Daily Dimes: London Asia (arm candy)
KAPE KRUSADER Rising Star BGOL Investor Oct 8, 2019 #9 I would take her home for Thanksgiving to meet the family
g0nbad real bad Rising Star BGOL Investor Oct 18, 2019 #15 She got a nice body but she looks like she curses more than me.
G Genesiswiz not the little wizard BGOL Investor Nov 5, 2019 #27 That's all I need in a woman for looks, anyway
Dr. Truth 보지를 먹어라 BGOL Investor Nov 22, 2019 #30 Why all these bitches who ain’t even Asian calling themselves Asia. Bitch please, be yourselves
B black again Rising Star BGOL Investor Dec 28, 2019 #35 She's soooo close to a dime... If she toned up just a bit and the hair..do anything but the super long weave. Back in the day, we called a babe like that, healthy.
She's soooo close to a dime... If she toned up just a bit and the hair..do anything but the super long weave. Back in the day, we called a babe like that, healthy.