Democratic Midterm Momentum Has ‘Stalled,’ Top Party Pollster Warns


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Democratic Midterm Momentum Has ‘Stalled,’ Top Party Pollster Warns
Democrats need to refocus on the economic and health care challenges their voters face, the pollster said.

By Kevin Robillard

Democrats hope to lift House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi back into the majority in November’s elections.

A top Democratic pollster is warning his party’s candidates not to buy into the GOP’s rosy messaging on the economy and tax cuts, arguing they need to spotlight the economic headwinds and rising health care costs their base voters still face heading into the midterm elections.

The advice stems from new polling provided exclusively to HuffPost from Women’s Voices Women Vote Action Fund, Greenberg Research, and Democracy Corps. The polls, conducted by phone and web panel, surveyed more than 3,000 registered voters in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Tennessee and Wisconsin – all states with contested governor and/or Senate races, as well as competitive House contests.

“Democrats must not be distracted by the macro-economic and jobs-report numbers” Republicans have been touting, pollster Stan Greenberg wrote in a memo, authored with Democracy Corps’ Nancy Zdunkewicz and Page Gardner, president of the Women Voices Women Vote group. “It is a mistake to accept that GOP narrative and attribute credit to [former] President [Barack] Obama or insist it’s despite [President Donald] Trump and Republicans.”

The memo added, “Voters, especially Democratic voters, are genuinely struggling in this economy. They remain in pain because rising costs outpace any pay increases.”

The trio wrote that Democratic “momentum has stalled” in recent months because the party has failed to focus on “the economic and health care battles that most engage anti-Trump voters,” and because “Republican base voters, especially white working-class men, could finally point to a signature conservative policy achievement in the new tax cut law.”

The memo’s authors urge Democrats groups to concentrate on turning out what they call the “Rising American Electorate,” which consists of minority voters, millennials and single women — all key elements of the party’s base. While turnout dipped among these groups in the 2010 and 2014 midterm elections ― in which the GOP scored big gains ― the strategists are hopeful a backlash to Trump can spur a surge at the polls by such voters and lead to significant Democratic victories this November.

While just 37 percent of members of the Rising American Electorate express heavy interest in voting when first asked in the recent polling, that jumps to 43 percent after they hear progressive messaging. Overall, 51 percent of Democrats said the midterms would “matter tremendously,” compared with just 39 percent of Republicans.

“Democrats sit at the edge of a landslide repudiation of President Trump and Republicans ― in the Congress and states where they govern -– in November,” the memo said. “Democrats have huge opportunities with minorities, millennials, and unmarried women, and even white working-class women, that will allow them to dominate across battlegrounds in 2018.”

The polling found that, by 50 percent to 42 percent, Democrats have the advantage in the generic ballot for Senate races on the ballot in 10 of the 12 battleground states surveyed. The results give Democrats smaller edges in gubernatorial and House, where the two parties are essentially tied. But in House races considered DCCC targets, Democrats have a 10-point advantage.

Independent analysts give Democrats a good chance of winning a House majority in the midterm elections, while saying the odds are against the party taking control of the Senate.

The memo suggests a shift in Democratic messaging as campaigning ramps up for the November vote.

While previous polling indicated Democrats should discuss an economy “rigged against hard-working people in my state” and attack “corporate donors” and “trickle-down economics,” Greenberg and company recommend focusing more on worries about long-term deficit problems with a message slamming politicians for “their huge tax-giveaway to the big corporations and the richest 1% ... that will blow up and endanger our future.”

“A message from a Democrat ‘fed up’ with the rigged political and economic system is still popular with Democratic base and swing groups, but the deficits produced by the trillions [of dollars in] tax cuts for the rich” have shifted the priorities among these voters, the memo said. “They are consumed with the long-term impact on entitlements and investments for the future and the immediate reality that their urgent needs like education funding and help with health care will be put off yet again.”

The memo also recommends a second message it says will help turn out young voters: pushing for stricter gun laws. “Republican inaction on gun control, however, may be even more important as an attack because it is the top attack among the millennials who lag in enthusiasm compared to every other Democratic base group,” Greenberg, Zdunkewicz and Gardner wrote.

Millennial activism on gun issues has surged following the massacre of 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, in February.

The memo specifically warns Democrats not to hedge on this message, saying it becomes less effective when candidates also mention their support for the Second Amendment.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
They are trying to continue to support the corporate agenda while hoping that Trump hatred will be enough for them to win....and they may be right...technically, Hillary did "win" in 2016 ...Dems have a way of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory though


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They are trying to continue to support the corporate agenda while hoping that Trump hatred will be enough for them to win....and they may be right...technically, Hillary did "win" in 2016 ...Dems have a way of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory though
Hillary did not technically win shit!!! We are a representative Republic, the rules are fucking clear on what you need in order to claim victory. She did not go to Wisconsin at all ! She lost Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan ! She saw the map and acted stupid.


