DAMN! MetroCard Fares Going Up Again, Insiders Say, UPDATE: Half Price metrocards!


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
You're confusing LODI line of duty injury with being out sick... in the city if your LODI they can't force you back after a yr its whenever you recover from your injury, you just have to go to the doctor every week or every 2 weeks.

now if your out sick yeah that can force you back after a yr...

either way its the biggest scam in civil service :lol:

Dont know if you ever worked for the city. When your year is up on LODI, they force you to start using your sick time. Their docs are forced to push you back to work.

That's the norm...

Not talking being sick off of a cold or some shit. Talking getting hurt on the job. Of course anyone get hurt they tell u take a week or two off and their docs sign you back to work, everyone milks it. MTA just buys the whole fucking cow.

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Rising Star
I got you and fam I remember:lol:

that IS a lot of money for Working Families.

but the QUALITY is what is at issue...

dirty,late, constant track work, rude transit employees (not all of course)

dudes rubbing up on girls in 2012 getting off...no jail time:smh:

I think if riders actually SAW were the money went...

its the mismanagement of funding...

and they are in an excellent position were they KNOW New Yorkers are POWERLESS to oppose this...that in and of itself is the REAL travesty here.:smh:

Every couple of years some controversy hits and there is an agency audit and SUDDENLY MILLIONS OF FUNDS ARE FOUND:hmm:

just to add to the fuckery they're addin another train line in manhattan even though the other boros could really use it more


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
Sorry, but compared to buying gas and paying tolls, let alone insurance, transit is the cheapest thing going!

Don't know how old you are but back in the days of tokens there was no such thing as a free transfer from the bus to the train or vice-versa, you had to pay for BOTH, when you factor in travelling thru the different boros, transit is a HUGE bargain, but I will admit dropping $109 a month seems steep, but I can put that in my gas tank per week and STILL not go anywhere near the distance the MTA travels!
You were able to get transfers back in the day if you used tokens but only if it was from the bus. They would give you those paper transfers that said what bus they were from and the date so you couldn't get over on the driver. If you were coming from the train though then your ass definitely had to have fare for both.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
just to add to the fuckery they're addin another train line in manhattan even though the other boros could really use it more


But its like they are bullet proof, you dont think if some congressman or senator ran on the platform of reforming the MTA he wouldn't get the whole city behind him?

Shit that's why so many voters HATE Weiner so much and that bull shit twitter sex scandal he got caught up in. Because he was talking about all those issues before the DEMs made him fall back and not run:hmm:


BGOL Investor
Dont know if you ever worked for the city. When your year is up on LODI, they force you to start using your sick time. Their docs are forced to push you back to work.

That's the norm...

Not talking being sick off of a cold or some shit. Talking getting hurt on the job. Of course anyone get hurt they tell u take a week or two off and their docs sign you back to work, everyone milks it. MTA just buys the whole fucking cow.

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Yeah man I use to work for the city, just never took sick time or when LODI..

I work for Port Authority now... a totally different animal lol


BGOL Investor

But its like they are bullet proof, you dont think if some congressman or senator ran on the platform of reforming the MTA he wouldn't get the whole city behind him?

Shit that's why so many voters HATE Weiner so much and that bull shit twitter sex scandal he got caught up in. Because he was talking about all those issues before the DEMs made him fall back and not run:hmm:

Bruh a congressman or senator running on a platform to reform the MTA would lose in a landslide...

The MTA is a state agency where all their board members are political hacks appointed by the Gov. Hell look at former Gov Paterson, he's on the board :lol::lol::lol:

Its the piggy bank for NYS. Port Authority is the same way, its a piggy bank for NY and NJ and both govenors share in their appointments of those whom they owned favors.

Both agencies are like the gustapo


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Bruh a congressman or senator running on a platform to reform the MTA would lose in a landslide...

The MTA is a state agency where all their board members are political hacks appointed by the Gov. Hell look at former Gov Paterson, he's on the board :lol::lol::lol:

Its the piggy bank for NYS. Port Authority is the same way, its a piggy bank for NY and NJ and both govenors share in their appointments of those whom they owned favors.

