How do I upload from my phone? Tinypic is gone

How do I upload from my phone? Tinypic is gone
dude this group is the funniest shit I've seen in a while...!Man niggas went ham I’m hollering laughing
Word the dude with the swastika on his forehead. Man I’m cryingdude this group is the funniest shit I've seen in a while...!
i mean it's all the way live memes and everything.. they ocking old white people the whole nine LOL!
I live in Dallas downtown by America airlines arena. The climate out here is crazy, waiting on this sentencing. Anything less than 25 years is not gonna be a good look.
Yup.It's lit? They ready to riot?
She has to do the maxBitch will probably do 5
At least she's going. I'm so disappointed though...Oh well, 10 is about the best we can get in Amerikkka