DAMN! MetroCard Fares Going Up Again, Insiders Say, UPDATE: Half Price metrocards!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
THIS is why they saying living in BK is one of the most expensive in the country...:angry:

MetroCard Fares Going Up Again, Insiders Say

Gone will be the 7 percent bonuses, while the base fare and 30-day unlimited cards will all go up as well.​

MetroCard base fares will increase by a quarter and the 7 percent bonuses enjoyed by non-unlimited card riders will be eliminated, MTA insiders told the New York Daily News.

The MTA will unveil the fair-hike proposal next month, say insiders. The only riders who will feel the least burn are 30-day unlimited cardholders, whose MetroCard monthly price will only increase by $5, up to $109.

According to the paper, next month the MTA will also release several additional proposals –
all of which would raise prices on the Metro-North Railroad and the Long Island Rail Road, as well as tolls on the MTA’s nine bridges and tunnels.

The MTA board will hold public hearings in November and vote on a final budget in December. Any fare hike would take effect in March.

December 2010 was the last time fares were raised, with unlimited MetroCards skyrocketing from $89 to $104. Stranghangers weren’t happy, but begrudgingly ate the cost anyway.

“To pay that much money for a monthly Metrocard is really expensive. There isn't really an option for me to ride a bike around or carpool though. I need to take the subway every day and so do most people in this city, so there isn't a choice but to accept the new costs for most of us,” Tenekqua Cauthen, 27, a pre-school teacher and Bed-Stuy resident told Patch.


Sorry, but compared to buying gas and paying tolls, let alone insurance, transit is the cheapest thing going!

Don't know how old you are but back in the days of tokens there was no such thing as a free transfer from the bus to the train or vice-versa, you had to pay for BOTH, when you factor in travelling thru the different boros, transit is a HUGE bargain, but I will admit dropping $109 a month seems steep, but I can put that in my gas tank per week and STILL not go anywhere near the distance the MTA travels!


Well these executives have to fund there lifestyles. Some how. Gas for Private Jets have Gone up! :yes:

While getting the Burberry upholstery on the private jet has gone up, members of the executive board of the MTA really don't get paid much, they mostly all have highly successful positions and businesses already, the job is much more about the perks!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Sorry, but compared to buying gas and paying tolls, let alone insurance, transit is the cheapest thing going!

Don't know how old you are but back in the days of tokens there was no such thing as a free transfer from the bus to the train or vice-versa, you had to pay for BOTH, when you factor in travelling thru the different boros, transit is a HUGE bargain, but I will admit dropping $109 a month seems steep, but I can put that in my gas tank per week and STILL not go anywhere near the distance the MTA travels!

I got you and fam I remember:lol:

that IS a lot of money for Working Families.

but the QUALITY is what is at issue...

dirty,late, constant track work, rude transit employees (not all of course)

dudes rubbing up on girls in 2012 getting off...no jail time:smh:

I think if riders actually SAW were the money went...

its the mismanagement of funding...

and they are in an excellent position were they KNOW New Yorkers are POWERLESS to oppose this...that in and of itself is the REAL travesty here.:smh:

Every couple of years some controversy hits and there is an agency audit and SUDDENLY MILLIONS OF FUNDS ARE FOUND:hmm:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
wonder of the BGOL political dudes think there is ANYTHING voters/communters can do this to fight this?

MTA Offers Four Ways To Raise Fares (But All Will Hurt)

A monthly MetroCard could soon cost as much as $125, under one of four fare-hike plans the MTA is proposing, according to the New York Daily News.

The proposal would also up the price of unlimited-ride weekly cards to $34, and reduce the pay-per-ride bonus on MetroCards as well – but it would still leave the base subway and bus fare unchanged at $2.25.

“If these higher fares go through, there will have been four subway and bus fare hikes in five years,” Gene Russianoff, of the Straphangers Campaign, told the paper. “It is time for Gov. Cuomo and the state Legislature to come to the rescue and find new transit aid.”

The MTA has prepared four fare-hike proposals for a series of public hearings set for next month, with the goal of generating $232 million in additional revenue for the agency.

Two proposals would keep the base fare at $2.25, while one would reduce the pay-per-ride MetroCard bonus from 7 percent to 5 percent, charge $34 for the weekly unlimited card and $125 for the monthly card. The second proposal would cut the 7 percent MetroCard bonus altogether, increase the weekly MetroCard to $32 and the monthly card to $119.

Two other proposals would raise the base fare to $2.50, along with hikes for unlimited cards, according to the paper.

MTA Chairman Joseph Lhota and transit officials maintain that the MTA needs more money because of so-called “uncontrollable costs” like pensions, which are set by the state legislature.



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Sorry, but compared to buying gas and paying tolls, let alone insurance, transit is the cheapest thing going!

Don't know how old you are but back in the days of tokens there was no such thing as a free transfer from the bus to the train or vice-versa, you had to pay for BOTH, when you factor in travelling thru the different boros, transit is a HUGE bargain, but I will admit dropping $109 a month seems steep, but I can put that in my gas tank per week and STILL not go anywhere near the distance the MTA travels!