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
It's been evident to me for some time. You can't keep bringing a knife to a gun fight. At some point, you have to get dirty. They need to hire a consultant fast. They're going to fuck this up and we'll all be the worse for it.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Hillary did not technically win shit!!! We are a representative Republic, the rules are fucking clear on what you need in order to claim victory. She did not go to Wisconsin at all ! She lost Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan ! She saw the map and acted stupid.
This is all true...however you seem to be arguing a different point from me...I voted for Hillary just because she was going against Trump...before that I voted for Sanders and Obama over her...her stupidity and arrogance don't need to be re-visited... but its also true that crosscheck and other disenfranchisement methods were in full effect and were mostly used by Repubs against Democratic voters....the Repubs cheated to win that election....this was aided by the Democratic strategy of "look...its Trump...nobody is voting for this guy"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They are trying to continue to support the corporate agenda while hoping that Trump hatred will be enough for them to win....and they may be right...technically, Hillary did "win" in 2016 ...Dems have a way of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory though

Hillary didn't technically win a damn thing.

You cats that love excuses act like the Electoral College is something new and they changed the rules to snatch away her victory.

She won the two of the most populated states which is why she had more votes.

But she still lost more states than she won...and she lost states that Obama won twice.

When you start blaming the candidate and the DNC then you will heal


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is all true...however you seem to be arguing a different point from me...I voted for Hillary just because she was going against Trump...before that I voted for Sanders and Obama over her...her stupidity and arrogance don't need to be re-visited... but its also true that crosscheck and other disenfranchisement methods were in full effect and were mostly used by Repubs against Democratic voters....the Repubs cheated to win that election....this was aided by the Democratic strategy of "look...its Trump...nobody is voting for this guy"

Hillary's campaign and the Obama administration knew full well about Cross Check and refused to act on it.


Rising Star
Did y’all read past the headline? The actual content of the article isn’t nearly as dire as the headline. It’s more focused on strategy and messaging and how to take advantage of the head-winds.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Did y’all read past the headline? The actual content of the article isn’t nearly as dire as the headline. It’s more focused on strategy and messaging and how to take advantage of the head-winds.
Yeah..but people been talking about this for a while... Dems not having a strategy....not giving people a message of change...this dedication to corporate power....this "but, but...its Trump!" strategy...they marginalizing the progressive wing of the party again...for all intents and purposes, they moving like its 2016 all over again...even if its not dire, we need them to act like it is

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Hillary didn't technically win a damn thing.

You cats that love excuses act like the Electoral College is something new and they changed the rules to snatch away her victory.

She won the two of the most populated states which is why she had more votes.

But she still lost more states than she won...and she lost states that Obama won twice.

When you start blaming the candidate and the DNC then you will heal

Haven't been paying much attention to this shit. Just seems like the DNC hasn't learned its lesson.


Rising Star
Yeah..but people been talking about this for a while... Dems not having a strategy....not giving people a message of change...this dedication to corporate power....this "but, but...its Trump!" strategy...they marginalizing the progressive wing of the party again...for all intents and purposes, they moving like its 2016 all over again...even if its not dire, we need them to act like it is

No doubt.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah..but people been talking about this for a while... Dems not having a strategy....not giving people a message of change...this dedication to corporate power....this "but, but...its Trump!" strategy...they marginalizing the progressive wing of the party again...for all intents and purposes, they moving like its 2016 all over again...even if its not dire, we need them to act like it is
Real talk. Republicans get elected and stay in office because they always claim the sky is falling when the opposition party is in power. We had maybe one of the best presidents of our generation in office, on an economic and employment upswing, working towards new tech and power innovations, and the GOP still convincing people they saved them from damn apocalypse or something.

Mind you, a lot of that is denial, hate, and flat out ignorance, but the fact remains they still spoke to it and used it. And it's not like they've stopped.

All this article is saying is that there needs to be less pointing at the GOP/Trump and saying, "Look...!" and more speaking to what the actual issues are. Actual talking points and discussions of problems and solutions versus just hoping people stay mad at Trump for another 6 months. Because for better or worse (mainly worse), Trump and the GOP's behavior has been normalized on a level. You aren't going to break that just by throwing your hands up and looking outraged.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Hilary was presumed to win the election. Are democrats setting themselves up for another moral victory? What if they don’t win the house?