Both agencies are like the gustapo



You were able to get transfers back in the day if you used tokens but only if it was from the bus. They would give you those paper transfers that said what bus they were from and the date so you couldn't get over on the driver. If you were coming from the train though then your ass definitely had to have fare for both.

Yeah, those blue paper transfers also had the time stamped on them, what time it showed depended on how the driver ripped it, just like now the transfers were only good for two hours.

My point was you could transfer from bus to bus, and essentially from one train to any other train, but if you went from one to the other you lived in a "two fare" zone, which was basically just about ANYBODY living east of 179th street in Queens where the trains ended!

Where I lived in ENY I used to walk to Van Siclen on the 2 (now 3) train, if I needed the IND line (A or C) I could just keep walking to Pitkin Avenue, when I was younger we'd take the B83 down Pennsylvania to Liberty but would have to pay again.

The lowest fare that I can physically remember is .35 cents, and I clearly remember the stickers being placed over the old .25 cent fare.

Typing this I can remember the sound of the farebox separating the coins, it only did it when the bus driver hit a button.

Ahh, memories!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Assholes and they still never fix 71 continental turnstile, that shit will take ur money. Lost too much money.


BGOL Investor
you can walk that...not leisurely now:D..but it isnt that hard, during the black out I walked from Times Square to Park Slope in record time with crowds...not that hard.

I once walked from the Williamsburg Bridge to my Crown Heights apt in an hour and maybe 15 minutes...
And on a separate occasion, I've walked from my Crown Heights apt to Starrett City in about the same time give or take 15 minutes or so

It's a tough walk i was tired as a mofo both times. The point is that you CAN walk across Brooklyn in well under a day. Whereas in many of these
cities that shit will take more than a day easy. Especially if you don't know the streets that well


in NY a gallon like $4

I gonna have to go to T.Dot in a few too.

Im really surprised cause I went to Montreal an d it was very clean and efficient compared to NY?

It's clean and nice, but Toronto's public transit system is awful. We're just now starting to build a subway to the airport. We still use change and tokens. Our streetcars are from the 60's. Subway system was made by a 2 year old.

Look at this piece of shit

You see that loop at the bottom? the distance between the two vertical lines is just a couple blocks. Now who has 2 separate lines just two-three blocks apart going in the same direction in such a massive city?



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
this some bullshit common sense, they now trying to just cover their asses when the increase hits and PRETEND they made a concession by maintaining the "bonus" fares:rolleyes:

Low-income MetroCard users taking advantage of discount offerings despite upfront costs: report

Sixty-one percent of riders earning less than $25K buy in bulk to lower per trip costs.


Among riders earning $25,000 or less, a combined 61 percent buy in bulk to lower their per-trip costs, according to the data.

A majority of low-income bus and subway riders manage to avoid paying the full $2.25 fare by taking advantage of the MetroCard bonus or time-based cards even though they require an initial investment of at least $10, according to MTA data released Monday.

Among riders earning $25,000 or less, a combined 61 percent buy in bulk to lower their per-trip costs, according to the data. They purchase either a Pay-Per-Ride bonus MetroCard, a weekly MetroCard or a monthly MetroCard.

"Just because someone is poor doesn't mean they can't figure out what's the best deal and avail themselves of it," Andrew Albert, a non-voting member of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority board, told the Daily News.

That demographic data could make it politically easier for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to raise the base fare.

The central argument against raising the base fare over the years has been that low-income riders would be unfairly burdened because they can't afford discount-offering MetroCards.


But an MTA report containing the demographics data describes the use of discount-offering MetroCards among lower-income riders as "prevalent," although not as prevalent as among riders in higher-income brackets.

With the bonus MetroCard, a rider gets 70 cents added automatically with a minimum purchase of $10. That reduces the per trip cost now from $2.25 to $2.10, according to the MTA.

The weekly MetroCard ($29) and the monthly ($104) allow an unlimited number of trips. After reaching the break-even point — 14 trips for the weekly and 50 for the monthly - each additional ride essentially is free.​

The MTA report also reveals how many riders pay $2.25 a ride — the full freight — even though they clearly have the means to buy a bonus, weekly or monthly MetroCard. For example, among riders making $100,000 or more, 20% pay the full freight.

