Dame leaving a very foul legacy behind
Did you just say a modest ten percent return? Brother....Nigga said, “These aint regular house walls. These museum walls”
Now, this is the first common sense reason I’ve heard of as to why Dame is broke. You burning through cash like it never stopped coming at your height and now you crying cause you broke. It makes total sense. He was the same idiot that said he never wore the same pair of socks or underwear twice. Small potatoes in the grand scheme, but apply that mindset to everything else in his life.
Nobody ever asked Dame how much money he made in total with Rocafella, but if that number was in the high eight to nine figures you definitely an idiot for fucking off that money. A modest invest portfolio on $10 at a 10% annual return is million dollars a year and you could live an amazing if somebody just gave you a million dollars a year. Yeah, Jay may have blackballed you, but if you have nothing to show after all that money was made, you gotta look in the mirror as to why you can‘t afford a seven figure tax bill and child support.
Feds fight dirty against murders and criminals and their associates? How are the supposed to fight?Everyone knows the FEDs fight dirty. They tie your hands behind your back and slap prosthetics arms on you. Surely, you didn’t think Def Jam was going to front Irv lawyer money. How’s Harvey Weinstein doing?
I’m no financial guru, but the S&P500 average return over the last 100 years is 10.04%. Which means if you just parked your money in an S&P 500 index fund you would’ve made just that on average. My guess is probably more than that in the 2000s. Is that something crazy to say?Did you just say a modest ten percent return? Brother....
Yes. He was. He was guilty by association and used his money to organize hits and beatdowns on people.Irv wasn’t part of that business. And it isn’t like knowing murderers isn’t part of doing business in America.
The same guy that said he only wear socks, t-shirts, & underwear once and throws them out. I bet his ass doing laundry now!Nigga said, “These aint regular house walls. These museum walls”
Now, this is the first common sense reason I’ve heard of as to why Dame is broke. You burning through cash like it never stopped coming at your height and now you crying cause you broke. It makes total sense. He was the same idiot that said he never wore the same pair of socks or underwear twice. Small potatoes in the grand scheme, but apply that mindset to everything else in his life.
Nobody ever asked Dame how much money he made in total with Rocafella, but if that number was in the high eight to nine figures you definitely an idiot for fucking off that money. A modest invest portfolio on $10mil at a 10% annual return is million dollars a year and you could live an amazing if somebody just gave you a million dollars a year. Yeah, Jay may have blackballed you, but if you have nothing to show after all that money was made, you gotta look in the mirror as to why you can‘t afford a seven figure tax bill and child support.
The same guy that said he only wear socks, t-shirts, & underwear once and throws them out. I bet his ass doing laundry now!
That damn sure sounds like Dame, he said the same shit about Jay when he took a job with Def Jam in the mid-90's.
It also doesn't surprise me that Cam was similarly on that bullshit back then.