I’m going to try to make a thread after Primary Season ends. I will try to post articles in a central thread detailing races in competitive districts.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
DNC is trash! They need new blood.

A new report shows how high the stakes are this fall

By Paul Waldman May 10 at 1:59 PM Email the author

Opinion | The primaries were a win for Trump and the establishment
Opinion writers Ruth Marcus and Stephen Stromberg analyze the results of the Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia and North Carolina primary election. (The Washington Post)

If there really is going to be a “blue wave” this November, the result will be not just Democrats potentially taking control of one or both houses of Congress, but Democratic gains in state legislatures as well. And if Democrats find themselves in a stronger position at the state level, they’ll have an opportunity to move the country in a dramatically more progressive direction.

In order to take full advantage of that opportunity — the way Republicans have in recent years — they have to not just win seats and control of chambers, they also have to know what they want to do with them. And this, to be frank, is something Democrats haven’t been all that great at articulating, at least not in an organized way that makes for a common agenda being implemented in multiple places at once.

Which is why the Center for American Progress, the most prominent Democrat-aligned think tank, released a report on Thursday entitled “Bold Ideas for State Action.” The report, which I got a look at before its release, is meant to provide a menu of policies that state legislators can pursue.

If nothing else, documents such as this remind us that the complaint that the Democratic apparatus doesn’t have an agenda, or is too focused on being anti-Trump, is completely bogus. Indeed, you’ve probably heard these kinds of proposals from Democrats many times before. To be clear, that’s not a bad thing; it shows the party has consistent beliefs and ideas about how to put those ideas into action. They have 11 different policy areas, but I’ll outline just a few to give you a flavor of their proposals, all of which concern potential state-level action:

Economy: Restore basic employee protections; expand apprenticeships; expand state earned income tax credits; establish wage boards; expand collective bargaining; fight anti-competitive practices; open markets; create a subsidized jobs program; strengthen retirement security.

Education: Raise teacher pay; move to a 9-to-5 school day; boost technical and workplace training; improve mental health services in schools; provide free community college; enhance adult education; implement a student-loan borrowers’ bill of rights; improve data systems to track higher education outcomes.

Health care: Implement bundled payments for all payers and global budgets for hospitals; expand home visiting services; combat misuse of opioids; enact price transparency and price gouging legislation for prescription drugs; preserve Affordable Care Act consumer protections; establish reinsurance programs to hold down premiums; create a Medicaid buy-in for workers with disabilities.

Restoring democracy: Limit special interest power; improve ethics and campaign finance requirements; require candidates to disclose tax returns; enact automatic voter registration; improve election security; restore citizens’ voting rights.

If you were a Democrat running for state representative somewhere, this could be valuable, since it seems pitched at about the level of detail usually demanded of candidates: meaty enough to offer some specifics if they’re pressed, but not so deep into the policy weeds that voters wouldn’t be able to follow along. In fact, any Democratic candidate could probably take these pages, copy and paste them into the “Issues” section of their website, and they’d be all set.


Trump warns GOP about midterms: ‘We cannot be complacent’
During a speech in Richfield, Ohio, on March 29, President Trump warned Republicans about the 2018 midterms. “We cannot be complacent,” he said. (The Washington Post)

That may be more useful than it appears. It is important to realize that, even though state legislative races are getting more expensive and more nationalized, your average state representative doesn’t have a lot resources to analyze problems and devise creative solutions. In some places, the job is part-time, they have small staffs, and a lot of our collective policy energy is expended at the national level.

And action on the state level may be an important way to move in a progressive direction in the near future. Even if Democrats have a terrific election in November, they’ll have to wait for at least two years before they can actually put any of their ideas into action in Washington. They may be able to hamstring the Trump administration, but they won’t be able to see things like a higher minimum wage or health-care reforms passed into law at the national level.

In the meantime, policy will be made in the states, with dramatic consequences for Americans’ lives.

Here’s some new data from the Gallup-Sharecare Well Being Index that drives this point home. It finds that the uninsured rate is actually rising in 17 states:

Among the 17 states with meaningful increases, the uninsured rates for four states rose at least three percentage points: West Virginia, New Mexico, Iowa and Hawaii. The remaining states with statistically significant increases were Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wisconsin.

If Republicans in state governments get their way, the number of uninsured will continue to rise, particularly among the most vulnerable populations. The Trump administration is encouraging states to impose work requirements on Medicaid, which are designed to force recipients to navigate a bureaucratic maze and provide justification for throwing as many people off the program as possible. But the decision to do it happens state by state. And if Democrats can regain some ground on the state level, they can do more to prevent such policies, or even in some cases try to get states that haven’t yet done so to opt into the Medicaid expansion.