Overall, about 13.2 percent of riders pay $2.25 while another 1.2 percent buy single-ride subway tickets, which are priced at $2.50.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york...age-discounts-article-1.1183671#ixzz29NvnEXqD


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
M.T.A. Plan Would Increase Fares for Single Rides and Monthly Passes

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s board appears poised to consider a proposal that would increase base fares on subways and buses by a quarter, to $2.50, and raise the cost of a 30-day pass by $8, to $112.

Though some details may be subject to change before the plan comes to a vote at the authority’s full board meeting on Dec. 19, officials said on Monday that support was coalescing around a “hybrid option” that combines elements of the four proposals that were presented by the authority in October.

Under the plan, the cost of a seven-day card would increase to $30, from $29. The bonus on pay-per-ride MetroCards would decrease to 5 percent from 7 percent, but would be available to anyone who puts at least $5 on a card. Currently, the bonus applies only to MetroCard purchases of at least $10.

In one of the authority’s original options, the base fare remained at $2.25 but the cost of a 30-day pass jumped to $125. In another, the base fare remained at $2.25, the 30-day pass cost $119, but the bonus on pay-per-ride cards was eliminated altogether.

“I was looking for a hybrid option from the beginning,” said Allen P. Cappelli, a board member from Staten Island. “I think that there is support, but it’s all still subject to last-minute tweaking.”

The transportation authority called any discussion of the fare changes “premature.”

Aaron Donovan, a spokesman for the authority, said that Joseph J. Lhota, the authority’s chairman, was discussing alternatives with the board and would make his recommendation in writing later this week or over the weekend.

But if the bulk of the hybrid proposal is adopted, transit advocates said, the adjustments to the pay-per-ride bonus could prove a boon to lower-income riders. With a $2.50 base fare, a round-trip purchase would yield a bonus of 25 cents. Travelers would receive a free trip with every $50 spent.

Currently, the bonus does not kick in until more than the monetary equivalent of four fares is placed on a pay-per-ride card.

“At least this part to me seems to be helping the poorer customers,” said Gene Russianoff, the staff lawyer for the Straphangers Campaign. “But a fare hike is a fare hike is a fare hike. You can dress it up, do good things, but at the end, you’re still asking for more money from your customers.”


Here in Atlanta 1 way fare is $4.00 and a months worth of unlimited rides is $128.

Strange that you just brought this back up.

They just had on the news this morning that it looks like they're going with raising the base fare to $2.50 and lowering the discount from 7% to 5%, the discounts will begin on cards valued @ $5 or more, thereby lowering the current threshold.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Strange that you just brought this back up.

They just had on the news this morning that it looks like they're going with raising the base fare to $2.50 and lowering the discount from 7% to 5%, the discounts will begin on cards valued @ $5 or more, thereby lowering the current threshold.

but damn what are the commuters getting?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
MTA's MetroCard fare hikes will go into effect this weekend
The price of a single ride will remain the same but everything else is going up
Curbed Flickr Pool/Yacob Charnevich
The MTA’s new MetroCard prices will go into effect on Sunday, March 19th. Though the fare for a single ride will remain $2.75, weekly and monthly MetroCards will both see increases.

At a board meeting held back in January, the agency voted against a plan that would have increased the single ride fare to $3 but give purchasers a 16 percent bonus on $6 and up MetroCard purchases. Instead, the agency opted for a plan that will allow single ride fares to remain the same, however, the bonus with a $5.50 MetroCard purchase will decrease from its current rate of 11 percent down to five percent.

Under the hike, a weekly MetroCard will increase from $31 to $32; the monthly pass increase from $116.50 to $121; and the 7-Day Express Bus Plus MetroCard will rise from $57.25 to $59.50.

The MTA recently reported a decline in subway ridership for the first time since 2009, blaming things like overcrowded trains, service outages, and competition from ride-sharing apps as the reason for the dip. The agency plans to invest $4 billion towards modernizing the dated signal system, however, with Governor Cuomo recently slashing $65 million from the MTA’s budget, who knows when the project will be completed.



Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
The MTA recently reported a decline in subway ridership for the first time since 2009, blaming things like overcrowded trains, service outages, and competition from ride-sharing apps as the reason for the dip. The agency plans to invest $4 billion towards modernizing the dated signal system, however, with Governor Cuomo recently slashing $65 million from the MTA’s budget, who knows when the project will be completed.
ridiculous. its probably gonna dip again. with gentrification all over brooklyn, in the areas closest to the bridge, people are gonna start riding their bikes to work. Once it starts to warm up. i hate going back to NY.

other reasons are crime and cleanliness. fights breaking out, cause delays. the subway is just horrible and you can blame the riders for that. yes the MTA should be keeping the environment clean, but grown ass people should also stop leaving their half filled coffee cups on the floor, their left over food, etc.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Sorry, but compared to buying gas and paying tolls, let alone insurance, transit is the cheapest thing going!

I almost never drive too ny, I simply hate parking. Looking for a parking spot is the worst shit ever. Once you live in a place where you basically have the same spot available when you get home no matter what time of the day or night, don't have to pay attention to the days of the week for alternate side of the street parking, all of the crazy do not park signs set up to trick you, especially downtown Manhattan..... potholes, crazy ass fees to park, meter parking, & the squeegee people @ the light.....

Is enough to make you buy a metro card or catch a cab!

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
DC metro is already expensive as fuck and going up too. 5$ one way. :smh: I might as well drive. My gas goes further. I'd be spending close to 15$ everyday. That's more than just putting 20$ in the tank every 2-3 days. Fuck the dumb shit.


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
DC metro is already expensive as fuck and going up too. 5$ one way. :smh: I might as well drive. My gas goes further. I'd be spending close to 15$ everyday. That's more than just putting 20$ in the tank every 2-3 days. Fuck the dumb shit.
damn, $5, that's ridiculous.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Sorry, but compared to buying gas and paying tolls, let alone insurance, transit is the cheapest thing going!

Don't know how old you are but back in the days of tokens there was no such thing as a free transfer from the bus to the train or vice-versa, you had to pay for BOTH, when you factor in travelling thru the different boros, transit is a HUGE bargain, but I will admit dropping $109 a month seems steep, but I can put that in my gas tank per week and STILL not go anywhere near the distance the MTA travels!
you not lying. the only transfer you got was from bus to bus.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
ridiculous. its probably gonna dip again. with gentrification all over brooklyn, in the areas closest to the bridge, people are gonna start riding their bikes to work. Once it starts to warm up. i hate going back to NY.

other reasons are crime and cleanliness. fights breaking out, cause delays. the subway is just horrible and you can blame the riders for that. yes the MTA should be keeping the environment clean, but grown ass people should also stop leaving their half filled coffee cups on the floor, their left over food, etc.


they already trying to reallocate the Citi bikes to lower income areas and outer boros like Queens where people have to travel to the train.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Suburban Orlando.

Yea I didnt realize how many bruhs and sis was out there, I know a dude

that lived out there for a few years... but had to come back to new york

because he said the city charges you for everything, dude was a cook making good money

out there, but he fucked up and piled up parking tickets got his car taking...

and that set him on a spiral downward... here is whats crazy...

He came back to new york, and caught asthma attacks, and he NEVER had asthma before...

the air is obviously cleaner in Orlando..

I just feel more at peace being around a lot of brown faces...

manhattan ny is being over ran by hybrid europeans,

who think they are more american than the REAL copper

tone americans...

gentrification is like a drove of vampires taking

over your hood and suckin up all the life force...

that parasitic energy gets tired after awhile,

you wonder why NYC creativity is STAGNANT

wonder no more...

chea.. I have time but a second home is a must

and Jacksonville, Orlando and or somewhere south florida...

its competing with Arizona, and Ocean City Maryland...

so whatever you do.. if you come back to nyc to visit,

be prepared to breathe a lil harder bruh....


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster