your concerned about regulation when you should be concerned about black activists getting set up..
imagine if deep fakes to this degree cam out during the civil rights movement or earlier?
Theyd have video of MLK, Malcolm X, the Black Panthers etc doing all kinds of crazy (yet plausible) shit to discredit them...
put it this way...when rkelly got busted the first time with a video he said it was faked...someone put his face on that....we were all like

nigga please...Industrial Light and Magic didn't have the technology to pull that believably in 2002... if that happened today...he would actually have plausibly deniably.."thats fake..thats not me doing that"... his fans and people who generally like him would believe him. And the case against him may have fallen apart because the family the girl didn't want her to testify. If that happened today kelly may not even been charged because deep fakes can create enough doubt.
Another example...some asshole on his laptop can do a video showing ice cube snorting cocaine in a back alley somewhere. Just to fuck his career up.
the pandoras box of that kind of technology can muddy the waters so much that scum bags can skate by and innocent people can get fucked over. All by making whats real and whats not indistinguishable.
if that doesn't give ya'll pause.....we are truly fucked