Meanwhile, Democrats have been moving aggressively in a progressive direction in states they already control. The Center for American Progress report details many things that have been proposed or implemented in places such as California, Oregon, or Massachusetts over the last few years — such as increasing their minimum wages, expanding voting rights, legalizing marijuana, and passing restrictions on guns, among other things.

The result is that we really are becoming two very different Americas, depending on who’s in charge in the state where you live.

But Democrats still do not have their act together when it comes to fighting on the state level, at least not to the degree Republicans do. In recent years, Democrats have told themselves time and again that they need a counterpart to the American Legislative Exchange Council, the corporate-funded organization that connects and coordinates state Republican legislators to advance a unified conservative agenda across the country. Every couple of years, some Democrats create a new organization they claim is going to be their version of ALEC, but those groups never have quite the same success.

Nevertheless, it sends an important signal when an influential group like the Center for American Progress puts at least some of its focus on state government. As difficult as it is to get people to look away from Washington while President Trump is in office, the states are where most of the policy action is going to be in the near future. Which is another reason the stakes in this fall’s elections are really, really high.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Craziness! If it wasn't for following politics on BGOL I wouldn't even have known about the recent elections and upcoming mid-terms

So think about everyday folks that just go to work and come home.

How many voting people even know there will be a Mid-Term?

How many voting people actually know what it means and it's importance?

I don't know what the solution is but there needs to be some serious campaigning and marketing like this is the presidential elections or something.

This present course is not going to get it done.


Professional Bastard Bum
Platinum Member
Trump got the retard white vote on lock.
There are a lot of blacks who love trump.
Trump has hijacked the Republican Party.
Unless something derails him, he will be around a long time.
He already floating serving pass 2 terms.
This is the new paradigm of American politics.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Establishment wins again. Burn the dam Democratic party to the ground and start some new shit. Let the Democrats go the way of the Whigs. We need someone to represent the people.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Trump got the retard white vote on lock.
There are a lot of blacks who love trump.
Trump has hijacked the Republican Party.
Unless something derails him, he will be around a long time.
He already floating serving pass 2 terms.
This is the new paradigm of American politics.

I'm not saying it couldn't happen. But let's suppose for a moment that somehow he survives this Mueller investigation and Cohen and Stormy etc.

How in the world do people still go out in droves to elect him to a 2nd term?

Especially to those in his base that didn't know what he was prior to this?

How do you lose as a dem to a candidate that has committed more crap that someone serving 2 life sentences?

How are you not motivated as a dem-based to find the crack-head down the street that can still vote to go out an vote?


Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor

Hillary did not technically win shit!!! We are a representative Republic, the rules are fucking clear on what you need in order to claim victory. She did not go to Wisconsin at all ! She lost Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan ! She saw the map and acted stupid.

Nah. Let some of these cats tell it, the only reason she lost was because of Bernie Sanders.

Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor
Craziness! If it wasn't for following politics on BGOL I wouldn't even have known about the recent elections and upcoming mid-terms

So you’re not aware of the fact that elections occur in this country every two years?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'll add this final piece and say Trump is a kind of "thing" that's never been publically seen in American politics. A white man that openly says I hate " blacks and other minorities etc" here's how they are rotting our country, taking from its wealth, and we need to get rid of them.

Ironically, he sounds very much like another individual that non-Aryan people should remember very well.

It's even more ironic, how the trends of history are right at our doorsteps and the falsehoods and tricks it used then people are falling for today.

Goes to show you no matter what the time period man's heart will always be consumed by evil and his actions to do it's will.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So you’re not aware of the fact that elections occur in this country every two years?

My point is to admit prior to these discussions, I wasn't an active participant in these elections. I'm confident in saying most working 9-5 Americans aren't either.

I'd go further and say what we've been discussing here for the past couple of months puts us in the above average category when it comes to Americans and their awareness of what's happening in their countries politics and politicians.

The majority of voting capable people don't follow this stuff to the depths that they need to.
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hillary did not technically win shit!!! We are a representative Republic, the rules are fucking clear on what you need in order to claim victory. She did not go to Wisconsin at all ! She lost Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan ! She saw the map and acted stupid.

Trump didn't go to Wisconsin either.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Jimmy Dore always goes in on the Demos.

They have no platform to support the people because they are afraid of offending donors.

Money in politics have destroyed the democrat party.

One of his many videos going in on them.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Humpff... The DNC and the so called Democrats in Washington will take 1 or 2 more good ass kickings before they wake the fuck up.