Delusional Women 101....(ongoing)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Okay, so this is taking the turn that I thought it would take. These threads always end with woman bashing. This shyt is just mean, ESPECIALLY coming from folks that aren't even hiding behind a camera! These motherfcukers didn't even turn that bytch on!

These are adults talking about strangers...BLACK strangers. I get it, you're fair game when you put yourself onto the interwebs, but how you a 30 year old bully?!?!?! Ya'll just a whole ass Mean Girl! I get it, if this broad came on talking shyt, but she was on there trying to get help and you want to trash strangers? Skin folk ain't kinfolk.
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You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
Okay, so this is taking the turn that I thought it would take. These threads always end with woman bashing. This shyt is just mean, ESPECIALLY coming from folks that aren't even hiding behind a camera! These motherfcukers didn't even turn that bytch on!

These are adults talking about strangers...BLACK strangers. I get it, you're fair game when you put yourself onto the interwebs, but how you a 30 year old bully?!?!?! Ya'll just a whole ass Mean Girl! I get it, if this broad came on talking shyt, but she was on there trying to get help and you want to trash strangers? Skin folk ain't kinfolk.

Are you a woman?

And sorry for being a toxic masculinicist in a toxic masculinicist environment like BGOL. What was I thinking??


The point of this thread is about recognizing the cleary delusional women who actually try to impose their delusional ideologies on us and we're supposed to sit here and be their gay boyfriends and lie to their faces to keep from hurting their feelings. While ignoring the important things they do that are killing them and or self-sabotaging their own selves.

It's 2025.




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Are you a woman?

And sorry for being a toxic masculinicist in a toxic masculinicist environment like BGOL. What was I thinking??


The point of this thread is about recognizing the cleary delusional women who actually try to impose their delusional ideologies on us and we're supposed to sit here and be their gay boyfriends and lie to their faces to keep from hurting their feelings. While ignoring the important things they do that are killing them and or self-sabotaging their own selves.

It's 2025.


If you think the woman in ?uestion is the same as the 1st two you posted you're nuts! I am not a woman, but I wasn't talking about you, but since you took what I said so personally

I guess we're doing this. Speak for yourself! MY BGOL isn't toxic! Brothas online helping each other, enjoying the female form and telling each other the truth when we need to hear it. Nothing about that is toxic in my opinion.

Ma'am, you're correct it is 2025. Stop being so sensitive!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
my bad, I misunderstood you.


Aww nigga, fuck you still!

And this is BGOL!!! Sometimes I need to be told Fcuk me!!!! Brotha can be a dyckhead, I am not above correction. And how you gonna be mad when you ?uestioned my manhood first?!?! :cmonson:

I still stand by that broad doesn't belong here. She is going on a date with someone. She found someone that fits into her standards and vice versa. Ugly, fat, this isn't the thread for that. Those simple motherfcukers talking shyt about her and couldn't cam up, but brave enough to talk about a stranger. Just reeks of cowardice.


Staff member
There is a guy out there with his shit together enough, that will love her.
She is not an ugly sista, she probably has her life together, money right.
It aint me, but I have a few friends who love big girls.

More power to the chick


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Get ready for more of this…

Will be fun to watch from the sidelines lol
I am baffled as to the number of humans unaware that every aspect of social media is clout chasing. There’s must be lies or delusion to go viral. You either lie, deny or copy—that’s the formula. None of the woman posted truly are unaware of what they’re saying. They’re saying it TO go viral. Someone posts bullshit, thousands of people share it under the “Can you believe he/she said this?” guise and thousands reshare it to debunk it. It’s all a game and you’re being manipulated en mass.

If I started a Tik tok accoint, EVERYTHING I posted would be bullshit. Nobody cares about the truth until after the damage is done. I title all my vidoes “Is she too big or are you too weak for her?” “Timid men complain about strong women.” “Why her success makes her undateable.” “When will black women realize they’ve outdone their men?” “He calls you fat to shame you into overlooking HIS flaws!”’ “50//50 dating from a man who’d never ask her for a dime!” “Signs he’ll always be jealous of your success!” “The real reason black men..” insert ANY failure associated with men. It’s so simple. You’ll go viral solely from people wanting to argue with you. Wake up, people.
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You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
I am baffled as to the number of humans unaware that every aspect of social media is clout chasing. There’s must be lies or delusion to go viral. You either lie, deny or copy—that’s the formula. None of the woman posted truly are unaware of what they’re saying. They’re saying it TO go viral. Someone posts bullshit, thousands of people share it under the “Can you believe he/she said this?” guise and thousands reshare it to debunk it. It’s all a game and you’re being manipulated en mass.

