Debate: Do WE talk too much about BLACK ISSUES in front of WHITE folks?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
This is a point a few brothers and sisters has raised in the past.

and recently Bomani has too.

Do we need to STOP talking about Black issues particularity cultural ones

you can say PRIVATE issues

in front of white people?

Like something as trivial as hair or something as sensitive as light skin v dark skin.

Or Black people using the word n*gger, etc.

because they don't talk about THEIR stuff with US?

They don't seek our acceptance, understanding or opinion.

But it seems we CONSTANTLY feel a slavish need to throw those topics out there...

for their consumption AND usually amusement.

and it only serves to obfuscate REAL IMPORTANT issues.

Cause if ONE more cac says Chicago like they ACTUALLY give a shit about Black Lives I will hit someone.

And also it creates a ready made smoke screen for white people to throw up so they won't have to discuss REAL issues and what REAL responsibilities they have.




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
White people don't care about black issues same as black people don't care about white issues. What's the point of talking about black issues in front of white people. They can't relate, just like black people cant relate to white issues.

Frankly I don't like talking about issues to neither black people or white people. I just like to have my own thought.
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Rising Star
As long as we use their platforms to speak about the issues. We will have no choices, and with social media it might be dam near impossible to do it.

Fright Night

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It wouldnt bother me if we/blacks stopped talking to each other about black issues as a whole.

Just be the change. I dnt need a seminar or pow wow to better myself. Half the time cats dnt have anything constructive to discuss or even offer solutions....just talk and complain with no resolve.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It wouldnt bother me if we/blacks stopped talking to each other about black issues as a whole.

Just be the change. I dnt need a seminar or pow wow to better myself. Half the time cats dnt have anything constructive to discuss or even offer solutions....just talk and complain with no resolve.
True I agree


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
I never talk with CAC about black issues, matter of fact the reason why I sometimes come off as hard on us, is because I am talking to us.... I would never talk that shit in front of them because its not their concern....

Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor

It wouldnt bother me if we/blacks stopped talking to each other about black issues as a whole.

Just be the change. I dnt need a seminar or pow wow to better myself. Half the time cats dnt have anything constructive to discuss or even offer solutions....just talk and complain with no resolve.

You have to check the logic of your argument when Entrepronegro is agreeing with you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think we allow white people to much freedom to interject on matter's that concern us and most times after they do it the direction of conversation turns left and we(black people) are usually bickering back and forth amoung ourselves about our fustrations,want's,needs,likes and dislikes.Nothing ever gets set in stone,it's a slate of rock there in the middle of us,blocking our path,making us focus on that or causing most to just take the long route by walking around it because that's the easiest thing to do(ignore it).

Social media is metaphorically is that rock,that's a gift and a curse.I don't down it because it's apart of our lives and it's a great tool to have in helping us communicate,connect and spread a clear message but I think some spend to much time socially being conscious online and not in real life and no I don't mean you have to march,join any organization,or preaching to people,no,no,that's not it but just living a certain way in a certain manner and maintaining a solid black foundation for your black family or self does more for us than anything else and that doesn't require you live in a certain zip code,you wear certain clothing,possess material items but just instill the right things into the generation under you even if no one did it for you.

Some of us are spiritually rich(you know who u are,what you believe in and you stand firm on that) but morally corrupted($$$,women/men,items).That will have the scales uneven.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
It wouldnt bother me if we/blacks stopped talking to each other about black issues as a whole.

Just be the change. I dnt need a seminar or pow wow to better myself. Half the time cats dnt have anything constructive to discuss or even offer solutions....just talk and complain with no resolve.

Who in the black community stopped talking about issues that we have as a whole.We talk about our issues more than we talk about white supremacy.


Mr. Bizkits

Rising Star
As a part of my codification, I only ask white people the following questions about racism:

Are white people pained by racism?

What do white people say about black people when black people are not around?

Have you ever practiced racism?

What should black people do about systematic and/or institutional racism/white supremacy?

What are you going to do about dismantling racism/white supremacy?

Always be in question mode around white people.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Well yeah, some issues don't need to be discussed with white people, but there are just too many bloggers and folks on social media who want popularity and will do it anyway. Far too many people are concerned with being liked than they are with the issues at hand and thinking things through clearly.

And they aren't going to stop talking about Chicago or community violence. They don't care, but the narrative they are trying to force is that we don't either.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
It's almost a double edged sword I feel.

1) If we talk about said issues, we make people uncomfortable (black, white, whoever...)

2) If we don't talk about said issues, we are ridiculed for "not having a conversation about the issues at hand..."

So what's the answer?


LinuxGawd & BOFH
BGOL Investor
Talking? As if white people don't know what any of us are thinking about. They've dedicated entire institutions, with the resources to back it up, when it comes to what black people think about, talk about and react to any internal/external forces.

No better example that the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit. It has the following sections:
  • Islamic based terrorism within the border
  • Russia/China
  • Everybody else
  • Black folks specifically


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
the old airing dirty laundry argument is coonish. who gives a fuck what others think. white f0lks can always get the information they want from the snitches amongst us anyway. we don't air our issues b/c we don't want to be embarrassed of ourselves. like it will prove our unworthiness. mainstream society don't care about "black issues" and don't respect our grief and many of us don't neither. that is why i'm down with the black lives matter movement. the problem in america is that human life is secondary to capital & property. and the artificial, soulless, corporate personhood is the dominant way of being for american institutions & people. in this era that started with the reagan revolution's total disregard for black lives, and the scenario just ran its natural course where no lives matter. this is not the time for silence, its the information age. rage against the machine.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
White people don't care about black issues same as black people don't care about white issues. What's the point of talking about black issues in front of white people. They can't relate, just like black people cant relate to white issues.

