Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've suspected that for awhile also, the damn British did a major mindf**k on them. Quiet as it's kept, "Little Black Sambo" is actually an Indian boy.

I will school you niggas on these Indian bitches. I haven’t met one that didn’t want to fuck me. The problem is their community is SOOOOOOOOOO racist against black people that they are scared to get shit poppin.

Also, they are a lot sluttier than you think. They don’t dress like prostitutes like black, white, and spics but they are probably even more Slut than all of them. Also, since Indian men are supposedly inferiority endowed, their pussies are tight and good. If you hit once, you can get them to trick $$$ on you and everything


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Just go to reddit and type in desi/indian NSFW....the sky will be your limit