If I started a Tik tok accoint, EVERYTHING I posted would be bullshit. Nobody cares about the truth until after the damage is done. I title all my vidoes “Is she too big or are you too weak for her?” “Timid men complain about strong women.” “Why her success makes her undateable.” “When will black women realize they’ve outdone their men?” “He calls you fat to shame you into overlooking HIS flaws!”’ “50//50 dating from a man who’d never ask her for a dime!” “Signs he’ll always be jealous of your success!” “The real reason black men..” insert ANY failure associated with men. It’s so simple. You’ll go viral solely from people wanting to argue with you. Wake up, people.

I hear you but you're giving some of these folks too much credit. Some of them are simply delusional and confused. Women were being like this 20 years ago before going viral was a thing. Now it's just on full blast because of social media.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I hear you but you're giving some of these folks too much credit. Some of them are simply delusional and confused. Women were being like this 20 years ago before going viral was a thing. Now it's just on full blast because of social media.
It’s crackhead babble and for the first time people are paying attention to the crackheads… when a crackhead was ranting nobody listened to them, they just walked by, put on headphones, ignored them.. now todays people stop , listen, share, argue, post it, have convos about it.. a crackhead is gonna crackhead, the problem is the listener.. whose worst the crackhead or the person who spends energy listening to the crackhead? I’ve said this many times over the past several yrs about post like this.. how empty is your life when you listening to crackheads babble? Who cares what a 400 pound broad has to say , most wouldn’t even acknowledge her in the street or take a second look, but now we have people that do.. like I initially posted if her mouth is being used she better be sucking dick otherwise it’s pointless


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
It’s crackhead babble and for the first time people are paying attention to the crackheads… when a crackhead was ranting nobody listened to them, they just walked by, put on headphones, ignored them.. now todays people stop , listen, share, argue, post it, have convos about it.. a crackhead is gonna crackhead, the problem is the listener.. whose worst the crackhead or the person who spends energy listening to the crackhead? I’ve said this many times over the past several yrs about post like this.. how empty is your life when you listening to crackheads babble? Who cares what a 400 pound broad has to say , most wouldn’t even acknowledge her in the street or take a second look, but now we have people that do.. like I initially posted if her mouth is being used she better be sucking dick otherwise it’s pointless

I feel you......But this is my Crackheads Gone Wild thread if you get where I'm coming from.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I am baffled as to the number of humans unaware that every aspect of social media is clout chasing. There’s must be lies or delusion to go viral. You either lie, deny or copy—that’s the formula. None of the woman posted truly are unaware of what they’re saying. They’re saying it TO go viral. Someone posts bullshit, thousands of people share it under the “Can you believe he/she said this?” guise and thousands reshare it to debunk it. It’s all a game and you’re being manipulated en mass.

If I started a Tik tok accoint, EVERYTHING I posted would be bullshit. Nobody cares about the truth until after the damage is done. I title all my vidoes “Is she too big or are you too weak for her?” “Timid men complain about strong women.” “Why her success makes her undateable.” “When will black women realize they’ve outdone their men?” “He calls you fat to shame you into overlooking HIS flaws!”’ “50//50 dating from a man who’d never ask her for a dime!” “Signs he’ll always be jealous of your success!” “The real reason black men..” insert ANY failure associated with men. It’s so simple. You’ll go viral solely from people wanting to argue with you. Wake up, people.
They clearly don't know the phrase engagement farming. If you're reading/seeing something and your common sense alarm is going the fuck off, someone is clearly trying to get you to feel some type of way. But if you've seen Die Hard 3, you know its not personal it is just their way of stealing the gold — your time.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
At least she is not as bad as men who spend all their time to find videos of women online just to talk shit about them.
It doesn’t take much time to find them, as the algorithm pushes this fuckery down our throats. And she is as bad as the men you whine about, as she isn’t going about her business. She’s advertising her dysfunctional behavior. You broads are your own downfall.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
STFU, Fatso! :lol:


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor

Nah, I don't want you wasting my time thinking I'm gonna be your play brother that you want to come with all your complaints.

If you aren't talking about what that mouth do and want me to taste that pussy then I have no time for you ma'am.

Dudes with game aren't falling for that bullshit that women try to play.