Debate: Are WE sleeping on Trump like the Jewish people slept on... Trump running in 2024 (serial numbers for immigrants!)


Rising Star
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How gerrymandering erases millions of votes a year, explained with candy
Tens of millions of voters – from all parties – get disenfranchised thanks to gerrymandering, where politicians or manipulate legislative maps to pack in or divide voters between districts. And it's about to happen again with the release of the latest 2020 census data. How can it be stopped?


The R&B Master
OG Investor
Yeah and I believe they're still sleeping. Although to me it was no secret, it was announced just last week, Trump is running again. Losing by several million votes wasn't enough for him. So if (and he will) he runs again lets add another 3 million. Beat him by over 10 million see how that grabs him.


Rising Star
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Choose from multiple commentary options including exclusive alternative commentary provided by 45th President of the United States - Donald Trump. Alternative commentary options are included at no extra charge when you buy Holyfield v Belfort on pay-per-view


Rising Star
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

There is no evidence that Trump requested troops to secure the Capitol or consulted Pelosi ahead of January 6 insurrection, fact-checkers say
Former president Donald Trump did not formally request 10,000 National Guard troops to secure the Capitol in the days leading up to the insurrection on January 6, 2021, fact-checkers from PolitiFact and The Washington Post say. A spokesperson for the Defense Department said there is “no record of such an order being given” and a spokesperson for House Leader Nancy Pelosi said she was never consulted about National Guard ahead of the events, according to PolitiFact and Washington Post.

There is no evidence that Trump requested troops to secure the Capitol or consulted Pelosi ahead of January 6 insurrection, fact-checkers say

What you need to know

- According to fact-checkers, it was an offhand remark that wasn’t lodged as a formal request

- A Defense Department memo on January 6 also makes no mention of any such discussion but mentioned the potential activation of 340 troops to assist with traffic control, according to The Washington Post

- Pelosi's spokesperson stated she had "immediately signaled her support for the deployment of the National Guard when she was presented with that recommendation on the afternoon of January 6th"


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
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