At least we don't have to pay by the distance we travel like it is done in other cities.


Still way better than Toronto.

Monthly Metropass: $126
One trip fare: $3

Probably the worst transit system of any of the larger cities I've been to.


BGOL Investor
The distance is not really that far. You can go from the tip of East NY to the furthest part of the Bronx and I bet it isn't more than 50 miles.
Brooklyn the 4th largest city in the US but I can walk across the entire borough in like 2, maybe 3 hours tops (and I walk slow as a mofo)
How much per gallon is gas?? And how many miles per gallon does a car get (on average)?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The distance is not really that far. You can go from the tip of East NY to the furthest part of the Bronx and I bet it isn't more than 50 miles.
Brooklyn the 4th largest city in the US but I can walk across the entire borough in like 2, maybe 3 hours tops (and I walk slow as a mofo)
How much per gallon is gas?? And how many miles per gallon does a car get (on average)?

in NY a gallon like $4

Still way better than Toronto.

Monthly Metropass: $126
One trip fare: $3

Probably the worst transit system of any of the larger cities I've been to.

I gonna have to go to T.Dot in a few too.

Im really surprised cause I went to Montreal an d it was very clean and efficient compared to NY?


The distance is not really that far. You can go from the tip of East NY to the furthest part of the Bronx and I bet it isn't more than 50 miles.
Brooklyn the 4th largest city in the US but I can walk across the entire borough in like 2, maybe 3 hours tops (and I walk slow as a mofo)
How much per gallon is gas?? And how many miles per gallon does a car get (on average)?

True & true!

Gas is $4 a gallon, average car gets about 17mpg (city), totals up to $12 in gas + $6.50 toll for the bridge although you could go the long way and take the free Williamsburgh bridge and hop on the FDR Drive north but that adds a lot of time and uses more gas, or you could take a bus to the 3 train for $2.25 (2.50)


in NY a gallon like $4

I gonna have to go to T.Dot in a few too.

Im really surprised cause I went to Montreal an d it was very clean and efficient compared to NY?

But nowhere near the size and complexity of the MTA.

Oh, and I agree with your earlier post about mismanagement of funds, it's better now than it used to be, management used to have unfettered access to several "bottomless" accounts and O/T was the rule, if average rank and file weren't pulling 60 hours a week, you were slacking, of course they were only actually working 30, if that much!


BGOL Investor
Brooklyn the 4th largest city in the US but I can walk across the entire borough in like 2, maybe 3 hours tops (and I walk slow as a mofo)

There's no way it would only take you 2 hours to walk from williamsburg to flatbush ave and 7th avenue. And if you were to walk from say manhattan bridge to verrazano..... that's a full day of walking


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
There's no way it would only take you 2 hours to walk from williamsburg to flatbush ave and 7th avenue. And if you were to walk from say manhattan bridge to verrazano..... that's a full day of walking

you can walk that...not leisurely now:D..but it isnt that hard, during the black out I walked from Times Square to Park Slope in record time with crowds...not that hard.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
My LIRR monthly ticket is $254 a month. Shit!

Sent from my HTC One S

Rick Ronson

This is nationwide...every rail system is punishing mothafuckas for
trying to get away from these gas prices.

All this shit is sset up to keep mothafuckas running and spending.

Only the people who really have a plan and make sacrifices win out here.
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Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
you can walk that...not leisurely now:D..but it isnt that hard, during the black out I walked from Times Square to Park Slope in record time with crowds...not that hard.

During the Black Out, I walked from the WillyB bridge to Newkirk and around E16th where I used to park my car by the train.

3.5 hrs walk, in work clothes/shoes. Shit was not cool.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
During the Black Out, I walked from the WillyB bridge to Newkirk and around E16th where I used to park my car by the train.

3.5 hrs walk, in work clothes/shoes. Shit was not cool.

didnt say it was cool:D,

I stopped for water and pizza and they were giving out free icys, my cousin lives around your way though...

but I mean NY dudes are used to walking all over the city with or without the MTA, its doable - not easy or convenient BUT doable.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
didnt say it was cool:D,

I stopped for water and pizza and they were giving out free icys, my cousin lives around your way though...

but I mean NY dudes are used to walking all over the city with or without the MTA, its doable - not easy or convenient BUT doable.

Of course doable if you had to, but not daily, sheeeit.

And I didn't live there on that side, just parked the car there, to hop on the train daily for the J.O.B. I used to live in Old Mill Basin, a few blocks from Kings Plaza.

That black out was the last "walk across the bridge" for me. First was WTC then the black out. I left NY for that and many other reasons.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Of course doable if you had to, but not daily, sheeeit.

And I didn't live there on that side, just parked the car there, to hop on the train daily for the J.O.B. I used to live in Old Mill Basin, a few blocks from Kings Plaza.

That black out was the last "walk across the bridge" for me. First was WTC then the black out. I left NY for that and many other reasons.

understood fam.:D

I was actually looking at houses out there a few years back...

That is EXACTLY why I feel the MTA even after the many reforms STILL feels like it can go almost completely unchecked and without opposition.

IF the commuters were actually able to stop riding the train for like only one day, hell just a few hours in a day, I REALLY think these elected officials would have to be MUCH MORE aggressive with overseeing where all this money is going...

cause YOU KNOW there is STILL a hell of a lot of misappropriation of funds going on.

HOW in the HELL is the MTA NOT in the black every year:smh:


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
I worked for EMS for over 10 yrs. Use to go to pick up MTA workers over on Georgia Ave, at the Bway Jamaica Ave depot. They have a doctor's office there for the MTA workers where they "check in" weekly.

One of the biggest abuses of the MTA that I personally know/knew of was that half their entire staff at one point were all on LODI.

That is Line Of Duty Injury. When they get hurt on the job, used to be that they literally can indefinitely be out on sick leave. I think they clamped down on that now, but many still abuse it.

So you paying half your employees and they home, what you expect...


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I worked for EMS for over 10 yrs. Use to go to pick up MTA workers over on Georgia Ave, at the Bway Jamaica Ave depot. They have a doctor's office there for the MTA workers where they "check in" weekly.

One of the biggest abuses of the MTA that I personally know/knew of was that half their entire staff at one point were all on LODI.

That is Line Of Duty Injury. When they get hurt on the job, used to be that they literally can indefinitely be out on sick leave.


I think they clamped down on that now, but many still abuse it.

So you paying half your employees and they home, what you expect...

I had NO DAMN IDEA...shit I should've filled that application a while back for openings:lol:


BGOL Investor
I worked for EMS for over 10 yrs. Use to go to pick up MTA workers over on Georgia Ave, at the Bway Jamaica Ave depot. They have a doctor's office there for the MTA workers where they "check in" weekly.

One of the biggest abuses of the MTA that I personally know/knew of was that half their entire staff at one point were all on LODI.

That is Line Of Duty Injury. When they get hurt on the job, used to be that they literally can indefinitely be out on sick leave. I think they clamped down on that now, but many still abuse it.

So you paying half your employees and they home, what you expect...

thats not just the mta bruh :lol::lol::lol:


I worked for EMS for over 10 yrs. Use to go to pick up MTA workers over on Georgia Ave, at the Bway Jamaica Ave depot. They have a doctor's office there for the MTA workers where they "check in" weekly.

One of the biggest abuses of the MTA that I personally know/knew of was that half their entire staff at one point were all on LODI.

That is Line Of Duty Injury. When they get hurt on the job, used to be that they literally can indefinitely be out on sick leave. I think they clamped down on that now, but many still abuse it.

So you paying half your employees and they home, what you expect...


But MTA Enforcement is a bear!

If you call in sick and they come by your house & you're not there, there's HELL to pay!

White boys been abusing that system for years, brothers caught on later, as pointed out not just with transit, they're still uncovering ish with that whole LIRR retirement scam, they found that over 70% of their retirees went out on disability, over TRIPLE the national average of just over 20%!


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
thats not just the mta bruh :lol::lol::lol:

We had LODI in EMS, so does Police, Corrections and Fire, the difference IS, MTA is indefinite, or was. I think they changed it. As long as you go to their doc weekly, you stay on LODI.

EMS, the longest you could be out was a year, same as PD. Then their docs forced you back to work.

But you missing my point, HALF of no other city work force is out on LODI like the MTA is. Everyone used to talk about how laid back management was towards people being out sick.


But MTA Enforcement is a bear!

If you call in sick and they come by your house & you're not there, there's HELL to pay!

White boys been abusing that system for years, brothers caught on later, as pointed out not just with transit, they're still uncovering ish with that whole LIRR retirement scam, they found that over 70% of their retirees went out on disability, over TRIPLE the national average of just over 20%!

Of course you had to be home, think it was like 9-5, then it's whatever after hours. Some people would moonlight do madd shit. I know many promoters who threw monthly parties, went clubbing few nights a week, all while on disability.


BGOL Investor
We had LODI in EMS, so does Police, Corrections and Fire, the difference IS, MTA is indefinite, or was. I think they changed it. As long as you go to their doc weekly, you stay on LODI.

EMS, the longest you could be out was a year, same as PD. Then their docs forced you back to work.

But you missing my point, HALF of no other city work force is out on LODI like the MTA is. Everyone used to talk about how laid back management was towards people being out sick.

Of course you had to be home, think it was like 9-5, then it's whatever after hours. Some people would moonlight do madd shit. I know many promoters who threw monthly parties, went clubbing few nights a week, all while on disability.

You're confusing LODI line of duty injury with being out sick... in the city if your LODI they can't force you back after a yr its whenever you recover from your injury, you just have to go to the doctor every week or every 2 weeks.

now if your out sick yeah that can force you back after a yr...

either way its the biggest scam in civil service :lol: