your league on this. The only reason I even addressed you a second time on this was in the interest of others reading this thread who may want to do further research and know about other options in case they get sick and need help.

Are people that believe in the vaccination anti-relief? Dam...why can't you get the vaccination and if you catch Covid..have relief? What the fuck is wrong with em? I believe in either or...or a combination...dam.. brah


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I have posted plenty of links before. I more than understand how "the science" works and have proven this at the early onset of this pandemic.
While "the crew" on here was waiting for an actor aka newscaster reading a script in front of a camera to tell you what to be scared about everyday, I was posting pub med links left and right, videos of how viruses, your immune system and vaccines work as well as explaining them myself.
The CDC and WHO get their information from researchers. I was posting from the researchers.
You want this to be political but its not.
You want to argue for your side but there is nothing to argue when "your side" is getting third hand information from where I'm getting it.
Do you want to see a list of substances and methods being used to treat covid-19?
That one's a freebie. That should get you started. Pay attention to the keywords: Azithromycin; chloroquine; ivermectin; lopinavir; remdesivir; ribavirin
Its not dumbed down for you. There's ACTUAL DATA there. The shit you get from the news and the CDC and WHO sites are for the public to understand.
The news is what they tell you after their people have read these, dumbed them down to laymans' terms and laid it out all pretty for your newscasters to butcher by the hand of some crackpot writer injecting opinions into the data.

You need to first understand the difference between a vaccine and a treatment. Vaccines are meant to be long-term immune system-based solutions. Treatments are used after the infection occurs. Some treatments are taken in prophylaxis doses and used as preventative.
I'm done with you on this topic. Speak to me when you know something. You are way out of your league on this. The only reason I even addressed you a second time on this was in the interest of others reading this thread who may want to do further research and know about other options in case they get sick and need help.

Mayne keep board in's alot if folks scared of retaliation..that don't want to speak on..Bronkaid, and Ivermectin..and they been healed with it...or experienced relief..brah


BGOL Investor
Are people that believe in the vaccination anti-relief? Dam...why can't you get the vaccination and if you catch Covid..have relief? What the fuck is wrong with em? I believe in either or...or a combination...dam.. brah
This. I got vaccinated. My entire immediate and extended family is vaccinated but if we catch it, we are rolling out the ivermectin with the correct dosage.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
This. I got vaccinated. My entire immediate and extended family is vaccinated but if we catch it, we are rolling out the ivermectin with the correct dosage.
I wouldn’t but it’s on you.