AP Will Remain Banned From White House Press Pool Following “Gulf of Mexico” Dispute
The judge, a Trump appointee, noted that he will consider a request for a preliminary injunction and advised the Trump administration to reconsider their position.

Personal liberties and free markets are part of the American creed. But many readers I've heard from suspect the words are cover for a plan to turn this into a MAGA-friendly outlet.
Milbank also interviewed me about this issue, and quoted a few things I said:I don't yet know for sure. But this much is clear: If we as a newspaper, and we as a country, are to defend his twin pillars, then we must redouble our fight against the single greatest threat to "personal liberties and free markets" in the United States today: President Donald Trump…..
Claiming monarchical powers, attacking the free press, starting trade wars, cutting off legal immigration, siding with despots over free countries, politicizing law enforcement and the military, assaulting the judicial system and injecting crony capitalism at the highest levels of government: These are all the very antithesis of "personal liberties and free markets."
"I think, and many of us (libertarians) think, that the Trump administration is very bad on these metrics of both economic and personal liberty," [Somin] told me. "The massive trade wars that he's starting right and left go against Econ 101 as well as any libertarian principle. There's the mass deportation and immigration restrictions, which restrict both economic and personal liberty on a massive scale. There's his attacks on the freedom of the press, which are also troubling," as is Trump's "kissing the rear end of dictators like Vladimir Putin."
Somin likes some of Trump's efforts to cut regulations and taxes, but "if you look at the cumulative impact … the horrible things Trump is doing massively outweigh many times over the good that he might do in a few areas."
He rattled off a list of Trump's offenses against personal liberties and free markets. The president, by circumventing Congress's constitutional spending authority, is making the treasury "essentially the personal piggy bank of one man," which is "extremely dangerous from the libertarian point of view." Trump's attempts to cut federal spending and the workforce, though laudable, "are actually pretty piddling, and some of them may even make the federal budgetary and regulatory situation worse" because of their ham-handed implementation. His takeover of independent federal agencies raises libertarian concerns because it puts massive governmental power "concentrated in the hands of one man." His attempts to dictate school curriculums under the guise of abolishing DEI, and his discrimination against transgender people also offend libertarian principles. The GOP budget that passed the House this week with Trump's help "will massively add to the deficit," Somin pointed out, while doing nothing to stop the major entitlement programs, Medicare and Social Security, from "just handing out money to the nonpoor elderly or even the affluent elderly."
Somin said the handing over of taxpayers' personal information to unvetted members of Musk's team violates personal liberties. Trump's attacks on media outlets critical of him are classic "weaponization of government," Somin added, and his packing of the Justice Department and FBI with loyalists is "scary and dangerous." The presence of "cranks like RFK Jr." overseeing health policy will reduce access to medicines and vaccines, which is "just a straightforward violation of libertarian principles." And the president's crackdown on migration is "a severe restriction on both the economic and personal liberty of native-born Americans. People who want to hire immigrants or engage in social relations with them cannot do that if those people are not allowed to enter the country."
The professor was heavily critical of the Biden administration, too, most notably for unilaterally forgiving student loans. But "Trump is worse," Somin said, because "under Biden there was just no equivalent to the massive assault on immigration and trade," nor Trump's attempt "to usurp the entire spending power from Congress." In sum, Trump's approach is "irreconcilable" with the principles of free markets and personal liberties.