Frankly I don't like talking about issues to neither black people or white people. I just like to have my own thought.

black & white people have most issues in common, like, education, healthcare, employment, fairness in the pursuit of happiness, a life sustaining climate, etc. black & white do relate to each other's issues when they recognize each other's humanity. its frustrating talking issues with either group but it has to go down. i suspect you don't like talking issues with neither blacks or whites because you so comfused, identity-wise. you regularly post white men pounding black women but can't talk about each others issues. i don't get it.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
no we don't
we don't control the airwaves. they focus on shit on purpose
you'd never know the state of lousiana almost got washed away if not for a thread about it on bgol

that Louisiana sh*t really messed with me

and showed how DAMN powerful the media REALLY is...

thankfully many are morons who do not FULLY understand its power and weld it as such

but as have witnessed those who DO?

Control the world.

But I still think Bomani has a Point...

we need to stop CARING and ENGAGING in these conversations with them

IT isn't about approval or worrying about them


We SHOULD NOT worry about them and include them in our discourse.

Why did Black Twitter have to be the FIRST to mention Jesse Williams SKIN COLOR after the BET speech?

THAT is the sh*t I think Bomani is talking about

We undermine our own message like that not ONLY to each other but also to the public.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
that Louisiana sh*t really messed with me

and showed how DAMN powerful the media REALLY is...

thankfully many are morons who do not FULLY understand its power and weld it as such

but as have witnessed those who DO?

Control the world.

But I still think Bomani has a Point...

we need to stop CARING and ENGAGING in these conversations with them

IT isn't about approval or worrying about them


We SHOULD NOT worry about them and include them in our discourse.

Why did Black Twitter have to be the FIRST to mention Jesse Williams SKIN COLOR after the BET speech?

THAT is the sh*t I think Bomani is talking about

We undermine our own message like that not ONLY to each other but also to the public.

Black folks are affected by colorism, but those were the people who didn't want to rise to the challenge and felt defensive because they felt inadequate, so they were looking for a way to disqualify his comments by basically saying he wasn't black enough to speak on our issues.

This is a learned behavior that white supremacy uses to divide us. When Korryn Gaines was killed, this one white dude got me heated. Called her a mulatto who didn't feel black enough so she over compensated by being militant and ghetto. I was blocking idiots left and right that week.

With the way social media is, I don't think you avoid talking in front of them so to speak, but you can decline to debate the merits or un/worthiness of an issue. That still has limits tho, as I've said elsewhere white folks are the judges, prosecutors, jurists, and voters needed to help bring change. Protest is but one part of the equation. Laws still need to be passed and police held accountable and white people are needed to make that happen.


BGOL Legend
that Louisiana sh*t really messed with me

and showed how DAMN powerful the media REALLY is...

thankfully many are morons who do not FULLY understand its power and weld it as such

but as have witnessed those who DO?

Control the world.

But I still think Bomani has a Point...

we need to stop CARING and ENGAGING in these conversations with them

IT isn't about approval or worrying about them


We SHOULD NOT worry about them and include them in our discourse.

Why did Black Twitter have to be the FIRST to mention Jesse Williams SKIN COLOR after the BET speech?

THAT is the sh*t I think Bomani is talking about

We undermine our own message like that not ONLY to each other but also to the public.

because everybody is brainwashed. only difference is degree of brainwashing you're under.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i heard this sistah speech on youtube a while back and she blew me away, she even did a TED talk. Keeanga yamahtta-taylor. she broke down the black lives matter movement. explained why it happened on Obama's watch, a period of unrivaled black political power, black mayor, lack police chiefs, judges, lawyers, etc. those in these positions of power don't speak on black issues, and when they do they turn into bill cosby, demeaning black women and man. saying crazy racist shit white folks don't could never say. and we the people don't check they ass.

another point she made that as 13% of the population we need to make alliances with allies in this nation. that means talking amongst ourselves and to any sector of the larger society who are potential allies. we have to be open and real to win hearts and minds. put our flaws out there and just be human being. we need to articulate our situation, our struggle and our perspective on how/what america should be. this is what martin and malcolm and did (and others throughout our history). and the establishment hates this.

keeanga need to air away...bomani need to stfu


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
i heard this sistah speech on youtube a while back and she blew me away, she even did a TED talk. Keeanga yamahtta-taylor. she broke down the black lives matter movement. explained why it happened on Obama's watch, a period of unrivaled black political power, black mayor, lack police chiefs, judges, lawyers, etc. those in these positions of power don't speak on black issues, and when they do they turn into bill cosby, demeaning black women and man. saying crazy racist shit white folks don't could never say. and we the people don't check they ass.

another point she made that as 13% of the population we need to make alliances with allies in this nation. that means talking amongst ourselves and to any sector of the larger society who are potential allies. we have to be open and real to win hearts and minds. put our flaws out there and just be human being. we need to articulate our situation, our struggle and our perspective on how/what america should be. this is what martin and malcolm and did (and others throughout our history). and the establishment hates this.

keeanga need to air away...bomani need to stfu

I will check the vid out. @i-moses told me about her book and I downloaded it, but I haven't started reading it yet.