December 10th 2018 BGOL ASSEMBLE!!! Support the Sickle Cell Assembly Bill TODAY!!!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Props on this post @playahaitian thanks for letting us know and am sure the bgol fam will step up for you.

Maybe something like #fightsickleNY :dunno:

just wanted to let you know...

this hashtag is moving :dance:

YOU are responsible for that family.

WE thank you...

make sure to keep spreading the message

because you are OFFICIALLY

an advocate for Sickle Cell Awareness NOW!!!!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Considering I have no idea what I'm doing?

I cant believe this hashtag #fightsickleNY is moving!

Please do whatever you can...

A tweet Facebook email phone call...

And to my bgol fam...

For ALL the Instagram posts I been made and all the chicks ya'll made go private


You can get the #fightsickleNY trending on Instagram too!!!


C'mon fam....

LETS GO!!!!!!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
1. I would use reddit health sub-forums
2. disseminate info on FB groups for folks with lupus, sickle cell, veganism
3. Partner with a local health center and have their executive staff write to guvnor. Organizations have more leverage than folks as they represent group voting
4. Launch a a website with vivid details about your cause or belief
5. Maybe have a charity drive
6. Do a mass email blast
7. Create compelling/emotional content and send it to media. Tell a story that will move folks to action


How is the BEST way to approach celebrates?

Should I post a list of celebrities with their contacts and have people hit them up DIRECTLY too and ask for their support?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Stan Lee juss passed away...that t-shirt you made with the avengers type logo with sickle cell awareness can be used now...say a r.i.p Stan Lee than post the t-shirt saying your work inspired me to make this logo and keep fighting the good fight against sickle cell we will avenge all who has been impacted by this... Somehow I think that will make its rounds


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Stan Lee juss passed away...that t-shirt you made with the avengers type logo with sickle cell awareness can be used now...say a r.i.p Stan Lee than post the t-shirt saying your work inspired me to make this logo and keep fighting the good fight against sickle cell we will avenge all who has been impacted by this... Somehow I think that will make its rounds

You are f*cking incredible.


How best to do this?
Do I reply to a post on stan Lee official Twitter account

Tweet from my account direct to his account

So I get the most eyeballs


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Stan Lee juss passed away...that t-shirt you made with the avengers type logo with sickle cell awareness can be used now...say a r.i.p Stan Lee than post the t-shirt saying your work inspired me to make this logo and keep fighting the good fight against sickle cell we will avenge all who has been impacted by this... Somehow I think that will make its rounds

How is this?

Ya''ll nice with the pen and know social media well... @ViCiouS @Camille @woodchuck @largebillsonlyplease @godofwine @rage @ansatsusha_gouki

When our little girl was diagnosed with Sickle Cell disease & hospitalized, we were inspired by Stan Lee's Mighty @Avengers. Hannah's Heroes became a rallying cry for friends & families to raise awareness, We will continue in his name. #Excelsior @fightsickleNY


BGOL Legend


The Voice of Reason
BGOL Investor
To PH:

To everybody else in this thread:
I never took the phrase 'BGOL Family' seriously. Thank you ALL for showing me how wrong I was. This is all so beautiful, and it renews my faith in community.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Every Black man & Woman should be Tested for Sickle cell as a child and KNOW if they are clean, have the Trait or Full Sickle Cell.
Have you been tested for SCell should be a common question ?
That would be the Fastest way to rid the earth of SCell
Every child should know at age six


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Every Black man & Woman should be Tested for Sickle cell as a child and KNOW if they are clean, have the Trait or Full Sickle Cell.
Have you been tested for SCell should be a common question ?
That would be the Fastest way to rid the earth of SCell
Every child should know at age six

Its standard now in NYS

but I can attest that I WAS tested but the results were incorrect (this was DECADES ago and unfortunate my situation is NOT unique)

And it SHOULD e asked...

there are a ways for couple who have the trait to STILL have healthy children.

Right now we need awareness (which would address your concerns) support new treatments

and ultimately a cure for those suffering RIGHT NOW.

I hope you can participate by sending out an email tweet Facebook or Instagram post today.

Twitter: @NYGovCuomo


E Mail:

Phone: 1-518-474-8390

sample tweet...

Please take a moment today (and every day!) to tweet Governor Andrew Cuomo to approve funding for sickle cell!
@NYGovCuomo – Fully Fund the Sickle Cell Disease Assembly Bill 5313 and Senate Bill 4054.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I have a friend who has it. We talked about the cures that are available now and she told me recent advances in treatment have given her a greater quality of life and a better life expectancy.

Never give up the fight on this.

that has been one of the few bright spots for my family

because it has been a blessed coincidence that since my little girls birth there have been more advancements in about a year than in almost 10/15 previous.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Damnit, I picked the WORST possible time to take a break from BGOL. I really wish I had seen this sooner.

Just fired off the following email to the governor,

Hello governor,

Recently a good friend of mine from New York asked me to petition you about this bill. He has a daughter who is suffering from sickle cell anemia.

I'm sure that at some point you have suffered from a Charly horse or spontaneous muscle cramp. Now imagine that this cramp happens frequently, without warning, and for a prolonged length of time. Imagine that you are unable to move your affected limbs or uncurl your affected fingers because of sheer agonizing pain. Imagine knowing that these cramps could reach your brain and kill you far before your time.

My wife had sickle cell. I sat by her side at her nearly bimonthly hospital visits to get blood transfusions. I took her to refill her prescriptions for the powerful opiates she needed just to function. I saw her condition deteriorate until one day I woke to find her dead beside me at the age of 29. Worst of all, our surviving daughter has a sickle cell trait which could eventually cause her to go through a similar hell.

I'm not asking you to support this bill to give your people a normal life or ease their pain. I want you to fund it so that we can rid our country of this plague once and for all by finding a cure.

If you agree to do this I will support you in any way I can. Phoning potential voters, participating in fundraisers, whatever you need. You have my number and email so please, reach out to me any time.

Thank you for hearing my concerns.

As bad as this letter looks the reality of sickle cell is far worse than I could ever describe.


Veni Vidi Vici
BGOL Investor
@playahaitian , just sent off a tweet. I'm sorry it took so long, as I usually take a quick glance at the Stickies. I had a friend pass away from S.C. when we were kidz. I pray that baby gurl receives all the treatment that is needed to make her a strong Black Queen that she is meant to be. Keep fightin the GOOD FIGHT!!!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
@playahaitian , just sent off a tweet. I'm sorry it took so long, as I usually take a quick glance at the Stickies. I had a friend pass away from S.C. when we were kidz. I pray that baby gurl receives all the treatment that is needed to make her a strong Black Queen that she is meant to be. Keep fightin the GOOD FIGHT!!!

Thank you fam...that means alot.


Phantom of the Chakras
BGOL Investor
Yo PH what borough ya in? One of my homegirls just got some power in Brooklyn I’m calling her now